280 research outputs found

    M2000 : an astrometric catalog in the Bordeaux Carte du Ciel zone +11 degrees < {delta} < +18 degrees

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    During four years, systematic observations have been conducted in drift scan mode with the Bordeaux automated meridian circle in the declination band [+11 ; +18]. The resulting astrometric catalog includes about 2 300 000 stars down to the magnitude limit V_M=16.3. Nearly all stars (96%) have been observed at least 6 times, the catalog being complete down to V_M=15.4. The median internal standard error in position is about 35 mas in the V_M magnitude range [11 ; 15], which degrades to about 50 mas when the faintest stars are considered. M2000 provides also one band photometry with a median internal standard error of 0.04 mag. Comparisons with the Hipparcos and bright part of Tycho-2 catalogs have enabled to estimate external errors in position to be lower than 40 mas. In this zone and at epoch 1998, the faint part of Tycho-2 is found to have an accuracy of 116 mas in alpha instead of 82 mas deduced from the model-based standard errors given in the catalog.Comment: The catalogue can be fetched directly from: ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/I/272 or queried from: http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=I/272 More information at : http://www.observ.u-bordeaux.fr/~soubiran/m2000.ht

    Growth and development of the third permanent molar in Paranthropus robustus from Swartkrans, South Africa

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    Third permanent molars (M3s) are the last tooth to form but have not been used to estimate age at dental maturation in early fossil hominins because direct histological evidence for the timing of their growth has been lacking. We investigated an isolated maxillary M3 (SK 835) from the 1.5 to 1.8-million-year-old (Mya) site of Swartkrans, South Africa, attributed to Paranthropus robustus. Tissue proportions of this specimen were assessed using 3D X-ray micro-tomography. Thin ground sections were used to image daily growth increments in enamel and dentine. Transmitted light microscopy and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging revealed fluctuations in Ca concentration that coincide with daily growth increments. We used regional daily secretion rates and Sr marker-lines to reconstruct tooth growth along the enamel/dentine and then cementum/dentine boundaries. Cumulative growth curves for increasing enamel thickness and tooth height and age-of-attainment estimates for fractional stages of tooth formation differed from those in modern humans. These now provide additional means for assessing late maturation in early hominins. M3 formation took ≥ 7 years in SK 835 and completion of the roots would have occurred between 11 and 14 years of age. Estimated age at dental maturation in this fossil hominin compares well with what is known for living great apes

    The transcriptional architecture of early human hematopoiesis identifies multilevel control of lymphoid commitment.

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    Understanding how differentiation programs originate from the gene-expression 'landscape' of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is crucial for the development of new clinical therapies. We mapped the transcriptional dynamics underlying the first steps of commitment by tracking transcriptome changes in human HSCs and eight early progenitor populations. We found that transcriptional programs were extensively shared, extended across lineage-potential boundaries and were not strictly lineage affiliated. Elements of stem, lymphoid and myeloid programs were retained in multilymphoid progenitors (MLPs), which reflected a hybrid transcriptional state. By functional single cell analysis, we found that the transcription factors Bcl-11A, Sox4 and TEAD1 (TEF1) governed transcriptional networks in MLPs, which led to B cell specification. Overall, we found that integrated transcriptome approaches can be used to identify previously unknown regulators of multipotency and show additional complexity in lymphoid commitment

    Homing and Long-Term Engraftment of Long- and Short-Term Renewal Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    Long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSC) and short-term hematopoietic stem cells (ST-HSC) have been characterized as having markedly different in vivo repopulation, but similar in vitro growth in liquid culture. These differences could be due to differences in marrow homing. We evaluated this by comparing results when purified ST-HSC and LT-HSC were administered to irradiated mice by three different routes: intravenous, intraperitoneal, and directly into the femur. Purified stem cells derived from B6.SJL mice were competed with marrow cells from C57BL/6J mice into lethally irradiated C57BL/6J mice. Serial transplants into secondary recipients were also carried out. We found no advantage for ST-HSC engraftment when the cells were administered intraperitoneally or directly into femur. However, to our surprise, we found that the purified ST-HSC were not short-term in nature but rather gave long-term multilineage engraftment out to 387 days, albeit at a lower level than the LT-HSC. The ST-HSC also gave secondary engraftment. These observations challenge current models of the stem cell hierarchy and suggest that stem cells are in a continuum of change

    Chemically-Induced Cancers Do Not Originate from Bone Marrow-Derived Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The identification and characterization of cancer stem cells (CSCs) is imperative to understanding the mechanism of cancer pathogenesis. Growing evidence suggests that CSCs play critical roles in the development and progression of cancer. However, controversy exists as to whether CSCs arise from bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs). METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In the present study, n-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) was used to induce tumor formation in female mice that received bone marrow from male mice. Tumor formation was induced in 20/26 mice, including 12 liver tumors, 6 lung tumors, 1 bladder tumor and 1 nasopharyngeal tumor. Through comparison of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results in corresponding areas from serial tumor sections stained with HandE, we determined that BMDCs were recruited to both tumor tissue and normal surrounding tissue at a very low frequency (0.2-1% in tumors and 0-0.3% in normal tissues). However, approximately 3-70% of cells in the tissues surrounding the tumor were BMDCs, and the percentage of BMDCs was highly associated with the inflammatory status of the tissue. In the present study, no evidence was found to support the existence of fusion cells formed form BMDCs and tissue-specific stem cells. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our data suggest that although BMDCs may contribute to tumor progression, they are unlike to contribute to tumor initiation.published_or_final_versio

    Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Self-Renew and Differentiate According to a Deterministic Hierarchy

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    BACKGROUND:Mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) have been isolated from a variety of connective tissues, and are commonly called "mesenchymal stem cells" (MSCs). A stem cell is defined as having robust clonal self-renewal and multilineage differentiation potential. Accordingly, the term "MSC" has been criticised, as there is little data demonstrating self-renewal of definitive single-cell-derived (SCD) clonal populations from a mesenchymal cell source. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here we show that a tractable MPC population, human umbilical cord perivascular cells (HUCPVCs), was capable of multilineage differentiation in vitro and, more importantly, contributed to rapid connective tissue healing in vivo by producing bone, cartilage and fibrous stroma. Furthermore, HUCPVCs exhibit a high clonogenic frequency, allowing us to isolate definitive SCD parent and daughter clones from mixed gender suspensions as determined by Y-chromosome fluorescent in situ hybridization. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Analysis of the multilineage differentiation capacity of SCD parent clones and daughter clones enabled us to formulate a new hierarchical schema for MSC self-renewal and differentiation in which a self-renewing multipotent MSC gives rise to more restricted self-renewing progenitors that gradually lose differentiation potential until a state of complete restriction to the fibroblast is reached

    Comparative Expression Profiling of Leishmania: Modulation in Gene Expression between Species and in Different Host Genetic Backgrounds

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    The single-celled parasite Leishmania, transmitted by sand flies in more than 88 tropical and sub-tropical countries globally, infects man and other mammals, causing a spectrum of diseases called the leishmaniases. Over 12 million people are currently infected worldwide with 2 million new cases reported each year. The type of leishmaniasis that develops in the mammalian host is dependent on the species of infecting parasite and the immune response to infection (that can be influenced by host genetic variation). Our research is focused on identifying parasite factors that contribute to pathogenicity in the host and understanding how these might differ between parasite species that give rise to the different clinical forms of leishmaniasis. Molecules of this type might lead to new therapeutic tools in the longer term. In this paper, we report a comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in three Leishmania species that give rise to different types of disease, focusing on the intracellular stages that reside in mammalian macrophages. Our results show that there are only a small number of differences between these parasite species, with host genetics playing only a minor role in influencing the parasites' response to their intracellular habitat. These small changes may be significant, however, in determining the clinical outcome of infection