15 research outputs found

    Search for mouse gene related to GA733 human tumor antigen gene

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    Human antigen GA733-1, defined as 40 kDa cell glycoprotein, is one of the antigens associated with gastrointestinal carcinomas. Its studies may contribute to the tumor etiology and therapy effects in animal model

    Preliminary estimation of qualitative and quantitative changes in the pasture sward as affected by application of the multicomponent fertilizers

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    Studies on the fertilization of a pasture with fluid fertilizers

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    The influence of a soil bioconditioner on the microbiological state and enzymatic activity of the soil under Lolium perenne plantation

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    The influence of the Soleflor soil bioconditioner on the soil pH, its bioactivity (the population of selected groups of soil microorganisms, the enzymatic activity of the soil), the plant vigour expressed with the SPAD index and the perennial ryegrass sward yield were investigated in a two-year field experiment in a perennial ryegrass plantation. The influence of Soleflor on the soil pH and the population of microorganisms proved to be minimal, ambiguous and statistically insignificant. The preparation was observed to have minimal influence on the increase in the enzymatic activity of soil. A noticeable reaction to fertilisation with the Soleflor preparation was observed in the plants which in both treatments with the Soleflor showed significantly greater vigour and yield than in the control samples

    Influence of the Soleflor Soil Bioconditioner on the Microbiological State of Soil and the Vigour and Yield of Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata L.)

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    Monocultures, nearly 100% share of cereals in crop rotation, the absence of intercrops, one-sided NPK mineral fertilisation and the absence of organic fertilisation are some characteristic phenomena in contemporary agriculture. They lead to numerous unfavourable changes in the natural environment, ranging from impoverished agricultural landscape and its biodiversity to degraded biological properties and fertility of soil. One of the methods improving the functioning of such soils is the application of soil bioconditioners and improvers. They are supposed to improve the soil structure, increase the microbiological activity and, what is particularly important in organic farming, they are supposed to increase the bioavailability of mineral components, such as phosphorus and potassium, from the soil resources which are inaccessible to plants. We conducted a two-year experiment on an orchard grass plantation in a randomised block design. We studied the influence of the Soleflor soil bioconditioner on the soil pH, its bioactivity (the count of selected groups of soil microorganisms, the enzymatic activity), the plant vigour expressed with the SPAD index and the sward yield. The experimental factor was the quantity and frequency of use of the Soleflor bioconditioner. The factor was applied at three levels, i.e. the bioconditioner not applied, 300 kg ha-1 of the bioconditioner applied annually in spring before the vegetation period, 600 kg ha-1 of the bioconditioner applied once in two years in spring before the vegetation period. Identical standard NPK fertilisation was applied in each experimental combination. Soleflor is a preparation based on calcium carbonate enriched with sulphur, magnesium, polypeptides and carbohydrates. It proved to have minimal but noticeable influence on the soil pH, especially in the combination with 600 kg ha-1 of Soleflor. If the conditioner is applied regularly for many years, it will undoubtedly reduce the soil acidity. However, it is noteworthy that the experiment was conducted in a soil with high pH, which was close to neutral. If the conditioner had been applied in a soil with lower pH, the increase in pH would have been more effective in view of the requirements of plants and soil microorganisms. The influence of the Soleflor bioconditioner on the count of microorganisms was noticeable when there was a high total count of bacteria and high population of actinomyces. The quantities of both groups of microorganisms increased in combinations with Soleflor. Although the differences were not always statistically significant, the trend was noticeable and unequivocal. The enzymatic activity of soil was the biological parameter of soil with very equivocal and low reactions to Soleflor fertilisation. The strongest reaction to Soleflor was observed in plants. The application of the bioconditioner regularly increased both the vigour and yield of orchard grass