480 research outputs found
La formación universitaria no puede entenderse ni justificarse,
en cuanto educación superior, sino como resultado de un
proceso educativo, que presupone una educación primaria y
una educación secundaria, con sus propias especificidades educativas,
y que la docencia universitaria completa y culmina. De manera
general, como no se suele pensar la docencia universitaria a
partir de sus condiciones de posibilidad, es decir desde la educación
primaria y secundaria, puede ser ilustrativo para la argumentación
que planteamos, repensar de manera breve y esquemática,
las especificidades de la educación primaria y secundaria a partir
de la perspectiva y retrospectiva de la educación universitaria
Introducimos el estudio sobre “uniones libres y maternidad
obligada” con el resumen de un texto sobre la “crisis terminal
de la familia en la sociedad moderna”1. Nos parece importante
enmarcar el primer análisis en un contexto y perspectiva más generales
y amplios, para mostrar en qué medida una misma institución
social, como es la familia, puede encontrarse sujeta a procesos y
“tiempos mixtos”, y también a morfologías tan diferentes. Esto mismo
nos obligaría a plantear otra cuestión: si fenómenos como las familias
formadas por “uniones libres”, como es el caso de la Costa ecuatoriana,
constituyen residuos de una tradicional estrategia de reproducción
familiar y consecuencia de una estructura agraria y organización
del trabajo rural masculino del pasado, al mismo tiempo que
resistencia a los procesos de destrucción de la familia en un futuro no
muy lejano o si por el contrario tales modelos familiares representan
más bien una de las formas que adopta, en una situación particular,
la más moderna y generalizada “crisis terminal de la familia”
Movimiento indígena y sistema político en Ecuador (2012) de Edgar Tello / The indigenous movement and political system in Ecuador (2012) by Edgar Tello
El estudio de Edgar Tello, Movimiento indígena y sistema político en Ecuador (UPS/Abya-Yala, Quito, 2012),
al igual que otras dos obras anteriores, la de Augusto Barrera, Acción colectiva y crisis política. El movimiento indígena ecuatoriano en la década de los noventa (OSAL/CLASO, Ciudad, Abya-Yala, Quito, 2001), y de J. Sánchez Parga El movimiento indígena ecuatoriano. La larga marcha de la comunidad al partido (Caap, Quito, 2007; 2ª Ed. Abya- Yala, Quito 2010), todas coinciden en analizar la formación, el desarrollo o las actuaciones del movimiento indígena no sólo a partir de los procesos históricos,
socio-políticos, del Ecuador, sino también desde la influencia que dicho movimiento ha ejercido en los cambios de la moderna sociedad ecuatoriana
El sexo de los niños entre pedofilias y pedofobias infanticidas
Aunque no sea ajeno al nuevo y generalizado fenómeno del maltrato
infantil tanto en la familia como en la escuela y por parte
de la sociedad adulta, el maltrato sexual del niño en todas sus
variedades (incestos, violaciones, acosos y abusos sexuales,
pedofilia, explotación sexual del niño y prostitución infantil…) constituyen
una fenomenología relativamente inédita al menos en sus proporciones,
y por ello muy característica del nuevo modelo de sociedad, y que
por ello ha de ser explicado no solo a partir de las actuales condiciones
de la infancia en dicha sociedad, sino también por otros dos órdenes de
razones: las recientes transformaciones de la misma sexualidad junto con
los factores y procesos que mejor definen o caracterizan la sociedad de
mercado, y la sociedad- en-redes con sus específicos valores y violencias
The Hard Way
The Hard Way is a fiction thriller set in small-town West Virginia in 1997. It tells the story of a group of independent professional wrestlers who are waylaid in Chimney Corner while on their way to a big show in Richmond, Virginia. The group have a fight with a couple of local meth dealers at a diner in the middle of night. Other wrestlers come looking for them the next day. What happens after is a brutal fight for survival, as the wrestlers use all their skills to overcome a threat they were never prepared for.
Narrated in the third person, Hard is a thriller that examines how people who’ve defined themselves by their toughness cope with falling short in a truly dangerous situation. Inspirations for it come from Mick Foley’s Tietam Brown and the overall works of Jack Ketchum. While most sophisticated readers judge professional wrestlers as fakes and cartoonish caricatures, the attempt here is to play against that myth, painting them as a cross-section of ordinary human beings, forced to dig deeper than they ever have, and to work together in order to survive
Numerical simulation of a binary communication channel: Comparison between a replica calculation and an exact solution
The mutual information of a single-layer perceptron with Gaussian inputs
and deterministic binary outputs is studied by numerical simulations. The
relevant parameters of the problem are the ratio between the number of output
and input units, , and those describing the two-point
correlations between inputs. The main motivation of this work refers to the
comparison between the replica computation of the mutual information and an
analytical solution valid up to . The most relevant results
are: (1) the simulation supports the validity of the analytical prediction, and
(2) it also verifies a previously proposed conjecture that the replica solution
interpolates well between large and small values of .Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX fil
Robustness of reserve selection procedures under temporal species turnover
Complementarity-based algorithms for the selection of reserve networks emphasize the need to represent biodiversity features efficiently, but this may not be sufficient to maintain those features in the long term. Here, we use data from the Common Birds Census in Britain as an exemplar data set to determine guidelines for the selection of reserve networks which are more robust to temporal turnover in features. The extinction patterns found over the 1981-1991 interval suggest that two such guidelines are to represent species in the best sites where they occur (higher local abundance) and to give priority to the rarer species. We tested five reserve selection strategies, one which finds the minimum representation set and others which incorporate the first or both guidelines proposed. Strategies were tested in terms of their efficiency (inversely related to the total area selected) and effectiveness (inversely related to the percentage of species lost) using data on eight pairs of ten-year intervals.
The minimum set strategy was always the most efficient, but suffered higher species loss than the others, suggesting that there is a trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness. A desirable compromise can be achieved by embedding the concerns about the long-term maintenance of the biodiversity features of interest in the complementarity-based algorithms
Nueva técnica de pegado con resina acrílica para preparar láminas delgadas para microscopía óptica
After a short comparative analysis of the most usual bonding techniques for rock thin section preparation, a new fast and reliable bonding technique with acrylic resin is described. A new design for a U.V. translucent press necessary for both a minimun glue thickness and as a requirement for the acrylic bonding to be completed, is also presented. Tests about thin section quality, mechanical resistance of the bond, refractive index and ageing performed on different hard rocks and impregnated sediments and soils, have given excellent results
Detecting Electronic States at Stacking Faults in Magnetic Thin Films by Tunneling Spectroscopy
Co islands grown on Cu(111) with a stacking fault at the interface present a
conductance in the empty electronic states larger than the Co islands that
follow the stacking sequence of the Cu substrate. Electrons can be more easily
injected into these faulted interfaces, providing a way to enhance transmission
in future spintronic devices. The electronic states associated to the stacking
fault are visualized by tunneling spectroscopy and its origin is identified by
band structure calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett (2000
Nueva técnica de pegado con resina acrílica para preparar láminas delgadas para microscopía óptica
After a short comparative analysis of the most usual bonding techniques for rock thin section preparation, a new fast and reliable bonding technique with acrylic resin is described. A new design for a U.V. translucent press necessary for both a minimun glue thickness and as a requirement for the acrylic bonding to be completed, is also presented. Tests about thin section quality, mechanical resistance of the bond, refractive index and ageing performed on different hard rocks and impregnated sediments and soils, have given excellent results
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