31 research outputs found

    A rapid optical and X-ray timing study of the neutron star X-ray binary Swift J1858.6–0814

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    We present a rapid timing analysis of optical (HiPERCAM and ULTRACAM) and X-ray (NICER) observations of the X-ray transient Swift J1858.6−0814 during 2018 and 2019. The optical light curves show relatively slow, large amplitude (∼1 mag in gs) ‘blue’ flares (i.e. stronger at shorter wavelengths) on time-scales of ∼minutes as well as fast, small amplitude (∼0.1 mag in gs) ‘red’ flares (i.e. stronger at longer wavelengths) on time-scales of ∼seconds. The ‘blue’ and ‘red’ flares are consistent with X-ray reprocessing and optically thin synchrotron emission, respectively, similar to what is observed in other X-ray binaries. The simultaneous optical versus soft- and hard-band X-ray light curves show time- and energy-dependent correlations. The 2019 March 4 and parts of the June data show a nearly symmetric positive cross-correlations (CCFs) at positive lags consistent with simple X-ray disc reprocessing. The soft- and hard-band CCFs are similar and can be reproduced if disc reprocessing dominates in the optical and one component (disc or synchrotron Comptonization) dominates both the soft and hard X-rays. A part of the 2019 June data shows a very different CCFs. The observed positive correlation at negative lag in the soft band can be reproduced if the optical synchrotron emission is correlated with the hot flow X-ray emission. The observed timing properties are in qualitative agreement with the hybrid inner hot accretion flow model, where the relative role of the different X-ray and optical components that vary during the course of the outburst, as well as on shorter time-scales, govern the shape of the optical/X-ray CCFs

    Measuring fundamental jet properties with multiwavelength fast timing of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070

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    We present multiwavelength fast timing observations of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 (ASASSN-18ey), taken with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Array (ALMA), Very Large Telescope (VLT), New Technology Telescope (NTT), Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), and XMM–Newton. Our data set simultaneously samples 10 different electromagnetic bands (radio – X-ray) over a 7-h period during the hard state of the 2018–2019 outburst. The emission we observe is highly variable, displaying multiple rapid flaring episodes. To characterize the variability properties in our data, we implemented a combination of cross-correlation and Fourier analyses. We find that the emission is highly correlated between different bands, measuring time-lags ranging from hundreds of milliseconds between the X-ray/optical bands to minutes between the radio/sub-mm bands. Our Fourier analysis also revealed, for the first time in a black hole X-ray binary, an evolving power spectral shape with electromagnetic frequency. Through modelling these variability properties, we find that MAXI J1820+070 launches a highly relativistic (Γ=6.81−1.15+1.06\Gamma =6.81^{+1.06}_{-1.15}) and confined (ϕ=0.45−0.11+0.13\phi =0.45^{+0.13}_{-0.11} deg) jet, which is carrying a significant amount of power away from the system (equivalent to ∼0.6 L1−100keV\sim 0.6 \, L_{1-100{\rm keV}}). We additionally place constraints on the jet composition and magnetic field strength in the innermost jet base region. Overall, this work demonstrates that time-domain analysis is a powerful diagnostic tool for probing jet physics, where we can accurately measure jet properties with time-domain measurements alone

    Integration of palliative care into standard oncology care: American society of clinical oncology clinical practice guideline update

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    Purpose To provide evidence-based recommendations to oncology clinicians, patients, family and friend caregivers, and palliative care specialists to update the 2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) provisional clinical opinion (PCO) on the integration of palliative care into standard oncology care for all patients diagnosed with cancer. Methods ASCO convened an Expert Panel of members of the ASCO Ad Hoc Palliative Care Expert Panel to develop an update. The 2012 PCO was based on a review of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) by the National Cancer Institute Physicians Data Query and additional trials. The panel conducted an updated systematic review seeking randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and metaanalyses, as well as secondary analyses of RCTs in the 2012 PCO, published from March 2010 to January 2016. Results The guideline update reflects changes in evidence since the previous guideline. Nine RCTs, one quasiexperimental trial, and five secondary analyses from RCTs in the 2012 PCO on providing palliative care services to patients with cancer and/or their caregivers, including family caregivers, were found to inform the update. Recommendations Inpatients and outpatients with advanced cancer should receive dedicated palliative care services, early in the disease course, concurrent with active treatment. Referral of patients to interdisciplinary palliative care teams is optimal, and services may complement existing programs. Providers may refer family and friend caregivers of patients with early or advanced cancer to palliative care services

    A black hole x-ray binary at ∼100 Hz : multiwavelength timing of MAXI J1820+070 with HiPERCAM and NICER

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    We report on simultaneous sub-second optical and X-ray timing observations of the low mass X-ray binary black hole candidate MAXI J1820+070. The bright 2018 outburst rise allowed simultaneous photometry in five optical bands (ugrizs) with HiPERCAM/GTC (Optical) at frame rates over 100 Hz, together with NICER/ISS observations (X-rays). Intense (factor of two) red flaring activity in the optical is seen over a broad range of timescales down to ∼ 10 ms. Cross-correlating the bands reveals a prominent anti-correlation on timescales of ∼ seconds, and a narrow sub-second correlation at a lag of ≈ +165 ms (optical lagging X-rays). This lag increases with optical wavelength, and is approximately constant over Fourier frequencies of ∼ 0.3–10 Hz. These features are consistent with an origin in the inner accretion flow and jet base within ∼ 5000 Gravitational radii. An additional ∼ +5 s lag feature may be ascribable to disc reprocessing. MAXI J1820+070 is the third black hole transient to display a clear ∼ 0.1 s optical lag, which may be common feature in such objects. The sub-second lag variation with wavelength is novel, and may allow constraints on internal shock jet stratification models

    Puzzling blue dips in the black hole candidate Swift J1357.2−0933, from ULTRACAM, SALT, ATCA, Swift and NuSTAR

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    We present rapid, multiwavelength photometry of the low-mass X-ray binary Swift J1357.2-0933 during its 2017 outburst. Using several sets of quasi-simultaneous ULTRACAM/NTT (optical), NuSTAR (X-ray), XRT/Swift (X-ray), SALT (optical) and ATCA (radio) observations taken during outburst decline, we confirm the frequent optical dipping that has previously been noted both in outburst and in quiescence. We also find: 1) that the dip frequency decreases as the outburst decays, similar to what was seen in the previous outburst, 2) that the dips produce a shape similar to that in binary systems with partial disc occultations, 3) that the source becomes significantly bluer during these dips, indicating an unusual geometry compared to other LMXB dippers, and 4) that dip superposition analysis confirms the lack of an X-ray response to the optical dips. These very unusual properties appear to be unique to Swift J1357.2−0933, and are likely the result of a high binary inclination, as inferred from features such as its very low outburst X-ray luminosity. From this analysis as well as X-ray/optical timing correlations, we suggest a model with multi-component emission/absorption features with differing colours. This could include the possible presence of a sporadically occulted jet base and a recessed disc. This source still hosts many puzzling features, with consequences for the very faint X-ray transients population

    Swift Observation during the 2019 outburst of Swift J1357.2-0933

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    The Galactic black-hole candidate Swift J1357.2-0933 has been reported to be in a new outburst by the Zwicky Transient Factory (ZTF; Bellm et al 2019, PASP 131, 018002)