3,954 research outputs found

    Proof of the Standard Quantum Limit for Monitoring Free-Mass Position

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    The measurement result of the moved distance for a free mass m during the time t between two position measurements cannot be predicted with uncertainty smaller than sqrt{hbar t/2m}. This is formulated as a standard quantum limit (SQL) and it has been proven to always hold for the following position measurement: a probe is set in a prescribed position before the measurement. Just after the interaction of the mass with the probe, the probe position is measured, and using this value, the measurement results of the pre-measurement and post-measurement positions are estimated.Comment: 4 pages, no figur

    Quantum Control Landscapes

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    Numerous lines of experimental, numerical and analytical evidence indicate that it is surprisingly easy to locate optimal controls steering quantum dynamical systems to desired objectives. This has enabled the control of complex quantum systems despite the expense of solving the Schrodinger equation in simulations and the complicating effects of environmental decoherence in the laboratory. Recent work indicates that this simplicity originates in universal properties of the solution sets to quantum control problems that are fundamentally different from their classical counterparts. Here, we review studies that aim to systematically characterize these properties, enabling the classification of quantum control mechanisms and the design of globally efficient quantum control algorithms.Comment: 45 pages, 15 figures; International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, Vol. 26, Iss. 4, pp. 671-735 (2007

    Quantum Parrondo's game with random strategies

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    We present a quantum implementation of Parrondo's game with randomly switched strategies using 1) a quantum walk as a source of ``randomness'' and 2) a completely positive (CP) map as a randomized evolution. The game exhibits the same paradox as in the classical setting where a combination of two losing strategies might result in a winning strategy. We show that the CP-map scheme leads to significantly lower net gain than the quantum walk scheme

    Classical Correlations and Entanglement in Quantum Measurements

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    We analyze a quantum measurement where the apparatus is initially in a mixed state. We show that the amount of information gained in a measurement is not equal to the amount of entanglement between the system and the apparatus, but is instead equal to the degree of classical correlations between the two. As a consequence, we derive an uncertainty-like expression relating the information gain in the measurement and the initial mixedness of the apparatus. Final entanglement between the environment and the apparatus is also shown to be relevant for the efficiency of the measurement.Comment: to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Correlated interaction fluctuations in photosynthetic complexes

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    The functioning and efficiency of natural photosynthetic complexes is strongly influenced by their embedding in a noisy protein environment, which can even serve to enhance the transport efficiency. Interactions with the environment induce fluctuations of the transition energies of and interactions between the chlorophyll molecules, and due to the fact that different fluctuations will partially be caused by the same environmental factors, correlations between the various fluctuations will occur. We argue that fluctuations of the interactions should in general not be neglected, as these have a considerable impact on population transfer rates, decoherence rates and the efficiency of photosynthetic complexes. Furthermore, while correlations between transition energy fluctuations have been studied, we provide the first quantitative study of the effect of correlations between interaction fluctuations and transition energy fluctuations, and of correlations between the various interaction fluctuations. It is shown that these additional correlations typically lead to changes in interchromophore transfer rates, population oscillations and can lead to a limited enhancement of the light harvesting efficiency

    Nonmonotonic energy harvesting efficiency in biased exciton chains

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    We theoretically study the efficiency of energy harvesting in linear exciton chains with an energy bias, where the initial excitation is taking place at the high-energy end of the chain and the energy is harvested (trapped) at the other end. The efficiency is characterized by means of the average time for the exciton to be trapped after the initial excitation. The exciton transport is treated as the intraband energy relaxation over the states obtained by numerically diagonalizing the Frenkel Hamiltonian that corresponds to the biased chain. The relevant intraband scattering rates are obtained from a linear exciton-phonon interaction. Numerical solution of the Pauli master equation that describes the relaxation and trapping processes, reveals a complicated interplay of factors that determine the overall harvesting efficiency. Specifically, if the trapping step is slower than or comparable to the intraband relaxation, this efficiency shows a nonmonotonic dependence on the bias: it first increases when introducing a bias, reaches a maximum at an optimal bias value, and then decreases again because of dynamic (Bloch) localization of the exciton states. Effects of on-site (diagonal) disorder, leading to Anderson localization, are addressed as well.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Tuning phase transition between quantum spin Hall and ordinary insulating phases

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    An effective theory is constructed for analyzing a generic phase transition between the quantum spin Hall and the insulator phases. Occurrence of degeneracies due to closing of the gap at the transition are carefully elucidated. For systems without inversion symmetry the gap-closing occurs at \pm k_0(\neq G/2) while for systems with inversion symmetry, the gap can close only at wave-numbers k=G/2, where G is a reciprocal lattice vector. In both cases, following a unitary transformation which mixes spins, the system is represented by two decoupled effective theories of massive two-component fermions having masses of opposite signs. Existence of gapless helical modes at a domain wall between the two phases directly follows from this formalism. This theory provides an elementary and comprehensive phenomenology of the quantum spin Hall system.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Universal Uncertainty Principle in the Measurement Operator Formalism

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    Heisenberg's uncertainty principle has been understood to set a limitation on measurements; however, the long-standing mathematical formulation established by Heisenberg, Kennard, and Robertson does not allow such an interpretation. Recently, a new relation was found to give a universally valid relation between noise and disturbance in general quantum measurements, and it has become clear that the new relation plays a role of the first principle to derive various quantum limits on measurement and information processing in a unified treatment. This paper examines the above development on the noise-disturbance uncertainty principle in the model-independent approach based on the measurement operator formalism, which is widely accepted to describe a class of generalized measurements in the field of quantum information. We obtain explicit formulas for the noise and disturbance of measurements given by the measurement operators, and show that projective measurements do not satisfy the Heisenberg-type noise-disturbance relation that is typical in the gamma-ray microscope thought experiments. We also show that the disturbance on a Pauli operator of a projective measurement of another Pauli operator constantly equals the square root of 2, and examine how this measurement violates the Heisenberg-type relation but satisfies the new noise-disturbance relation.Comment: 11 pages. Based on the author's invited talk at the 9th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR'2005), Besancon, France, May 2-6, 200

    Transferring elements of a density matrix

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    We study restrictions imposed by quantum mechanics on the process of matrix elements transfer. This problem is at the core of quantum measurements and state transfer. Given two systems \A and \B with initial density matrices λ\lambda and rr, respectively, we consider interactions that lead to transferring certain matrix elements of unknown λ\lambda into those of the final state r~{\widetilde r} of \B. We find that this process eliminates the memory on the transferred (or certain other) matrix elements from the final state of \A. If one diagonal matrix element is transferred, r~aa=λaa{\widetilde r}_{aa}=\lambda_{aa}, the memory on each non-diagonal element λa≠b\lambda_{a\not=b} is completely eliminated from the final density operator of \A. Consider the following three quantities \Re \la_{a\not =b}, \Im \la_{a\not =b} and \la_{aa}-\la_{bb} (the real and imaginary part of a non-diagonal element and the corresponding difference between diagonal elements). Transferring one of them, e.g., \Re\tir_{a\not = b}=\Re\la_{a\not = b}, erases the memory on two others from the final state of \A. Generalization of these set-ups to a finite-accuracy transfer brings in a trade-off between the accuracy and the amount of preserved memory. This trade-off is expressed via system-independent uncertainty relations which account for local aspects of the accuracy-disturbance trade-off in quantum measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 2 table

    Designing Dirac points in two-dimensional lattices

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    We present a framework to elucidate the existence of accidental contacts of energy bands, particularly those called Dirac points which are the point contacts with linear energy dispersions in their vicinity. A generalized von-Neumann-Wigner theorem we propose here gives the number of constraints on the lattice necessary to have contacts without fine tuning of lattice parameters. By counting this number, one could quest for the candidate of Dirac systems without solving the secular equation. The constraints can be provided by any kinds of symmetry present in the system. The theory also enables the analytical determination of k-point having accidental contact by selectively picking up only the degenerate solution of the secular equation. By using these frameworks, we demonstrate that the Dirac points are feasible in various two-dimensional lattices, e.g. the anisotropic Kagome lattice under inversion symmetry is found to have contacts over the whole lattice parameter space. Spin-dependent cases, such as the spin-density-wave state in LaOFeAs with reflection symmetry, are also dealt with in the present scheme.Comment: 15pages, 9figures (accepted to Phys. Rev. B
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