4,000 research outputs found

    Local vertical measurements and violation of Bell inequality

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    For two qubits belonging to Alice and Bob, we derive an approach to setup the bound of Bell operator in the condition that Alice and Bob continue to perform local vertical measurements. For pure states we find that if the entanglement of the two qubits is less than 0.2644 (measured with von Neumann entropy) the violation of the Bell inequality will never be realized, and only when the entanglement is equal to 1 the maximal violation (222\sqrt{2}) can occur. For specific form of mixed states, we prove that the bound of the Bell inequality depends on the concurrence. Only when the concurrence is greater than 0.6 the violation of the Bell inequality can occur, and the maximal violation can never be achieved. We suggest that the bound of the Bell operator in the condition of local vertical measurements may be used as a measure of the entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling in directed dynamical small-world networks with random responses

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    A dynamical model of small-world network, with directed links which describe various correlations in social and natural phenomena, is presented. Random responses of every site to the imput message are introduced to simulate real systems. The interplay of these ingredients results in collective dynamical evolution of a spin-like variable S(t) of the whole network. In the present model, global average spreading length \langel L >_s and average spreading time _s are found to scale as p^-\alpha ln N with different exponents. Meanwhile, S behaves in a duple scaling form for N>>N^*: S ~ f(p^-\beta q^\gamma t'_sc), where p and q are rewiring and external parameters, \alpha, \beta, \gamma and f(t'_sc) are scaling exponents and universal functions, respectively. Possible applications of the model are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 Figure

    Target-searching on the percolation

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    We study target-searching processes on a percolation, on which a hunter tracks a target by smelling odors it emits. The odor intensity is supposed to be inversely proportional to the distance it propagates. The Monte Carlo simulation is performed on a 2-dimensional bond-percolation above the threshold. Having no idea of the location of the target, the hunter determines its moves only by random attempts in each direction. For lager percolation connectivity p≳0.90p\gtrsim 0.90, it reveals a scaling law for the searching time versus the distance to the position of the target. The scaling exponent is dependent on the sensitivity of the hunter. For smaller pp, the scaling law is broken and the probability of finding out the target significantly reduces. The hunter seems trapped in the cluster of the percolation and can hardly reach the goal.Comment: 5 figure

    Electronic Structure in Gapped Graphene with Coulomb Potential

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    In this paper, we numerically study the bound electron states induced by long range Coulomb impurity in gapped graphene and the quasi-bound states in supercritical region based on the lattice model. We present a detailed comparison between our numerical simulations and the prediction of the continuum model which is described by the Dirac equation in (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). We also use the Fano's formalism to investigate the quasi-bound state development and design an accessible experiments to test the decay of the supercritical vacuum in the gapped graphene.Comment: 5 page, 4 figure

    Enhanced Strong Coupling between Spin Ensemble and non-Hermitian Topological Edge States

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    Light-matter interaction is crucial to both understanding fundamental phenomena and developing versatile applications. Strong coupling, robustness, and controllability are the three most important aspects in realizing light-matter interactions. Topological and non-Hermitian photonics, have provided frameworks for robustness and extensive control freedom, respectively. How to engineer the properties of the edge state such as photonic density of state, scattering parameters by using non-Hermitian engineering while ensuring topological protection has not been fully studied. Here we construct a parity-time-symmetric dimerized photonic lattice and generate complex-valued edge states via spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking. The enhanced strong coupling between the topological photonic edge mode and magnon mode in a ferromagnetic spin ensemble is demonstrated. Our research reveals the subtle non-Hermitian topological edge states and provides strategies for realizing and engineering topological light-matter interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    TransCORALNet: A Two-Stream Transformer CORAL Networks for Supply Chain Credit Assessment Cold Start

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    This paper proposes an interpretable two-stream transformer CORAL networks (TransCORALNet) for supply chain credit assessment under the segment industry and cold start problem. The model aims to provide accurate credit assessment prediction for new supply chain borrowers with limited historical data. Here, the two-stream domain adaptation architecture with correlation alignment (CORAL) loss is used as a core model and is equipped with transformer, which provides insights about the learned features and allow efficient parallelization during training. Thanks to the domain adaptation capability of the proposed model, the domain shift between the source and target domain is minimized. Therefore, the model exhibits good generalization where the source and target do not follow the same distribution, and a limited amount of target labeled instances exist. Furthermore, we employ Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) to provide more insight into the model prediction and identify the key features contributing to supply chain credit assessment decisions. The proposed model addresses four significant supply chain credit assessment challenges: domain shift, cold start, imbalanced-class and interpretability. Experimental results on a real-world data set demonstrate the superiority of TransCORALNet over a number of state-of-the-art baselines in terms of accuracy. The code is available on GitHub https://github.com/JieJieNiu/TransCORALN .Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Dot in Z-shaped Graphene Nanoribbon

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    Stimulated by recent advances in isolating graphene, we discovered that quantum dot can be trapped in Z-shaped graphene nanoribbon junciton. The topological structure of the junction can confine electronic states completely. By varying junction length, we can alter the spatial confinement and the number of discrete levels within the junction. In addition, quantum dot can be realized regardless of substrate induced static disorder or irregular edges of the junction. This device can be used to easily design quantum dot devices. This platform can also be used to design zero-dimensional functional nanoscale electronic devices using graphene ribbons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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