29 research outputs found

    Utjecaj toksičnosti metala na reprodukcijsku funkciju u muškaraca

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    A combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors contributes to adverse effects on the reproductive health in men. Metals are pervasive in food, water, air, tobacco smoke, and alcoholic beverages. Experimental studies suggest that many metals have adverse effects on the male reproductive function. However, information about reproductive effects of human exposure to metals is scarce and/or inconsistent. This review summarises the information from epidemiological studies of the effects of metal exposure on reproductive function in men. Factors capable of affecting these relationships were identifi ed and discussed. A particular attention is given to the studies considering influence of concomitant exposure to various metals. These studies have generally confirmed that even moderate- to low-level exposure to lead affects certain reproductive parameters, and that exposure to cadmium affects the prostate function and serum testosterone levels. Adverse effects of mercury, manganese, chromium and arsenic on semen quality and altered serum hormone are less well documented. There is no clear evidence that boron exposure may impair reproductive health in men. Only a few studies have investigated reproductive effects of concomitant exposure to several metals and controlled for potential confounders. Future studies should consider the contribution of combined exposure to various metals and/or other factors that may influence individual susceptibility to reproductive health impairment in men.Postoje indikacije da kombinacija genetskih, okolišnih i čimbenika načina života pridonosi uočenom poremećaju reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca. Metali su široko rasprostranjeni u čovjekovu okolišu te u hrani, vodi, zraku, cigaretnom dimu i alkoholnim pićima. Rezultati eksperimentalnih istraživanja sugeriraju štetne učinke većine ispitivanih metala na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Međutim, odgovarajuća su istraživanja u ljudi oskudna. Ovaj rad sažima rezultate dosadašnjih epidemioloških istraživanja o učincima izloženosti metalima na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju. Poseban naglasak dan je istraživanjima koja su razmatrala utjecaj istodobne izloženosti različitim metalima uz čimbenike čovjekova načina života i njihovo međudjelovanje na reprodukcijske učinke. Objavljeni rezultati daju dovoljno dokaza o štetnom djelovanju olova i žive na neke reprodukcijske parametre te kadmija na poremećaj prostate i razinu testosterona u serumu, čak u uvjetima umjerene do niske razine izloženosti. Manje je dokaza o štetnom djelovanju na kvalitetu sjemena i razinu spolnih hormona nađeno za mangan. Podaci koji upućuju na moguće štetno djelovanje arsena ili kroma nisu dosljedni, dok o štetnom djelovanju bora na mušku reprodukcijsku funkciju nema jasnih podataka. Utjecaj potencijalno uzročnih varijabli uzet je u obzir samo u nekoliko radova. Stoga buduća istraživanja poremećaja reprodukcijskog zdravlja u muškaraca trebaju razmatrati doprinos istovremene izloženosti različitim metalima koji u kombinaciji s ostalim čimbenicima mogu utjecati na osobnu (pre)osjetljivost

    Maladie pulmonaire chronique et famille. A propos d'une étude qualitative

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    Cette étude de cas a été conçue dans l'objectlf d'évaluer dans quelle mesure une intervention psycho-soclale, menée à un niveau à la fois Individuel et familial, et coordonnée sur un mode interdisciplinaire à l'intérieur du réseau de soin, pouvait contribuer à améliorer la prise en charge des patients chroniques. On a choisi pour ce faire le domaine de la pathologie pulmonaire chronique. L'étude, de type qualitatif, impliquait un processus d'investigation et une Intervention (d'orientation systémique) étalés sur plusieurs mois et menés auprès d'un nombre restreint de patients et de familles. Les résultats de l'étude mettent en évidence l'Impact profond de la maladie chronique sur les proches du patient et, en particulier, sur le développement et les possibilités d'autonomisation des enfants. Cet Impact est souvent sous-estimé par les soignants. Les auteurs esquissent dès lors quelques pistes d'intervention à l'usage des praticiens. En aidant les membres de la famille à faire face à la maladie et à gérer les menaces de mort, le médecin agit dans le bien du patient lui-même

    Evaluation of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a coke production and a graphite electrode manufacturing plant: assessment of urinary excretion of 1-hydroxypyrene as a biological indicator of exposure.

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    OBJECTIVES--Characterisation of the airborne concentration of 13 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at various workplaces in a graphite electrode and a coke production plant. Validation of the urinary excretion of 1-hydroxypyrene (hydroxypyrene) as a biological marker of exposure to PAH. DESIGN--Cross sectional study of workers exposed to PAHs (106 in the graphite electrode producing plant and 16 in the coke works). METHODS--Personal air sampling during at least six hours per workshift using a glass fibre filter and a Chromosorb 102 solid sorbent tube and analysis of PAHs by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrofluorometric detection (SFD). Collection of spot urine samples before and after the shift and analysis of 1-hydroxypyrene by HPLC and SFD. RESULTS--The workers most exposed to PAHs were those occupied at the topside area of the coke oven plant and those working in the blending and impregnation areas of the graphite electrode producing plant (mean airborne concentration of total PAHs: 199 and 223 micrograms/m3 respectively). Except for naphthalene and perylene, the relative proportion of the different PAHs did not differ between the plants. Pyrene concentration in air was highly correlated with the total airborne PAH concentration (r = 0.83, p < 0.0001) and the correlation coefficients between hydroxypyrene concentration in postshift urine samples and pyrene or total PAHs in air were 0.67 (p < 0.0001) and 0.72 (p < 0.0001) respectively. Excretion of hydroxypyrene doubled when the exposure to pyrene in air increased 10-fold. The half life for the urinary excretion of hydroxypyrene was around 18 hours (95% confidence interval 16.1-19.8). Smoking habits only explained 2.3% of the variance in hydroxypyrene excretion compared with 45% for the pyrene concentration in air. CONCLUSION--The determination of the urinary excretion of hydroxypyrene in postshift urine samples can be used as a suitable biomarker to assess individual exposure to PAHs in coke ovens and in graphite electrode manufacturing plants

    Aspects biologiques de l'exposition professionnelle au cadmium et à certains autres métaux

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    [Biological aspects of occupational exposure to cadmium and several other metals]. We have performed several cross-sectional epidemiological surveys among workers exposed to cadmium, mercury vapour or manganese in order to assess : their early biological or functional effects; the biological tests allowing an assessment of the amount of metal absorbed or stored in the body; the acceptable exposure levels. Studies have also been carried out among persons exposed to inorganic arsenic in order to define its inactivation mechanism and to develop a biological test of exposure. The kidney is the main critical organ following long-term exposure to cadmium. To prevent the occurrence of renal changes in the majority of male workers exposed to cadmium, its concentration in renal cortex should not exceed 215 micrograms/g (wet weight), and that in urine : 10 micrograms/g creatinine. A blood cadmium level of 1 microgram/100 ml has been suggested as maximum tolerable level for long-term exposure. Prolonged exposure to mercury vapour may lead to renal and neurological disturbances. The preclinical signs of nephrotoxicity are correlated with the amount of mercury absorbed which may be assessed by monitoring the mercury level in urine. The neurotoxic effects (particularly tremor) are mainly related to the integrated exposure (duration and intensity). A maximal permissible level of 50 micrograms Hg/g urinary creatinine is proposed to prevent the occurrence of these toxic effects. An exposure to manganese dust for 7 years on the average at a level below the maximum allowable airborne concentration (5 mg/m3) recommended by the ACGIH in the USA may still lead to a slight reduction in psychomotor and spirometric performances and interfere with calcium metabolism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Anti-laminin antibodies in workers exposed to mercury vapour.

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    peer reviewedIn 62 male workers exposed to mercury vapour for 5.5 years on average, the results of several renal parameters were not significantly different from those found in a well-matched control group (n = 60). Circulating anti-laminin antibodies were found, however, in 8 workers exposed to mercury vapour but in none of the control workers. These results suggest that occupational exposure to mercury vapour may lead to immune dysfunction in a certain percentage of the exposed population. Whether such a finding is predictive of the occurrence of an immune glomerulonephritis remains to be evaluated

    Surveillance of workers exposed to mercury vapour:validation of a previously proposed biological threshold limit value for mercury concentration in urine.

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    A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out among subjects exposed to mercury (Hg) vapour, ie, a group of 131 male workers (mean age: 30.9 yr; average duration of exposure, 4.8 yr) and a group of 54 female workers (mean age, 29.9 yr; average duration of exposure 7 yr). The results were compared with those obtained in well-matched control groups comprising 114 and 48 male and female workers, respectively. The intensity of current Hg vapour exposure was rather moderate as reflected by the levels of mercury in urine (HgU) (mean and 95th percentile: males 52 and 147 micrograms/g creatinine; females 37 and 63 micrograms/g creatinine) and of mercury in blood (mean and 95th percentile: males 1.4 and 3.7 micrograms/dl; females 0.9 and 1.4 microgram/dl). Several symptoms mainly related to the central nervous system (memory disturbances, depressive feelings, fatigue, irritability) were more prevalent in the Hg-exposed subjects. They were, however, not related to exposure parameters. In both male and female Hg-exposed workers no significant disturbances were found in short-term memory (audioverbal), simple reaction time (visual), critical flicker fusion, and colour discrimination ability. Only slight renal tubular effects were detected in Hg-exposed males and females, ie, an increased urinary beta-galactosidase activity and an increased urinary excretion of retinol-binding protein. The prevalence of these preclinical renal effects was more related to the current exposure intensity (HgU) than to the duration of exposure and was detected mainly when HgU exceeds 50 micrograms/g creatinine. Changes in hand tremor spectrum recorded with an accelerometer were found in the Hg-exposed males only. The prevalence of abnormal values for some hand tremor parameters (total velocity and total displacement in the 2-50-Hz band) was mainly increased in male workers exposed for more than 10 yr. Unlike the renal tubular effects, the preclinical signs of tremor were more related to the integrated exposure than to the current exposure. Since the female workers, who have been exposed to Hg vapour levels usually insufficient to increase their HgU levels above 50 micrograms/g creatinine, did not exhibit any change in hand tremor pattern, the results of the present study tend to validate our previously proposed biological threshold limit value of a HgU of 50 micrograms/g creatinine for workers chronically exposed to mercury vapour

    Latex immunoassay of serum alpha-fetoprotein using polyethylene glycol pretreatment.

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    A latex particle immunoassay has been developed for the determination of serum alpha-fetoprotein. The assay consists of incubating the serum sample for 30 min at 50 degrees C with latex particles coated with anti-alpha-fetoprotein immunoglobulin, then quantifying the remaining unagglutinated particles with an optical particle counter. The assay is fully automated with a sampling rate of 40/h. The interference from rheumatoid factor is eliminated by precipitation with polyethylene glycol (7% final concentration). The alpha-fetoprotein standard curve, prepared in a human serum matrix, extends from 0.5 to 32 micrograms/l. Because sera are diluted ten-fold, the limit of detection of the assay lies around 5 micrograms/l. Coefficients of variation ranged from 4 to 15% and the recovery of alpha-fetoprotein tested on eight normal sera and four sera containing rheumatoid factor averaged 102.2% (SD = 13.2). The correlation coefficient between latex immunoassay and radioimmunoassay, calculated from the assay of 138 samples was 0.98