32 research outputs found

    Solving the 100 Swiss Francs Problem

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    Sturmfels offered 100 Swiss Francs in 2005 to a conjecture, which deals with a special case of the maximum likelihood estimation for a latent class model. This paper confirms the conjecture positively

    Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Curry and Flurry using Correlated Messages

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    In \cite{BPW}, Buchmann, Pyshkin and Weinmann have described two families of Feistel and SPN block ciphers called Flurry and Curry respectively. These two families of ciphers are fully parametrizable and have a sound design strategy against basic statistical attacks; i.e. linear and differential attacks. The encryption process can be easily described by a set of algebraic equations. These ciphers are then targets of choices for algebraic attacks. In particular, the key recovery problem has been reduced to changing the order of a Groebner basis \cite{BPW,BPWext}. This attack - although being more efficient than linear and differential attacks - remains quite limited. The purpose of this paper is to overcome this limitation by using a small number of suitably chosen pairs of message/ciphertext for improving algebraic attacks. It turns out that this approach permits to go one step further in the (algebraic) cryptanalysis of Flurry and \textbf{Curry}. To explain the behavior of our attack, we have established an interesting connection between algebraic attacks and high order differential cryptanalysis \cite{Lai}. From extensive experiments, we estimate that our approach, that we can call an ``algebraic-high order differential cryptanalysis, is polynomial when the Sbox is a power function. As a proof of concept, we have been able to break Flurry -- up to 88 rounds -- in few hours

    On the Static Diffie-Hellman Problem on Elliptic Curves over Extension Fields

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    We show that for any elliptic curve E(Fqn ), if an adversary has access to a Static Diffie-Hellman Problem (Static DHP) oracle, then by making O(q1− 1/n+1) Static DHP oracle queries during an initial learning phase, for fixed n > 1 and q → ∞ the adversary can solve any further instance of the Static DHP in heuristic time O˜(q1− 1/n+1). Our proposal also solves the Delayed Target DHP as defined by Freeman, and naturally extends to provide algorithms for solving the Delayed Target DLP, the One-More DHP and One-More DLP, as studied by Koblitz and Menezes in the context of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of small genus. We also argue that for any group in which index calculus can be effectively applied, the above problems have a natural relationship, and will always be easier than the DLP. While practical only for very small n, our algorithm reduces the security provided by the elliptic curves defined over Fp2 and Fp4 proposed by Galbraith, Lin and Scott at EUROCRYPT 2009, should they be used in any protocol where a user can be made to act as a proxy Static DHP oracle, or if used in protocols whose security is related to any of the above problems

    FGb: a library for computing Gröbner bases

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    Abstract. FGb is a high-performance, portable, C library for computing Gröbner bases over the integers and over finite fields. FGb provides high quality implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms (F4 and F5) for computing Gröbner bases. Currently, it is one of the best implementation of these algorithms, in terms of both speed and robustness. For instance, FGb has been used to break several cryptosystems. 1 Introduction- Polynomial System Solving- Gröbner Bases Solving efficiently polynomial system of equations is a fundamental problem in Computer Algebra with many applications. Let K be a field and L ⊃ K. The problem is: Find z = (z1,...,zn) ∈ L n

    A Column-Pivoting Based Strategy for Monomial Ordering in Numerical Gröbner Basis Calculations

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    This paper presents a new fast approach to improving stability in polynomial equation solving. Gröbner basis techniques for equation solving have been applied successfully to several geometric computer vision problems. However, in many cases these methods are plagued by numerical problems. An interesting approach to stabilising the computations is to study basis selection for the quotient space C[x]/I . In this paper, the exact matrix computations involved in the solution procedure are clarified and using this knowledge we propose a new fast basis selection scheme based on QR-factorization with column pivoting. We also propose an adaptive scheme for truncation of the Gröbner basis to further improve stability. The new basis selection strategy is studied on some of the latest reported uses of Gröbner basis methods in computer vision and we demonstrate a fourfold increase in speed and nearly as good overall precision as the previous SVD-based method. Moreover, we get typically get similar or better reduction of the largest errors

    Generic and Parallel Groebner Bases in JAS

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