153 research outputs found

    Self-consistent calculation of particle-hole diagrams on the Matsubara frequency: FLEX approximation

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    We implement the numerical method of summing Green function diagrams on the Matsubara frequency axis for the fluctuation exchange (FLEX) approximation. Our method has previously been applied to the attractive Hubbard model for low density. Here we apply our numerical algorithm to the Hubbard model close to half filling (ρ=0.40\rho = 0.40), and for T/t=0.03T/t = 0.03, in order to study the dynamics of one- and two-particle Green functions. For the values of the chosen parameters we see the formation of three branches which we associate with the a two-peak structure in the imaginary part of the self-energy. From the imaginary part of the self-energy we conclude that our system is a Fermi liquid (for the temperature investigated here), since ImΣ(k,ω)w2\Sigma(\vec{k},\omega) \approx w^2 around the chemical potential. We have compared our fully self-consistent FLEX solutions with a lower order approximation where the internal Green functions are approximated by free Green functions. These two approches, i.e., the fully selfconsistent and the non-selfconsistent ones give different results for the parameters considered here. However, they have similar global results for small densities.Comment: seven pages, nine figures as ps files. Accepted in Int. J. Modern Phys. C (1997

    Domain Walls in Superfluid 3He-B

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    We consider domain walls between regions of superfluid 3He-B in which one component of the order parameter has the opposite sign in the two regions far from one another. We report calculations of the order parameter profile and the free energy for two types of domain wall, and discuss how these structures are relevant to superfluid 3He confined between two surfaces.Comment: 6 pages with 3 figures. Conference proceedings of QSF 2004, Trento, Ital

    Quasiparticle Band Structure and Density Functional Theory: Single-Particle Excitations and Band Gaps in Lattice Models

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    We compare the quasiparticle band structure for a model insulator obtained from the fluctuation exchange approximation (FEA) with the eigenvalues of the corresponding density functional theory (DFT) and local density approximation (LDA). The discontinuity in the exchange-correlation potential for this model is small and the FEA and DFT band structures are in good agreement. In contrast to conventional wisdom, the LDA for this model overestimates the size of the band gap. We argue that this is a consequence of an FEA self-energy that is strongly frequency dependent, but essentially local.Comment: 8 pages, and 5 figure

    Pseudogap Formation in the Symmetric Anderson Lattice Model

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    We present self-consistent calculations for the self-energy and magnetic susceptibility of the 2D and 3D symmetric Anderson lattice Hamiltonian, in the fluctuation exchange approximation. At high temperatures, strong f-electron scattering leads to broad quasiparticle spectral functions, a reduced quasiparticle band gap, and a metallic density of states. As the temperature is lowered, the spectral functions narrow and a pseudogap forms at the characteristic temperature TxT_x at which the width of the quasiparticle spectral function at the gap edge is comparable to the renormalized activation energy. For T<<TxT << T_x , the pseudogap is approximately equal to the hybridization gap in the bare band structure. The opening of the pseudogap is clearly apparent in both the spin susceptibility and the compressibility.Comment: RevTeX - 14 pages and 7 figures (available on request), NRL-JA-6690-94-002

    The Effect of Surfaces on the Tunneling Density of States of an Anisotropically Paired Superconductor

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    We present calculations of the tunneling density of states in an anisotropically paired superconductor for two different sample geometries: a semi-infinite system with a single specular wall, and a slab of finite thickness and infinite lateral extent. In both cases we are interested in the effects of surface pair breaking on the tunneling spectrum. We take the stable bulk phase to be of dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. Our calculations are performed within two different band structure environments: an isotropic cylindrical Fermi surface with a bulk order parameter of the form Δkx2ky2\Delta\sim k_x^2-k_y^2, and a nontrivial tight-binding Fermi surface with the order parameter structure coming from an anti-ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation model. In each case we find additional structures in the energy spectrum coming from the surface layer. These structures are sensitive to the orientation of the surface with respect to the crystal lattice, and have their origins in the detailed form of the momentum and spatial dependence of the order parameter. By means of tunneling spectroscopy, one can obtain information on both the anisotropy of the energy gap, |\Delta(\p)|, as well as on the phase of the order parameter, \Delta(\p) = |\Delta(\p)|e^{i\varphi(\p)}.Comment: 14 pages of revtex text with 11 compressed and encoded figures. To appear in J. Low Temp. Phys., December, 199

    Spectral Function of 2D Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the spectral function for single-particle excitations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid has Lorentzian shape in the low energy limit. Landau quasi-particles have a uniquely defined spectral weight and a decay rate which is much smaller than the quasi-particle energy. By contrast, perturbation theory and the T-matrix approximation yield spurious deviations from Fermi liquid behavior, which are particularly pronounced for a linearized dispersion relation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2e, 5 EPS figure

    On the Relationship Between the Pseudo- and Superconducting Gaps: Effects of Residual Pairing Correlations Below Tc

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    The existence of a normal state spectral gap in underdoped cuprates raises important questions about the associated superconducting phase. For example, how does this pseudogap evolve into its below Tc counterpart? In this paper we characterize this unusual superconductor by investigating the nature of the ``residual'' pseudogap below Tc and, find that it leads to an important distinction between the superconducting excitation gap and order parameter. Our approach is based on a conserving diagrammatic BCS Bose-Einstein crossover theory which yields the precise BCS result in weak coupling at any T<Tc and reproduces Leggett's results in the T=0 limit. We explore the resulting experimental implications.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages, 1 EPS figure (included