31 research outputs found

    Embolization of a hemmorrhoidal artery for rectorrhages caused by the exeresis of a polyp

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    Les auteurs ont réussi, grâce à l'embolisation artérielle, à juguler des rectorragies incoercibles survenues après exérèse d'un polype rectal résiduel chez un patient ayant subi deux ans auparavant une colectomie totale pour polypose recto-colique. A cette occasion, ils passent en revue l'historique, la technique, les diverses indications et les complications de cette nouvelle méthode d'hémostase paraissant pleine de promesses, en particulier pour le traitement d'urgence de certaines hémorragies digestives

    Activity and phenotype of natural killer cells in peptide transporter (TAP)-deficient patients (type I bare lymphocyte syndrome).

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    In this paper we describe the function and phenotype of natural killer (NK) lymphocytes from HLA class I-deficient patients. These cells are, as has been previously reported, unable to lyse HLA class I- K562 cells, but are able to perform antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), although with lower efficiency as compared to NK cells from normal individuals. Transporter associated to antigen processing (TAP)- NK cells proliferate when cultured in the presence of lymphoblastoid B cells (B-LCs) and interleukin 2 and develop a spectrum of cytotoxicity similar to that of activated normal NK cells. Importantly, activation of the TAP- NK cells induces strong cytotoxicity to autologous B-LCs. Analysis of the phenotype of circulating TAP- NK lymphocytes showed them to display a normal diverse repertoire of HLA class I-specific NK receptors. These receptors were expressed at normal levels, apart from the CD94-NKG2A complex, which appeared to be overexpressed. This latter finding could reflect an adaptation to the low expression of HLA class I molecules. Finally, functional analyses indicated that the inhibitory receptors in TAP- individuals can transduce inhibitory signals. Our results suggest that in vivo, the NK cells of TAP- patients could participate in immune defense, at least through ADCC, but upon activation, may be involved in autoimmune processes

    Inefficient protection of human TAP-deficient fibroblasts from autologous NK cell-mediated lysis by cytokines inducing HLA class I expression.

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    We studied HLA class I expression and susceptibility to lysis of activated autologous NK cells in normal and TAP-deficient fibroblasts. These cells were cultured in the presence or absence of cytokines known to increase the surface expression of HLA class I molecules. All the cytokines tested (IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma + TNF-alpha) increased the expression of HLA class I molecules on fibroblasts after 48-h culture, but on TAP-deficient cells this expression remained very low as compared to that of normal cells. In the presence of IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma or IFN-gamma + TNF-alpha, normal target cells became resistant to lysis by autologous NK cells, whereas this effect was much less pronounced in the case of TAP-deficient fibroblasts. Addition of an anti-HLA class I mAb to fibroblasts treated with cytokines increased lysis of normal but not of TAP-deficient cells. These results suggest that activated TAP-deficient NK cells are strongly cytotoxic to normal autologous cells and that these cells cannot be efficiently protected by cytokines inducing HLA class I expression. Thus, in human TAP deficiency, activated NK cells may contribute to the progressive lung degradation which characterizes the clinical course of these patients