941 research outputs found

    Effect of methyl groups on the thermal properties of polyesters from methyl substituted 1,4-butanediols and 4,4'-biphenyldicarboxylic acid

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    Results are reported on the effect of lateral methyl groups on the thermal properties of a series of polyesters prepared from diethyl 4,4-biphenyldicarboxylate and various methyl substituted 1,4-butanediols. The diols were 1,4-butanediol; 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol; 2,2-dimethyl-1,4-butanediol; 2,3-dimethyl-1,4-butanediol; 2,2,3-trimethyl-1,4-butanediol; and 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl-1,4-butanediol. Apart from the tetramethyl derivatve, the transition temperatures of the methyl substituted polyesters were lower with respect of the unsubstituted polyester. On the basis of polarized photomicrographs, a smectic A mesophase was found for the unsubstituted polyester, whereas a nematic mesophase was observed for the 2-methyl substituted polyster. The 2,2-dimethyl, 2,3-dimethyl, and the 2,2,3-trimethyl substituted polyesters showed no liquid crystalline behavior. The 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl derivative displayed a birefringent melt phase although the DSC measurements were not unambiguous. A copolyester based on diethyl 4,4-biphenyldicarboxylate, 1,4-butanediol, and 2,2,3,3-tetramethyl-1,4-butanediol showed a broad nematic mesophase. Further evidence for the nematic mesophase of this copolyester and the 2-methyl substituted polyester was provided by dynamic rheological experiments. Based on thermogravimetric analysis, it was concluded that the thermal stability was affected only when four methyl side groups were present in the spacer

    Stability of Monomer-Dimer Piles

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    We measure how strong, localized contact adhesion between grains affects the maximum static critical angle, theta_c, of a dry sand pile. By mixing dimer grains, each consisting of two spheres that have been rigidly bonded together, with simple spherical monomer grains, we create sandpiles that contain strong localized adhesion between a given particle and at most one of its neighbors. We find that tan(theta_c) increases from 0.45 to 1.1 and the grain packing fraction, Phi, decreases from 0.58 to 0.52 as we increase the relative number fraction of dimer particles in the pile, nu_d, from 0 to 1. We attribute the increase in tan(theta_c(nu_d)) to the enhanced stability of dimers on the surface, which reduces the density of monomers that need to be accomodated in the most stable surface traps. A full characterization and geometrical stability analysis of surface traps provides a good quantitative agreement between experiment and theory over a wide range of nu_d, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures consisting of 21 eps files, submitted to PR

    Can Everett be Interpreted Without Extravaganza?

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    Everett's relative states interpretation of quantum mechanics has met with problems related to probability, the preferred basis, and multiplicity. The third theme, I argue, is the most important one. It has led to developments of the original approach into many-worlds, many-minds, and decoherence-based approaches. The latter especially have been advocated in recent years, in an effort to understand multiplicity without resorting to what is often perceived as extravagant constructions. Drawing from and adding to arguments of others, I show that proponents of decoherence-based approaches have not yet succeeded in making their ontology clear.Comment: Succinct analysis forthcoming in Found. Phy

    Epidemic Incidence in Correlated Complex Networks

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    We introduce a numerical method to solve epidemic models on the underlying topology of complex networks. The approach exploits the mean-field like rate equations describing the system and allows to work with very large system sizes, where Monte Carlo simulations are useless due to memory needs. We then study the SIR epidemiological model on assortative networks, providing numerical evidence of the absence of epidemic thresholds. Besides, the time profiles of the populations are analyzed. Finally, we stress that the present method would allow to solve arbitrary epidemic-like models provided that they can be described by mean-field rate equations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Final version published in PR

    Estrogen use and early onset Alzheimer's disease: a population-based study

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    Estrogen use may be protective for Alzheimer's disease with late onset. However, the effects on early onset Alzheimer's disease are unclear. This issue was studied in a population based setting. For each female patient, a female control was matched on age (within 5 years) and place of residence. Information on estrogen use and other risk factors were, for cases (n=109) and controls (n=119), collected from the next of kin by structured interview. The strength of the association between estrogen use and early onset Alzheimer's disease was studied using conditional logistic regression with adjustment for age and education level. There was an inverse association between estrogen use and early onset Alzheimer's disease (adjusted odds ratio 0.34; 95% confidence interval 0.12-0.94). The study therefore suggests that estrogen use is beneficial to Alzheimer's disease with early onset

    StoryLens: A Multiple Views Corpus for Location and EventDetection

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    The news media landscape tends to focus on long-running narratives. Correctly processing new information, therefore, requires considering multiple lenses when analyzing media content. Traditionally it would have been considered sufficient to extract the topics or entities contained in a text in order to classify it, but today it is important to also look at more sophisticated annotations related to fine-grained geolocation, events, stories and the relations between them. In order to leverage such lenses we propose a new corpus that offers a diverse set of annotations over texts collected from multiple media sources. We also showcase the framework used for creating the corpus, as well as how the information from the various lenses can be used in order to support different use cases in the EU project InVID for verifying the veracity of online video

    Improving Named Entity Linking Corpora Quality

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    Gold standard corpora and competitive evaluations play a key role in benchmarking named entity linking (NEL) performance and driving the development of more sophisticated NEL systems. The quality of the used corpora and the used evaluation metrics are crucial in this process. We, therefore, assess the quality of three popular evaluation corpora, identifying four major issues which affect these gold standards: (i) the use of different annotation styles, (ii) incorrect and missing annotations, (iii) Knowledge Base evolution, (iv) and differences in annotating co-occurrences. This paper addresses these issues by formalizing NEL annotations and corpus versioning which allows standardizing corpus creation, supports corpus evolution, and paves the way for the use of lenses to automatically transform between different corpus configurations. In addition, the use of clearly defined scoring rules and evaluation metrics ensures a better comparability of evaluation results

    Classical Vs Quantum Probability in Sequential Measurements

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    We demonstrate in this paper that the probabilities for sequential measurements have features very different from those of single-time measurements. First, they cannot be modelled by a classical stochastic process. Second, they are contextual, namely they depend strongly on the specific measurement scheme through which they are determined. We construct Positive-Operator-Valued measures (POVM) that provide such probabilities. For observables with continuous spectrum, the constructed POVMs depend strongly on the resolution of the measurement device, a conclusion that persists even if we consider a quantum mechanical measurement device or the presence of an environment. We then examine the same issues in alternative interpretations of quantum theory. We first show that multi-time probabilities cannot be naturally defined in terms of a frequency operator. We next prove that local hidden variable theories cannot reproduce the predictions of quantum theory for sequential measurements, even when the degrees of freedom of the measuring apparatus are taken into account. Bohmian mechanics, however, does not fall in this category. We finally examine an alternative proposal that sequential measurements can be modelled by a process that does not satisfy the Kolmogorov axioms of probability. This removes contextuality without introducing non-locality, but implies that the empirical probabilities cannot be always defined (the event frequencies do not converge). We argue that the predictions of this hypothesis are not ruled out by existing experimental results (examining in particular the "which way" experiments); they are, however, distinguishable in principle.Comment: 56 pages, latex; revised and restructured. Version to appear in Found. Phy

    A Regional News Corpora for Contextualized Entity Discovery and Linking

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    This paper presents a German corpus for Named Entity Linking (NEL) and Knowledge Base Population (KBP) tasks. We describe the annotation guideline, the annotation process, NIL clustering techniques and conversion to popular NEL formats such as NIF and TAC that have been used to construct this corpus based on news transcripts from the German regional broadcaster RBB (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg). Since creating such language resources requires significant effort, the paper also discusses how to derive additional evaluation resources for tasks like named entity contextualization or ontology enrichment by exploiting the links between named entities from the annotated corpus. The paper concludes with an evaluation that shows how several well-known NEL tools perform on the corpus, a discussion of the evaluation results, and with suggestions on how to keep evaluation corpora and datasets up to date

    Real World Interpretations of Quantum Theory

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    I propose a new class of interpretations, {\it real world interpretations}, of the quantum theory of closed systems. These interpretations postulate a preferred factorization of Hilbert space and preferred projective measurements on one factor. They give a mathematical characterisation of the different possible worlds arising in an evolving closed quantum system, in which each possible world corresponds to a (generally mixed) evolving quantum state. In a realistic model, the states corresponding to different worlds should be expected to tend towards orthogonality as different possible quasiclassical structures emerge or as measurement-like interactions produce different classical outcomes. However, as the worlds have a precise mathematical definition, real world interpretations need no definition of quasiclassicality, measurement, or other concepts whose imprecision is problematic in other interpretational approaches. It is natural to postulate that precisely one world is chosen randomly, using the natural probability distribution, as the world realised in Nature, and that this world's mathematical characterisation is a complete description of reality.Comment: Minor revisions. To appear in Foundations of Physic
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