36 research outputs found

    Likelihood Geometry

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    We study the critical points of monomial functions over an algebraic subset of the probability simplex. The number of critical points on the Zariski closure is a topological invariant of that embedded projective variety, known as its maximum likelihood degree. We present an introduction to this theory and its statistical motivations. Many favorite objects from combinatorial algebraic geometry are featured: toric varieties, A-discriminants, hyperplane arrangements, Grassmannians, and determinantal varieties. Several new results are included, especially on the likelihood correspondence and its bidegree. These notes were written for the second author's lectures at the CIME-CIRM summer course on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry at Levico Terme in June 2013.Comment: 45 pages; minor changes and addition

    Classical R-Matrices and the Feigin-Odesskii Algebra via Hamiltonian and Poisson Reductions

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    We present a formula for a classical rr-matrix of an integrable system obtained by Hamiltonian reduction of some free field theories using pure gauge symmetries. The framework of the reduction is restricted only by the assumption that the respective gauge transformations are Lie group ones. Our formula is in terms of Dirac brackets, and some new observations on these brackets are made. We apply our method to derive a classical rr-matrix for the elliptic Calogero-Moser system with spin starting from the Higgs bundle over an elliptic curve with marked points. In the paper we also derive a classical Feigin-Odesskii algebra by a Poisson reduction of some modification of the Higgs bundle over an elliptic curve. This allows us to include integrable lattice models in a Hitchin type construction.Comment: 27 pages LaTe

    The combinatorics of plane curve singularities. How Newton polygons blossom into lotuses

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    This survey may be seen as an introduction to the use of toric and tropical geometry in the analysis of plane curve singularities, which are germs (C,o)(C,o) of complex analytic curves contained in a smooth complex analytic surface SS. The embedded topological type of such a pair (S,C)(S, C) is usually defined to be that of the oriented link obtained by intersecting CC with a sufficiently small oriented Euclidean sphere centered at the point oo, defined once a system of local coordinates (x,y)(x,y) was chosen on the germ (S,o)(S,o). If one works more generally over an arbitrary algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, one speaks instead of the combinatorial type of (S,C)(S, C). One may define it by looking either at the Newton-Puiseux series associated to CC relative to a generic local coordinate system (x,y)(x,y), or at the set of infinitely near points which have to be blown up in order to get the minimal embedded resolution of the germ (C,o)(C,o) or, thirdly, at the preimage of this germ by the resolution. Each point of view leads to a different encoding of the combinatorial type by a decorated tree: an Eggers-Wall tree, an Enriques diagram, or a weighted dual graph. The three trees contain the same information, which in the complex setting is equivalent to the knowledge of the embedded topological type. There are known algorithms for transforming one tree into another. In this paper we explain how a special type of two-dimensional simplicial complex called a lotus allows to think geometrically about the relations between the three types of trees. Namely, all of them embed in a natural lotus, their numerical decorations appearing as invariants of it. This lotus is constructed from the finite set of Newton polygons created during any process of resolution of (C,o)(C,o) by successive toric modifications.Comment: 104 pages, 58 figures. Compared to the previous version, section 2 is new. The historical information, contained before in subsection 6.2, is distributed now throughout the paper in the subsections called "Historical comments''. More details are also added at various places of the paper. To appear in the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities I, Springer, 202

    Compactifications of Moduli of Points and Lines in the Projective Plane

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    Projective duality identifies the moduli spaces B-n and X(3, n) parametrizing linearly general configurations of n points in P-2 and n lines in the dual P-2, respectively. The space X(3, n) admits Kapranov's Chow quotient comp actification (X) over bar (3, n), studied also by Lafforgue, Hacking, Keel, Tevelev, and Alexeev, which gives an example of a KSBA moduli space of stable surfaces: it carries a family of certain reducible degenerations of P-2 with n "broken lines". Gerritzen and Piwek proposed a dual perspective, a compact moduli space parametrizing certain reducible degenerations of P-2 with n smooth points. We investigate the relation between these approaches, answering a question of Kapranov from 2003