3 research outputs found

    Influence of molding and core sands matrix on the effectiveness of the microwaves absorption

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    The paper presents the results of applying microwaves to support the drying, redrying and hardening process of molding and core sands made of different types of matrix. In the tests of the microwave heating process a slot line measuring stand was used. Being based on the dielectric parameter measurement it enabled the evaluation of power losses of microwaves penetrating: chromite, magnesite, corundum, zircon and silica molding matrix samples. The survey revealed an impact of humidity and chemical compound of sands on microwave absorption. The study enabled the systematization of knowledge about the influence of selected types of matrix on the effectiveness of the microwave heating process

    Evaluation of the Microwaves Absorption Effectiveness by Various Moulding Sand Matrixes

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 nad mo偶liwo艣ci膮 zastosowania mikrofal do wspomagania procesu suszenia mas formierskich i rdzeniowych sporz膮dzonych z r贸偶nymi gatunkami osnowy. Zawarto艣膰 wody w masach formierskich, podobnie jak rodzaj zastosowanej osnowy, ma istotny wp艂yw na jako艣膰 wytwarzanych odlew贸w. W badaniach zastosowano unikatowe stanowisko mikrofalowej linii szczelinowej, umo偶liwiaj膮ce ocen臋, na podstawie pomiaru parametr贸w dielektrycznych, wielko艣ci strat mocy emitowanego sygna艂u mikrofalowego penetruj膮cego pr贸bki stosowanych w odlewnictwie gatunk贸w osnowy: chromitowej, cyrkonowej i kwarcowej. Dzi臋ki zastosowaniu unikatowego, prototypowego stanowiska badawczego mo偶liwym by艂o usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat wp艂ywu parametr贸w dielektrycznych zastosowanych w badaniach gatunk贸w piasku na skuteczno艣膰 poch艂aniania mikrofal przez sporz膮dzone z nimi masy formierskie, a zatem na efektywno艣膰 mikrofalowych proces贸w dosuszania, suszenia i utwardzania przez dehydratacj臋 tych mas. Wyniki bada艅 wykaza艂y jednoznacznie wp艂yw sk艂adu chemicznego (mineralogicznego) zastosowanych gatunk贸w osnowy na proces poch艂aniania mikrofal oraz wyznaczy艂y nowe obszary zastosowania mikrofal do wspomagania proces贸w odlewniczych.This paper presents the results of studies on the possibility of applying microwaves to support the drying process of molding and core sands made of different types of matrix. The water content in sand molds as well as the type of used matrix has a significant impact on the quality of produced castings. In the research a unique microwave slot line measuring stand was used. Being based on the dielectric parameter measurement it enabled the evaluation of power losses of microwave penetrating molding and core sands samples such as: chromite, zircon and quartz. The knowledge about the influence of dielectric parameters on microwave absorption effectiveness depending on used in the research sand types was systematized. Thus it was possible to specify the efficiency of microwave drying, re drying and hardening of particular molding sands as a result of dehydration. The results of the survey pointed out the impact of the chemical (mineralogical) composition of used matrix types on the microwave absorption process as also determined new fields of microwaves application as a support of foundry processes

    Influence of molding and core sands matrix on the effectiveness of the microwaves absorption

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    The paper presents the results of applying microwaves to support the drying, redrying and hardening process of molding and core sands made of different types of matrix. In the tests of the microwave heating process a slot line measuring stand was used. Being based on the dielectric parameter measurement it enabled the evaluation of power losses of microwaves penetrating: chromite, magnesite, corundum, zircon and silica molding matrix samples. The survey revealed an impact of humidity and chemical compound of sands on microwave absorption. The study enabled the systematization of knowledge about the influence of selected types of matrix on the effectiveness of the microwave heating process