24 research outputs found

    Aquatic biosystems: reactions and actions

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    Aquatic biological systems are a critical part of the structure and function of earth's biosphere. While attention of the scientific community is often focused on the reaction of biological systems to changes in the environment, these systems also have profound effects, or actions, on the environment. Throughout the evolutionary history of earth, the rise and/or fall of different aquatic biosystems has impacted the character of the biosphere. At no time have environmental changes been more important to all life on earth than in the modern era, which underscores the need for the new journal, Aquatic Biosystems. We welcome submission of original research manuscripts, reviews, and commentaries to the journal

    Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake kinetics in cultures of two novel picoplankton groups responsible for a recent bloom event in a subtropical estuary (Indian River Lagoon, Florida)

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    IntroductionSuccessful management and mitigation of harmful algal blooms (HABs) requires an in-depth understanding of the physiology and nutrient utilization of the organisms responsible. We explored the preference of various nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) substrates by two novel groups of HAB-forming phytoplankton originating from the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida: 1) a consortium of picocyanobacteria (Crocosphaera sp. and ‘Synechococcus’ sp.) and 2) ananochlorophyte (Picochlorum sp.).MethodsShort-term kinetic uptake experiments tested algal use and affinity for inorganic and organic N substrates (ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), urea, and an amino acid (AA) mixture) through 15N and 13C isotope tracing into biomass.ResultsPicocyanobacteria exhibited Michaelis-Menten type uptake for the AA mixture only, while nanochlorophytes reached saturation for NH4+, the AA mixture, and urea at or below 25 µM-N. Both picocyanobacteria and nanochlorophyte cultures had highest affinity (Vmax/Ks) for NH4+ followed by the AA mixture and urea. Neither culture showed significant uptake of isotopically-labeled nitrate. Disappearance of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) added to culture medium suggesting use of organic P by both cultures was confirmed by detection of alkaline phosphatase activity and the tracing of 13C-G6P into biomass.DiscussionTogether, our results suggest that these HAB-forming phytoplankton groups are able to use a variety of N and P sources including organic forms, and prefer reduced forms of N. These traits are likely favorable under conditions found in the IRL during periods of significant competition for low concentrations of inorganic nutrients. Bloom-forming phytoplankton are therefore able to subsist on organic or recycled forms of N and P that typically dominate the IRL nutrient pools

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Production from Microalgae through Anaerobic Digestion

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    Microalgae are a promising feedstock for bioenergy due to higher productivity, flexible growing conditions, and high lipid/polysaccharide content compared to terrestrial biomass. Microalgae can be converted to biogas through anaerobic digestion (AD). AD is a mature technology with a high energy return on energy invested. Microalgae AD can bypass energy intensive dewatering operations that are associated with liquid fuel production from algae. A techno-economic assessment of the commercial feasibility of algae-based biogas production was conducted using Cyanothece BG0011 biomass as an example. BG0011 is a naturally occurring, saline cyanobacterium isolated from Florida Keys. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen and produces exopolysaccharide (EPS). Maximum cell density and EPS concentration of 2.7 and 2.1 g afdw1/L (for total algae biomass concentration of 4.8 g afdw/L) were obtained by air sparging. For an areal cell and EPS productivity of 12.4 and 9.6 g afdw/m2/day, respectively, the biomethane production cost was 14.8 /MMBtuusingcoveredanaerobiclagoonandhigh−pressurewaterscrubbingforbiogaspurification.Electricityproductionfrombiogascosts13cents/kwh.Ifarealproductivitywasincreasedby33/MMBtu using covered anaerobic lagoon and high-pressure water scrubbing for biogas purification. Electricity production from biogas costs 13 cents/kwh. If areal productivity was increased by 33% from the same system, by sparging air enriched with 1% CO2, then biomethane cost was reduced to 12.16 /MMBtu and electricity cost to 11 cents/kwh

    Diversity of and Selection Acting on Cylindrospermopsin cyrB

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