19 research outputs found


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    Botrytis gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important pathogen of grapevines all over the world. In order to determine the intensity of B. cinerea attack on mature grapes and efficiency of botryticides (cv. Traminac - iprodion, pyrimethanil, fludioxinil + cyprodinil; cv. GraÅ”evina - fenhexamid, fludioxinil+cyprodinil, tebuconazol+diclofluanid) a two-year experiment (2001-2002) was set up on locations Mladice (Traminac) and Å komić (GraÅ”evina). By evaluation of the intensity of B. cinerea infection on the GraÅ”evina and Traminac grapes the strongest infection determined on the control, and the weakest on the variant with botryticides Switch. Comparison of infection intensity on the Traminac grapes with the GraÅ”evina grapes led to no differences concerning the sensitivity of varieties. The disease intensity primarily depended on climate conditions. Both experimental years were charactized by the quantity of precipitation in the vine-yards which were in favour of the high humidity allowing high disease intensity.Siva plijesan, koju uzrokuje Botrytis cinerea, značajna je bolest vinove loze diljem svijeta. S ciljem utvrđivanja intenziteta napada B. cinera na zrelim grozdovima i učinkovitosti botriticida (Traminac - iprodion, pirimetanil, fludioksinil+ciprodinil; GraÅ”evina - fenheksamid, fludioksinil+ ciprodinil, tebukonazol+ diklofluanid), postavljen je dvogodiÅ”nji pokus (2001.-2002.) na lokacijama Mladice (Traminac) i Å komić (GraÅ”evina). Procjenom intenziteta napada Botrytis cinerea na GraÅ”evini i Tramincu utvrđene su najjače zaraze na kontroli, a najslabije u varijanti pokusa s botriticidom Switch. Usporedbom jačine zaraze grozdova sorte Traminac, u odnosu na GraÅ”evinu, nisu nađene razlike koje se mogu pripisati različitoj osjetljivosti sorata. U konkretnim uvjetima lokaliteta Mladice i Å komić, jačina zaraze zavisila je, u prvom redu, o klimatskim čimbenicima. U obje pokusne godine količina i raspored oborina podržavale su visoku vlažnost u vinogradima, omogućivÅ”i brojne infekcije i intenzivan razvoj bolesti


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    Botrytis gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important pathogen of grapevines all over the world. In order to determine the intensity of B. cinerea attack on mature grapes and efficiency of botryticides (cv. Traminac - iprodion, pyrimethanil, fludioxinil + cyprodinil; cv. GraÅ”evina - fenhexamid, fludioxinil+cyprodinil, tebuconazol+diclofluanid) a two-year experiment (2001-2002) was set up on locations Mladice (Traminac) and Å komić (GraÅ”evina). By evaluation of the intensity of B. cinerea infection on the GraÅ”evina and Traminac grapes the strongest infection determined on the control, and the weakest on the variant with botryticides Switch. Comparison of infection intensity on the Traminac grapes with the GraÅ”evina grapes led to no differences concerning the sensitivity of varieties. The disease intensity primarily depended on climate conditions. Both experimental years were charactized by the quantity of precipitation in the vine-yards which were in favour of the high humidity allowing high disease intensity.Siva plijesan, koju uzrokuje Botrytis cinerea, značajna je bolest vinove loze diljem svijeta. S ciljem utvrđivanja intenziteta napada B. cinera na zrelim grozdovima i učinkovitosti botriticida (Traminac - iprodion, pirimetanil, fludioksinil+ciprodinil; GraÅ”evina - fenheksamid, fludioksinil+ ciprodinil, tebukonazol+ diklofluanid), postavljen je dvogodiÅ”nji pokus (2001.-2002.) na lokacijama Mladice (Traminac) i Å komić (GraÅ”evina). Procjenom intenziteta napada Botrytis cinerea na GraÅ”evini i Tramincu utvrđene su najjače zaraze na kontroli, a najslabije u varijanti pokusa s botriticidom Switch. Usporedbom jačine zaraze grozdova sorte Traminac, u odnosu na GraÅ”evinu, nisu nađene razlike koje se mogu pripisati različitoj osjetljivosti sorata. U konkretnim uvjetima lokaliteta Mladice i Å komić, jačina zaraze zavisila je, u prvom redu, o klimatskim čimbenicima. U obje pokusne godine količina i raspored oborina podržavale su visoku vlažnost u vinogradima, omogućivÅ”i brojne infekcije i intenzivan razvoj bolesti

    Lightning Performance Improvement Of 123 kV Line Ston ā€“ Komolac By Use Of Line Surge Arresters

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    This paper presents HEP - Transmission System Operator Ltd. Line surge arrester (LSA) application pilot project on the Ston ā€“ Komolac 123 kV line. This 44 km long single circuit shielded transmission line operates in the region with a high lightning activity (keraunic level about 70 thunder days). In addition, it was very difficult to obtain good footing resistance. For these reasons, considered line used to have very bad lightning performance. It was decided to install Line surge arresters for line lightning performance improvement. In order to optimize arrester installation configuration sigma slp software simulations were performed. LSA are installed according to the results of the software simulations. LSA are installed in summer 2007 (110 gapless, IEC-class II Line arresters). Sixty one LSA are equipped with Excount - II monitoring sensors (monitoring arrester leakage current and peak of the impulse current). Based on the 8-month experience, LSA installation has improved line lightning performance. New line performance is close to the targeted once (improvement by 50 to 60 %). Surge arrester monitors collect very interesting information. Collected info will be compared with the software simulations


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    Mirisna ljubičica (Viola odorata L.) samonikla na području Mediterana, poznata je i koristi se joÅ” od antičkih vremena. O tome svjedoče brojne priče i legende. Premda se vrsta odlikuje sitnim cvjetovima od davnina se proizvodi za rez, a zbog neodoljivog mirisa i rane cvatnje uobičajena je vrsta tradicijskih vrtova. Cijela biljka je jestiva i ljekovita tako da je uobičajena njena uporaba u narodnoj medicini i ljekarniÅ”tvu. Poznavanjem priča i legendi te različitih mogućnosti upotrebe omogućilo bi se osmiÅ”ljavanje brojnih novih proizvoda koji bi se mogli plasirati u posebnim prilikama uz adekvatnu promidžbu. Cilj rada bio je istražiti povijesne priče i legende o mirisnoj ljubičici, njenu simboličnu vrijednost te zabilježiti mogućnosti njene uporabe.Originating from the Mediterranean region, Sweet violet (Viola odorata L.) has been well known and used since ancient times. Numerous stories and legends prove that. Even though the species has small flowers, it has been produced as a cut flower for a very long time, and due to its irresistible smell and early flowering it is a common species in traditional gardens. The entire plant is edible and medicinal, so its use is widespread in traditional medicine and pharmaceutics. Knowing the stories and legends, as well as different possibilities of its use would help to develop numerous new products, which could, upon adequate marketing activities, be offered for sale within special events. The objective of this article is to investigate stories and legends about sweet violet and its symbolic value, as well as to note the possibilities of its use

    The COVID-19 pandemic: a letter to G20 leaders

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    Botrytis gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is an important pathogen of grapevines all over the world. In order to determine the intensity of B. cinerea attack on mature grapes and efficiency of botryticides (cv. Traminac - iprodion, pyrimethanil, fludioxinil + cyprodinil; cv. GraÅ”evina - fenhexamid, fludioxinil+cyprodinil, tebuconazol+diclofluanid) a two-year experiment (2001-2002) was set up on locations Mladice (Traminac) and Å komić (GraÅ”evina). By evaluation of the intensity of B. cinerea infection on the GraÅ”evina and Traminac grapes the strongest infection determined on the control, and the weakest on the variant with botryticides Switch. Comparison of infection intensity on the Traminac grapes with the GraÅ”evina grapes led to no differences concerning the sensitivity of varieties. The disease intensity primarily depended on climate conditions. Both experimental years were charactized by the quantity of precipitation in the vine-yards which were in favour of the high humidity allowing high disease intensity

    Lightning Performance Improvement Of 123 kV Line Ston ā€“ Komolac By Use Of Line Surge Arresters

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    This paper presents HEP - Transmission System Operator Ltd. Line surge arrester (LSA) application pilot project on the Ston ā€“ Komolac 123 kV line. This 44 km long single circuit shielded transmission line operates in the region with a high lightning activity (keraunic level about 70 thunder days). In addition, it was very difficult to obtain good footing resistance. For these reasons, considered line used to have very bad lightning performance. It was decided to install Line surge arresters for line lightning performance improvement. In order to optimize arrester installation configuration sigma slp software simulations were performed. LSA are installed according to the results of the software simulations. LSA are installed in summer 2007 (110 gapless, IEC-class II Line arresters). Sixty one LSA are equipped with Excount - II monitoring sensors (monitoring arrester leakage current and peak of the impulse current). Based on the 8-month experience, LSA installation has improved line lightning performance. New line performance is close to the targeted once (improvement by 50 to 60 %). Surge arrester monitors collect very interesting information. Collected info will be compared with the software simulations