8 research outputs found

    Utjecaj morfoloŔkog tipa stanica na ekspresiju bcl-2, Ki-67 i p-53 u uvealnim melanomima

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    Uveal melanomas are known to be less aggressive malignant tumors compared with melanoma of other localizations but the same morphological characteristics. We hypothesized that immunohistochemical determination of expression of the known proliferation markers bcl-2 and ki-67, and p-53 as a suppressor gene marker, could better explain the biological behavior of uveal melanoma vs. melanoma of other localizations. Thirty cases of primary uveal melanoma of two levels of invasion were tested retrospectively for the presence of bcl-2, Ki-67 and p-53 proteins with the indirect peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunoenzyme method and three step ABC/AP method. The intensity of reaction was assessed by semiquantiative method.Usprkos morfoloÅ”koj građi sličnoj drugim melanomima, poznato je da uvealni melanomi imaju daleko bolju prognozu od melanoma drugih lokalizacija. Upravo stoga pretpostavili smo da bi određivanje ekspresije bcl-2, Ki-67 kao poznatih čimbenika proliferacije, te p-53 proteina u stanicama uvealnih melanoma moglo protumačiti ovakvo bioloÅ”ko ponaÅ”anje uvealnih melanoma. U tu svrhu ispitano je retrogradno 30 primarnih uvealnih melanoma stadija pT2 i pT3 na prisutnost bcl-2, Ki-67 i p-53 proteina indirektnom metodom peroksidaze-anti-peroksidaze i trofaznom metodom ABC/AP. Stupanj reaktivnosti određen je semikvantitativnom metodom

    Lymphocytic Adenohypophysitis Simulating a Pituitary Adenoma in a Pregnant Woman

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    The lymphocytic hypophysitis, appearing in women during the third trimester of pregnancy or early post-partum period, is a rare cause of hypopituitarism and pituitary enlargement. A 39 year-old woman presented in the 37th week of pregnancy with bilateral heteronymous quadrantanopsia, CT indicative of tumorous mass and symptoms of hypopituitarism with decreased thyroid hormone and thyrotrophin levels, and low normal level of cortisol. After the birth of a healthy male child the patient breastfed for 10 days, sight disturbances disappeared, but amenorrhea persisted. Upon admittance the visual field showed no abnormalities. MR of the sellar region confirmed previous CT findings. Endocrinological testing confirmed secondary hypothyroidism and cortisol deficiency, normal levels of prolactin with satisfactory reaction to thyroliberin. Histology showed mononuclear infiltration, and immunohistochemistry revealed T-cells (CD3) at the borders, and B-cells (CD20) in the follicular center. Due to enlargement of the pituitary associated with hypopituitarism, an incorrect diagnosis of a tumor could be mad

    Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate-Diaphorase (NADPH-d) Histochemistry Detecting NOS in Healthy and Chronically Inflamed Pulp

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    The aim of this study was to examine the expression of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity in human dental pulps and determine whether there are changes of the activity in chronically inflamed pulp tissue. Nineteen pulps with clinical diagnosis of chronic pulpitis were collected during endodontic treatment. The healthy controls were obtained from teeth extracted for orthodontic therapy. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by histological analysis. Healthy pulps showed stratified odontoblasts in peripheral parts, while in central area there was normal connective tissue. Chronically inflamed pulps showed less expressed stratification of odontoblasts and infiltration of lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, plasma cells and mastocytes. NADPH-d granular reactivity was assessed semi quantitatively under the light microscope by a single observer and scored on an intensity scale from negative reaction to very strong reaction. In healthy human pulps, NADPH-d activity was strong to very strong in odontoblastic layer. Endothelial cells and Schwann cells showed strong NADPH-d reactivity, while the other parts of central area were weakly positive. Similar distribution of reactivity was expressed also in chronically inflamed pulp; moderate to strong reaction was observed in stromal area as result of positive reaction in inflammatory cells and endothelial cells of abundant newly formed capillaries