2,870 research outputs found

    Plane-wave impulse approximation extraction of the neutron magnetic form factor from quasielastic ^3He(e,e') at Q^2=0.3 to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2

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    A high precision measurement of the transverse spin-dependent asymmetry A_T' in ^3He(e,e') quasielastic scattering was performed in Hall A at Jefferson Lab at values of the squared four-momentum transfer, Q^2, between 0.1 and 0.6 (GeV/c)^2. A_(T') is sensitive to the neutron magnetic form factor, G_M^n . Values of G_M^n at Q^2 = 0.1 and 0.2 (GeV/c)^2, extracted using Faddeev calculations, were reported previously. Here, we report the extraction of G_M^n for the remaining Q^2 values in the range from 0.3 to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2 using a plane-wave impulse approximation calculation. The results are in good agreement with recent precision data from experiments using a deuterium target

    Q^2 Evolution of the Neutron Spin Structure Moments using a ^3He Target

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    We have measured the spin structure functions g_1 and g_2 of ^3He in a double-spin experiment by inclusively scattering polarized electrons at energies ranging from 0.862 to 5.058 GeV off a polarized ^3He target at a 15.5° scattering angle. Excitation energies covered the resonance and the onset of the deep inelastic regions. We have determined for the first time the Q^2 evolution of Γ_1(Q^2)=∫_0^1g_1(x,Q^2)dx, Γ_2(Q^2)=∫_0^1g_2(x,Q^2)dx, and d_2(Q^2)=∫_0^1x^2[2g_1(x,Q^2)+3g_2(x,Q^2)]dx for the neutron in the range 0.1 ≀ Q^2 ≀0.9  GeV^2 with good precision. Γ_1(Q^2) displays a smooth variation from high to low Q^2. The Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule holds within uncertainties and d_2 is nonzero over the measured range

    Evidence for virtual Compton scattering from the proton

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    In virtual Compton scattering an electron is scattered off a nucleon such that the nucleon emits a photon. We show that these events can be selected experimentally, and present the first evidence for virtual Compton scattering from the proton in data obtained at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The angular and energy dependence of the data is well described by a calculation that includes the coherent sum of electron and proton radiation

    Q^2 Evolution of the Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral for the Neutron using a ^3He Target

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    We present data on the inclusive scattering of polarized electrons from a polarized ^3He target at energies from 0.862 to 5.06 GeV, obtained at a scattering angle of 15.5°. Our data include measurements from the quasielastic peak, through the nucleon resonance region, and beyond, and were used to determine the virtual photon cross-section difference σ_(1/2)-σ_(3/2). We extract the extended Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral for the neutron in the range of four-momentum transfer squared Q^2 of 0.1–0.9   GeV^2

    Transverse Asymmetry A_Tâ€Č from the Quasielastic ^3He(e,eâ€Č) Process and the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor

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    We have measured the transverse asymmetry A_Tâ€Č in ^3He(e,eâ€Č) quasielastic scattering in Hall A at Jefferson Laboratory with high precision for Q^2 values from 0.1 to 0.6 (GeV/c)^2. The neutron magnetic form factor GMn was extracted based on Faddeev calculations for Q^2 = 0.1 and 0.2 (GeV/c)^2 with an experimental uncertainty of less than 2%

    Parity Violation in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering and the Proton's Strange Magnetic Form Factor

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    We report a new measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in elastic electron scattering from the proton at backward scattering angles. This asymmetry is sensitive to the strange magnetic form factor of the proton as well as electroweak axial radiative corrections. The new measurement of A=-4.92 +- 0.61 +- 0.73 ppm provides a significant constraint on these quantities. The implications for the strange magnetic form factor are discussed in the context of theoretical estimates for the axial corrections.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters, Sept 199

    Momentum Transfer Dependence of Nuclear Transparency from the Quasielastic ^(12)C(e, e'p) Reaction

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    The cross section for quasielastic ^(12)C(e,e’p) scattering has been measured at momentum transfer Q^2=1, 3, 5, and 6.8 (GeV/c)^2. The results are consistent with scattering from a single nucleon as the dominant process. The nuclear transparency is obtained and compared with theoretical calculations that incorporate color transparency effects. No significant rise of the transparency with Q^2 is observed

    Might it Be Possible to Assess Rigidity in PD Patients Remotely?

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    The cryogenic system for the SLAC E158 experiment

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    E158 is a fixed target experiment at SLAC in which high energy (up to 48 GeV) polarized electrons are scattered off the unpolarized electrons in a 1.5 m long liquid hydrogen target. The total volume of liquid hydrogen in the system is 47.1. The beam can deposit as much as 700 W into the liquid hydrogen. Among the requirements for the system are: that density fluctuations in the liquid hydrogen be kept to a minimum, that the target can be moved out of the beam line while cold and replaced to within 2 mm and that the target survive lifetime radiation doses of up to 1×106 Gy. The cryogenic system for the experiment consists of the target itself, the cryostat containing the target, a refurbished CTI 4000 refrigerator providing more than 1 kW of cooling at 20 K and associated transfer lines and valve boxes. This paper discusses the requirements, design, construction, testing and operation of the cryogenic system. The unique features of the design associated with hydrogen safety and the high radiation field in which the target resides are also covered

    Evaluating the Value: Comparing Local Government Initiatives in E-gov in the UK and Australia

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    While Australia's role as a leader in moves to e-government is widely accepted, there appear to be a number of discrepancies emerging as we move down from federal to local levels of government. Thus, while earlier papers (see 1 & 2) revealed federal and state level moves to E-Government are relatively advanced, a recent review of local government websites was less optimistic (3). The potential for e-government at the local level is particularly important, given it that it is here that the "size and geographical diversity... [which] has presented the country with particular problems of communication and travel" are generally most keenly felt (4). Also, deficiencies in the lack of functionality at the grass-roots level of local government will be a significant impediment to the larger context of aims such as the potential for 'joined-up-government' (5). This paper thus continues the research from the user perspective of these services to present results of a comparative content analysis of Australian and UK local government websites. The aim is to further investigate what the implementation of E-Government actually means in terms of the public interface and access initiatives at the regional level. The results of the analysis provide further evidence of Australia being a long way from the clear value of e-government suggested in the notion of 'joined-up-government'
