8 research outputs found

    Quantum quenches from integrability: the fermionic pairing model

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    Understanding the non-equilibrium dynamics of extended quantum systems after the trigger of a sudden, global perturbation (quench) represents a daunting challenge, especially in the presence of interactions. The main difficulties stem from both the vanishing time scale of the quench event, which can thus create arbitrarily high energy modes, and its non-local nature, which curtails the utility of local excitation bases. We here show that nonperturbative methods based on integrability can prove sufficiently powerful to completely characterize quantum quenches: we illustrate this using a model of fermions with pairing interactions (Richardson's model). The effects of simple (and multiple) quenches on the dynamics of various important observables are discussed. Many of the features we find are expected to be universal to all kinds of quench situations in atomic physics and condensed matter.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    One-particle dynamical correlations in the one-dimensional Bose gas

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    The momentum- and frequency-dependent one-body correlation function of the one-dimensional interacting Bose gas (Lieb-Liniger model) in the repulsive regime is studied using the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and numerics. We first provide a determinant representation for the field form factor which is well-adapted to numerical evaluation. The correlation function is then reconstructed to high accuracy for systems with finite but large numbers of particles, for a wide range of values of the interaction parameter. Our results are extensively discussed, in particular their specialization to the static case.Comment: 19 Pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics of the attractive 1D Bose gas: analytical treatment from integrability

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    The physics of the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas (Lieb-Liniger model) is investigated with techniques based on the integrability of the system. Combining a knowledge of particle quasi-momenta to exponential precision in the system size with determinant representations of matrix elements of local operators coming from the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, we obtain rather general analytical results for the zero-temperature dynamical correlation functions of the density and field operators. Our results thus provide quantitative predictions for possible future experiments in atomic gases or optical waveguides.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement entropy of excited states

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    We study the entanglement entropy of a block of contiguous spins in excited states of spin chains. We consider the XY model in a transverse field and the XXZ Heisenberg spin chain. For the latter, we developed a numerical application of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. We find two main classes of states with logarithmic and extensive behavior in the dimension of the block, characterized by the properties of excitations of the state. This behavior can be related to the locality properties of the Hamiltonian having a given state as the ground state. We also provide several details of the finite size scaling

    Interaction quench in a Lieb-Liniger model and the KPZ equation with flat initial conditions

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    Recent exact solutions of the 1D Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation make use of the 1D integrable Lieb-Liniger model of interacting bosons. For flat initial conditions, it requires the knowledge of the overlap between the uniform state and arbitrary exact Bethe eigenstates. The same quantity is also central in the study of the quantum quench from a 1D non-interacting Bose-Einstein condensate upon turning interactions. We compare recent advances in both domains, i.e. our previous exact solution, and a new conjecture by De Nardis et al. This leads to new exact results and conjectures for both the quantum quench and the KPZ problem

    Correlation Functions of the Open XXZ Chain II.

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    38 pagesInternational audienceWe derive compact multiple integral formulas for several physical spin correlation functions in the semi-infinite XXZ chain with a longitudinal boundary magnetic field. Our formulas follow from several effective re-summations of the multiple integral representation for the elementary blocks obtained in our previous article (I). In the free fermion point we compute the local magnetization as well as the density of energy profiles. These quantities, in addition to their bulk behavior, exhibit Friedel type oscillations induced by the boundary; their amplitudes depend on the boundary magnetic field and decay algebraically in terms of the distance to the boundary