4,820 research outputs found

    The nucleotide sequence of a human immnnoglobulin C-gamma-1 gene

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    We report the nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding the constant region of a human immnnoglobulin γ1 heavy chain (Cγ1). A comparison of this sequence with those of the Cγ2 and Cγ4 genes reveals that these three human Cγ genes share considerable homology in both coding and noncoding regions. The nucleotide sequence differences indicate that these genes diverged from one another approximately 6–8 million years ago. An examination of hinge exons shows that these coding regions have evolved more rapidly than any other areas of the Cγ genes in terms of both base substitution and deletion–insertion events. Coding sequence diversity also is observed in areas of CH domains which border the hinge

    Real-Time Cavity QED with Single Atoms

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    The combination of cold atoms and large coherent coupling enables investigations in a new regime in cavity QED with single-atom trajectories monitored in real time with high signal-to-noise ratio. The underlying “vacuum-Rabi” splitting is clearly reflected in the frequency dependence of atomic transit signals recorded atom by atom, with evidence for mechanical light forces for intracavity photon number <1. The nonlinear optical response of one atom in a cavity is observed to be in accord with the one-atom quantum theory but at variance with semiclassical predictions

    The South Dakota cooperative land use effort: A state level remote sensing demonstration project

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    Remote sensing technology can satisfy or make significant contributions toward satisfying many of the information needs of governmental natural resource planners and policy makers. Recognizing this potential, the South Dakota State Planning Bureau and the EROS Data Center together formulated the framework for an ongoing Land Use and Natural Resource Inventory and Information System Program. Statewide land use/land cover information is generated from LANDSAT digital data and high altitude photography. Many applications of the system are anticipated as it evolves and data are added from more conventional sources. The conceptualization, design, and implementation of the program are discussed

    Discriminating cool-water from warm-water carbonates and their diagenetic environments using element geochemistry: the Oligocene Tikorangi Formation (Taranaki Basin) and the dolomite effect

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    Fields portrayed within bivariate element plots have been used to distinguish between carbonates formed in warm- (tropical) water and cool- (temperate) water depositional settings. Here, element concentrations (Ca, Mg, Sr, Na, Fe, and Mn) have been determined for the carbonate fraction of bulk samples from the late Oligocene Tikorangi Formation, a subsurface, mixed dolomite-calcite, cool-water limestone sequence in Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. While the occurrence of dolomite is rare in New Zealand Cenozoic carbonates, and in cool-water carbonates more generally, the dolomite in the Tikorangi carbonates is shown to have a dramatic effect on the "traditional" positioning of cool-water limestone fields within bivariate element plots. Rare undolomitised, wholly calcitic carbonate samples in the Tikorangi Formation have the following average composition: Mg 2800 ppm; Ca 319 100 ppm; Na 800 ppm; Fe 6300 ppm; Sr 2400 ppm; and Mn 300 ppm. Tikorangi Formation dolomite-rich samples (>15% dolomite) have average values of: Mg 53 400 ppm; Ca 290 400 ppm; Na 4700 ppm; Fe 28 100 ppm; Sr 5400 ppm; and Mn 500 ppm. Element-element plots for dolomite-bearing samples show elevated Mg, Na, and Sr values compared with most other low-Mg calcite New Zealand Cenozoic limestones. The increased trace element contents are directly attributable to the trace element-enriched nature of the burial-derived dolomites, termed here the "dolomite effect". Fe levels in the Tikorangi Formation carbonates far exceed both modern and ancient cool-water and warm-water analogues, while Sr values are also higher than those in modern Tasmanian cool-water carbonates, and approach modern Bahaman warm-water carbonate values. Trace element data used in conjunction with more traditional petrographic data have aided in the diagenetic interpretation of the carbonate-dominated Tikorangi sequence. The geochemical results have been particularly useful for providing more definitive evidence for deep burial dolomitisation of the deposits under the influence of marine-modified pore fluids

    Coronal heating in multiple magnetic threads

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    Context. Heating the solar corona to several million degrees requires the conversion of magnetic energy into thermal energy. In this paper, we investigate whether an unstable magnetic thread within a coronal loop can destabilise a neighbouring magnetic thread. Aims. By running a series of simulations, we aim to understand under what conditions the destabilisation of a single magnetic thread can also trigger a release of energy in a nearby thread. Methods. The 3D magnetohydrodynamics code, Lare3d, is used to simulate the temporal evolution of coronal magnetic fields during a kink instability and the subsequent relaxation process. We assume that a coronal magnetic loop consists of non-potential magnetic threads that are initially in an equilibrium state. Results. The non-linear kink instability in one magnetic thread forms a helical current sheet and initiates magnetic reconnection. The current sheet fragments, and magnetic energy is released throughout that thread. We find that, under certain conditions, this event can destabilise a nearby thread, which is a necessary requirement for starting an avalanche of energy release in magnetic threads. Conclusions. It is possible to initiate an energy release in a nearby, non-potential magnetic thread, because the energy released from one unstable magnetic thread can trigger energy release in nearby threads, provided that the nearby structures are close to marginal stability

    Real-time cavity QED with single atoms

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    We report the first measurement of the real-time evolution of the complex field amplitude brought on by single atom transits. We show the variation in time of both quadrature amplitudes (simultaneously recorded) of the light transmitted through the cavity, as well the resultant optical phase for a single atom transit event. In this particular measurement, the cavity and laser were both detuned by 10 MHz from the Cs resonance

    A gas-liquid solid phase peptide and protein sequenator

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    A new miniaturized protein and peptide sequenator has been constructed which uses gas phase reagents at the coupling and cleavage steps of the Edman degradation. The sample is embedded in a matrix of Polybrene dried onto a porous glass fiber disc located in a small cartridge-style reaction cell. The protein or peptide, though not covalently attached to the support, is essentially immobile throughout the degradative cycle, since only relatively apolar, liquid phase solvents pass through the cell. This instrument can give useful sequence data on as little as 5 pmol or protein, can perform extended sequence runs (greater than 30 residues) on subnanomole quantities of proteins purified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and can sequence hydrophobic peptides to completion. The sequenator is characterized by a high repetitive yield during the degradation, low reagent consumption, low maintenance requirements, and a degradative cycle time of only 50 min using a complete double cleavage program