227 research outputs found

    Athermal Shear-Transformation-Zone Theory of Amorphous Plastic Deformation II: Analysis of Simulated Amorphous Silicon

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    In the preceding paper, we developed an athermal shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of amorphous plasticity. Here we use this theory in an analysis of numerical simulations of plasticity in amorphous silicon by Demkowicz and Argon (DA). In addition to bulk mechanical properties, those authors observed internal features of their deforming system that challenge our theory in important ways. We propose a quasithermodynamic interpretation of their observations in which the effective disorder temperature, generated by mechanical deformation well below the glass temperature, governs the behavior of other state variables that fall in and out of equilibrium with it. Our analysis points to a limitation of either the step-strain procedure used by DA in their simulations, or the STZ theory in its ability to describe rapid transients in stress-strain curves, or perhaps to both. Once we allow for this limitation, we are able to bring our theoretical predictions into accurate agreement with the simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, second of a two-part series. Reorganized paper with no substantial changes in conten

    Athermal Nonlinear Elastic Constants of Amorphous Solids

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    We derive expressions for the lowest nonlinear elastic constants of amorphous solids in athermal conditions (up to third order), in terms of the interaction potential between the constituent particles. The effect of these constants cannot be disregarded when amorphous solids undergo instabilities like plastic flow or fracture in the athermal limit; in such situations the elastic response increases enormously, bringing the system much beyond the linear regime. We demonstrate that the existing theory of thermal nonlinear elastic constants converges to our expressions in the limit of zero temperature. We motivate the calculation by discussing two examples in which these nonlinear elastic constants play a crucial role in the context of elasto-plasticity of amorphous solids. The first example is the plasticity-induced memory that is typical to amorphous solids (giving rise to the Bauschinger effect). The second example is how to predict the next plastic event from knowledge of the nonlinear elastic constants. Using the results of this paper we derive a simple differential equation for the lowest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix in the external strain near mechanical instabilities; this equation predicts how the eigenvalue vanishes at the mechanical instability and the value of the strain where the mechanical instability takes place.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures

    Direct Identification of the Glass Transition: Growing Length Scale and the Onset of Plasticity

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    Understanding the mechanical properties of glasses remains elusive since the glass transition itself is not fully understood, even in well studied examples of glass formers in two dimensions. In this context we demonstrate here: (i) a direct evidence for a diverging length scale at the glass transition (ii) an identification of the glass transition with the disappearance of fluid-like regions and (iii) the appearance in the glass state of fluid-like regions when mechanical strain is applied. These fluid-like regions are associated with the onset of plasticity in the amorphous solid. The relaxation times which diverge upon the approach to the glass transition are related quantitatively.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figs.; 2 figs. omitted, new fig., quasi-crystal discussion omitted, new material on relaxation time

    Harmonic Labeling of Graphs

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    Which graphs admit an integer value harmonic function which is injective and surjective onto Z\Z? Such a function, which we call harmonic labeling, is constructed when the graph is the Z2\Z^2 square grid. It is shown that for any finite graph GG containing at least one edge, there is no harmonic labeling of G×Z G \times \Z

    Athermal Shear-Transformation-Zone Theory of Amorphous Plastic Deformation I: Basic Principles

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    We develop an athermal version of the shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of amorphous plasticity in materials where thermal activation of irreversible molecular rearrangements is negligible or nonexistent. In many respects, this theory has broader applicability and yet is simpler than its thermal predecessors. For example, it needs no special effort to assure consistency with the laws of thermodynamics, and the interpretation of yielding as an exchange of dynamic stability between jammed and flowing states is clearer than before. The athermal theory presented here incorporates an explicit distribution of STZ transition thresholds. Although this theory contains no conventional thermal fluctuations, the concept of an effective temperature is essential for understanding how the STZ density is related to the state of disorder of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; first of a two-part serie

    Branching Instabilities in Rapid Fracture: Dynamics and Geometry

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    We propose a theoretical model for branching instabilities in 2-dimensional fracture, offering predictions for when crack branching occurs, how multiple cracks develop, and what is the geometry of multiple branches. The model is based on equations of motion for crack tips which depend only on the time dependent stress intensity factors. The latter are obtained by invoking an approximate relation between static and dynamic stress intensity factors, together with an essentially exact calculation of the static ones. The results of this model are in good agreement with a sizeable quantity of experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure
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