82 research outputs found

    The mechanism of the surface alloy layer creation for cast steel

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    The paper presents a detailed description of the process of creation of a surface alloy layer (using high-carbon ferrochromium) on the cast steel casting. The mechanism of the surface alloy layer is based on the known theories [5,6]. The proposed course of formation of the layers has been extended to decarburization stage of steel. The research included proving the presence of carbon-lean zone. The experiment included the analysis of the distribution of elements and microhardness measurement

    Primary Crystallization of High Chromium Cast Steel in Metastable Conditions

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    The analysis of the primary crystallization of wear corrosive-erosive high chromium cast steel was introduced in the article on the basis of investigations the widened method of the differential thermal analysis with testers DTA-C and DTA-Is. The use of these testers enabled the analysis of crystallization for the various rates of cooling

    Assessment of the Low Alloy Cast Steel Inoculation Effects with Chosen Additives

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    Structure, and thus the mechanical properties of steel are primarily a function of chemical composition and the solidification process which can be influenced by the application of the inoculation treatment. This effect depends on the modifier used. The article presents the results of studies designed to assess the effects of structural low alloy steel inoculation by selected modifying additives. The study was performed on nine casts modeled with different inoculants, assessment of the procedure impact was based on the macrostructure of made castings. The ratio of surface area equivalent to the axial zone of the crystals and columnar crystals zone was adopted as a measure of the inoculation effect

    Modyfikacja struktury pierwotnej czystego Al i stopu AlSi2 metodą mieszania elektromagnetycznego

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    The paper presents modification of primary structure of Al 99,5% and 99,8% purity and AlSi2 alloy by electromagnetic stirring of liquid metal within foundry mould. The movement of solidifying liquid metal within the mould was forced by horizontal electromagnetic field produced by the induction coil (stirrer), supplied by current of elevated frequency. The structure refinement obtained by electromagnetic stirring was compared with refinement obtained by traditional modification, i.e. by introducing Ti, B, C and Sr modifying additives into melt. The results of studies show possibility of effective primary structure refinement of pure Al and selected Al-Si alloy by using only horizontal electromagnetic field, without necessity of Ti, B and C additives application.W pracy przedstawiono problematykę modyfikacji struktury Al o czystości 99,5% i 99,8% oraz stopu AlSi2, realizowanej głównie poprzez intensyfikacje ruchu ciekłego metalu w formie. W celu realizacji wymuszonego ruchu krzepnącego metalu zastosowano pole elektromagnetyczne wytwarzane przez cewkę (mieszadło) zasilane prądem o podwyższonej częstotliwości. Efekt rozdrobnienia struktury uzyskany w wyniku użycia mieszania elektromagnetycznego był porównywany z możliwym do otrzymania przy użyciu tradycyjnej modyfikacji, która polega na wprowadzeniu do ciekłego metalu dodatków tytanu, boru, węgla i strontu. Wyniki badań oraz ich analizą pokazały, że istnieje możliwość skutecznego rozdrobnienia struktury pierwotnej czystego Al i wybranego stopu Al-Si tylko przy użyciu mieszania elektromagnetycznego bez konieczności stosowania dodatków modyfikujacych tj. Ti, B i C