16 research outputs found

    Nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and zinc-doped hydroxyapatite as carrier material for controlled delivery of ciprofloxacin

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    In bone disorders infections are common. The concentration of majority of antibiotics is very low in the bone tissue. A high local dose can be obtained from the ciprofloxacin-loaded hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. The present study is aimed at developing the use of hydroxyapatite and zinc-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as a carrier for ciprofloxacin drug delivery system. The ciprofloxacin-loaded hydroxyapatite and zinc-doped hydroxyapatite have a good antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Hydroxyapatite and zinc-doped hydroxyapatite were prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. They were loaded with ciprofloxacin using optimized drug loading parameters. Drug loading, in vitro drug release and antimicrobial activity were analyzed. The influence of zinc on the controlled release of ciprofloxacin was analyzed. The results show that the presence of zinc increases the drug release percentage and that the drug was released in a controlled manner

    In vitro studies of the kinetics of drug release from bioceramic implants using mathematical models

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    W niniejszej pracy badano profil i kinetykę uwalniania leku w warunkach in vitro z tabletek o różnym składzie procentowym mieszaniny αTCP–HAp (98% mas. αTCP – 2% mas. HAp; 94% mas. αTCP – 6% mas. HAp; 90% mas. αTCP – 10% mas. HAp) do medium o pH 7.4 oraz z tabletek o takim samym składzie procentowym mieszaniny αTCP–HAp (98% mas. αTCP – 2% mas. HAp) do medium o różnym pH (5, 7.4, 10). Pentoksyfilina (PTX) – lek przyjęty za modelowy został rozmieszczony homogenicznie w implancie bioceramicznym i uwalniał się z dowolnego jego miejsca. Porowatość całkowita badanych biomateriałów wynosiła około 32-38%. Przeprowadzony eksperyment miał również na celu określenie mechanizmu uwalniania PTX z badanych nośników z zastosowaniem modelu Korsenmeyera – Peppasa oraz opis tego procesu za pomocą modelu Higuchiego. Wyniki badań wykazały, że im większy był udział procentowy proszku hydroksyapatytowego w wyjściowym składzie tabletek, tym szybciej zachodziło uwalnianie PTX. Najszybciej lek ten uwalniał się z tabletek αTCP-HAp do medium o pH 5, natomiast najwolniej do środowiska o pH 10. Korzystając z modelu Korsenmeyera – Peppasa określono dla badanych nośników mechanizm uwalniania badanego leku. Otrzymane wartości wykładnika dyfuzyjnego n (charakteryzującego mechanizm uwalniania leku), były równe lub większe od 1, co świadczy o tym, że uwalnianie PTX zachodziło zgodnie z mechanizmem zerowego lub super zerowego rzędu. Na podstawie modelu Higuchiego wyznaczono stałe szybkości uwalniania PTX. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia stała szybkość uwalniania substancji leczniczej utrzymująca się przez dłuższy okres czasu jest pożądana w długotrwałej farmakoterapii.In the work, profile and kinetics of in vitro drug release from the tablets composed of αTCP–HAp mixtures containing various amounts of constituents (98 wt. % αTCP – 2 wt.% HAp; 94 wt.% αTCP – 6 wt.% HAp; 90 wt.% αTCP – 10 wt.% HAp) to the medium of pH = 7.4 as well as from the tablets with constant amounts of αTCP and HAp (98 wt % αTCP – 2 wt % HAp) to the media of different pH values (5, 7.4, 10) were studied. Pentoxifylline (PTX), a model drug in the investigations, was distributed homogeneously in the bioceramic implants and released from the whole of their volume. Total porosity of the materials studied was in the range of 32-38%. The aim of the experiment was also to determine the mechanism of PTX release from the carriers using Korsenmeyer – Peppas model as well as to describe this process by Higuchi model. The results showed that the rate of PTX release grew as the proportion of hydroxyapatite powder in the materials increased. The drug release from αTCP-HAp tablets was the fastest into the medium of pH=5 and the slowest into that of pH=10. Using Korsenmeyer – Peppas model the mechanism of the drug release was determined. The values of diffusion exponent n (factor determining the mechanism of drug release) were equal to or higher than 1, which proved that PTX was released according to zero-order or super-zero order mechanism. Based on Higuchi model, the rate constants of the process were calculated. From practical point of view, constant rate of drug release over a long time is desired in the long-term therapy