21,399 research outputs found

    Thermal activation energy of 3D vortex matter in NaFe1-xCoxAs (x=0.01, 0.03 and 0.07) single crystals

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    We report on the thermally activated flux flow dependency on the doping dependent mixed state in NaFe1-xCoxAs (x=0.01, 0.03, and 0.07) crystals using the magnetoresistivity in the case of B//c-axis and B//ab-plane. It was found clearly that irrespective of the doping ratio, magnetoresistivity showed a distinct tail just above the Tc, offset associated with the thermally activated flux flow (TAFF) in our crystals. Furthermore, in TAFF region the temperature dependence of the activation energy follows the relation U(T, B)=U_0 (B) (1-T/T_c )^q with q=1.5 in all studied crystals. The magnetic field dependence of the activation energy follows a power law of U_0 (B)~B^(-{\alpha}) where the exponent {\alpha} is changed from a low value to a high value at a crossover field of B=~2T, indicating the transition from collective to plastic pinning in the crystals. Finally, it is suggested that the 3D vortex phase is the dominant phase in the low-temperature region as compared to the TAFF region in our series samples

    Orientational Melting in Carbon Nanotube Ropes

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the possibility of an orientational melting transition within a "rope" of (10,10) carbon nanotubes. When twisting nanotubes bundle up during the synthesis, orientational dislocations or twistons arise from the competition between the anisotropic inter-tube interactions, which tend to align neighboring tubes, and the torsion rigidity that tends to keep individual tubes straight. We map the energetics of a rope containing twistons onto a lattice gas model and find that the onset of a free "diffusion" of twistons, corresponding to orientational melting, occurs at T_OM > 160 K.Comment: 4 page LaTeX file with 3 figures (10 PostScript files

    A Flattened Protostellar Envelope in Absorption around L1157

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    Deep Spitzer IRAC images of L1157 reveal many of the details of the outflow and the circumstellar environment of this Class 0 protostar. In IRAC band 4, 8 microns, there is a flattened structure seen in absorption against the background emission. The structure is perpendicular to the outflow and is extended to a diameter of 2 arcminutes. This structure is the first clear detection of a flattened circumstellar envelope or pseudo-disk around a Class 0 protostar. Such a flattened morphology is an expected outcome for many collapse theories that include magnetic fields or rotation. We construct an extinction model for a power-law density profile, but we do not constrain the density power-law index.Comment: ApJL accepte

    Charge and Orbital Ordering and Spin State Transition Driven by Structural Distortion in YBaCo_2O_5

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    We have investigated electronic structures of antiferromagnetic YBaCo_2O_5 using the local spin-density approximation (LSDA) + U method. The charge and orbital ordered insulating ground state is correctly obtained with the strong on-site Coulomb interaction. Co^{2+} and Co^{3+} ions are found to be in the high spin (HS) and intermediate spin (IS) state, respectively. It is considered that the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition is responsible for the ordering phenomena and the spin states of Co ions. The large contribution of the orbital moment to the total magnetic moment indicates that the spin-orbit coupling is also important in YBaCo_2O_5.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Rotating a Bose-Einstein condensate by shaking an anharmonic axisymmetric magnetic potential

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    We present an experimental method for rotating a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in an axisymmetric magnetic potential. This method is based on the anharmonicity of the trapping potential, which couples the center-of-mass motion of the condensate to its internal motion. By circularly shaking the trapping potential, we generate a circular center-of-mass motion of the condensate around the trap center. The circulating condensate undergoes rotating shape deformation and eventually relaxes into a rotating condensate with a vortex lattice. We discuss the vortex nucleation mechanism and in particular, the role of the thermal cloud in the relaxation process. Finally, we investigate the dependence of the vortex nucleation on the elliptical polarization of the trap shaking. The response of the condensate is asymmetric with respect to the sign of the shaking polarization, demonstrating the gauge field effect due to the spin texture of the condensate in the magnetic potential.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Testing Magnetic Field Models for the Class 0 Protostar L1527

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    For the Class 0 protostar, L1527, we compare 131 polarization vectors from SCUPOL/JCMT, SHARP/CSO and TADPOL/CARMA observations with the corresponding model polarization vectors of four ideal-MHD, non-turbulent, cloud core collapse models. These four models differ by their initial magnetic fields before collapse; two initially have aligned fields (strong and weak) and two initially have orthogonal fields (strong and weak) with respect to the rotation axis of the L1527 core. Only the initial weak orthogonal field model produces the observed circumstellar disk within L1527. This is a characteristic of nearly all ideal-MHD, non-turbulent, core collapse models. In this paper we test whether this weak orthogonal model also has the best agreement between its magnetic field structure and that inferred from the polarimetry observations of L1527. We found that this is not the case; based on the polarimetry observations the most favored model of the four is the weak aligned model. However, this model does not produce a circumstellar disk, so our result implies that a non-turbulent, ideal-MHD global collapse model probably does not represent the core collapse that has occurred in L1527. Our study also illustrates the importance of using polarization vectors covering a large area of a cloud core to determine the initial magnetic field orientation before collapse; the inner core magnetic field structure can be highly altered by a collapse and so measurements from this region alone can give unreliable estimates of the initial field configuration before collapse.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa