54 research outputs found

    Low-noise 1 THz niobium superconducting tunnel junction mixer with a normal metal tuning circuit

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    We describe a 1 THz quasioptical SIS mixer which uses a twin-slot antenna, an antireflection-coated silicon hyperhemispherical lens, Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions, and an aluminum normal-metal tuning circuit in a two-junction configuration. Since the mixer operates substantially above the gap frequency of niobium (nu >~ 2 Delta/h ~ 700 GHz), a normal metal is used in the tuning circuit in place of niobium to reduce the Ohmic loss. The frequency response of the device was measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer and agrees reasonably well with the theoretical prediction. At 1042 GHz, the uncorrected double-sideband receiver noise temperature is 840 K when the physical temperature of the mixer is 2.5 K. This is the first SIS mixer which outperforms GaAs Schottky diode mixers by a large margin at 1 THz

    Characterization of submillimetre quasi-optical twin-slot double-junction SIS mixers

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    We report on the continuing development of submillimetre quasi-optical slot antenna SIS mixers, which use two-junction tuning circuits. Direct and heterodyne Fourier transform spectrometer measurements have been performed to compare device performance with predictions. Demonstrated double-sideband receiver noise temperatures of better than 540 K at 808 GHz make these SIS mixers substantially better than GaAs Schottky receivers for the astronomically important CI and CO transitions near 810 GHz

    Low-noise slot antenna SIS mixers

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    We describe quasi-optical SIS mixers operating in the submillimeter band (500-750 GHz) which have very low noise, around 5 h/spl nu//k/sub B/ for the double-sideband receiver noise temperature. The mixers use a twin-slot antenna, Nb/Al-Oxide/Nb tunnel junctions fabricated with optical lithography, a two-junction tuning circuit, and a silicon hyperhemispherical lens with a novel antireflection coating to optimize the optical efficiency. We have flown a submillimeter receiver using these mixers on the Kuiper Airborne Observatory, and have detected a transition of H/sub 2//sup 18/O at 745 GHz. This directly confirms that SIS junctions are capable of low-noise mixing above the gap frequency

    Quasi-optical SIS mixers with normal metal tuning structures

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    We recently reported (1996) a quasi-optical SIS mixer which used Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions and a normal-metal (Al) tuning circuit to achieve an uncorrected receiver noise temperature of 840 K (DSB) at 1042 GHz. Here we present results on several different device designs, which together cover the 300-1200 GHz frequency range. The mixers utilize an antireflection-coated silicon hyper-hemispherical lens, a twin-slot antenna, and a two-junction tuning circuit. The broad-band frequency response was measured using Fourier transform spectrometry (FTS), and is in good agreement with model calculations. Heterodyne tests were carried out from 400 GHz up to 1040 GHz, and these measurements agree well with the FTS results and with calculations based on Tucker's theory (1985)

    Nuevo ensayo para la determinaciĂłn de frecuencias fundamentales longitudinales, transversales y torsionales en probetas de hormigĂłn

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    For twenty-five years The ASTM method used to determine reductions in concrete durability after freeze-thaw cycling has been C215-60. In this test the fundamental frequencies of a concrete specimen are compared. This test is time consuming, noisy and often inaccurate. In this paper a new method is proposed for measuring the fundamental frequencies of concrete to a single tap via a Fast Fourier Transform. The new test is faster, simpler and more accurate.El método usado por la ASTM desde hace 25 años para la determinación de la durabilidad del hormigón después de sufrir ciclos hielo/deshielo ha sido el C215-60. En este ensayo se comparan las frecuencias fundamentales de una probeta de hormigón. Este ensayo es ruidoso, lleva bastante tiempo y es bastante impreciso. En este trabajo se pone un nuevo método para medias frecuencias fundamentales en el hormigón por simple golpe mediante la TRANSFORMADA RÁPIDA de FOURIER. El nuevo método es mås råpido, mås simple y mås preciso

    Low-noise slot antenna SIS mixers

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    Dynamics and Energy Distribution of Non-Equilibrium Quasiparticles in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

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    We present a full theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics and energy distribution of non-equilibrium quasiparticles in superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs). STJs are often used for single-photon spectrometers, where the numbers of quasiparticles excited by a photon provide a measure of the photon energy. The magnitude and fluctuations of the signal current in STJ detectors are in large part determined by the quasiparticle dynamics and energy distribution during the detection process. We use this as motivation to study the transport and energy distribution of non-equilibrium quasiparticles excited by x-ray photons in a lateral, imaging junction configuration. We present a full numerical model for the tunneling current of the major physical processes which determine the signal. We find that a diffusion framework models the quasiparticle dynamics well and that excited quasiparticles do not equilibrate to the lattice temperature during the timescales for tunneling. We extract physical timescales from the measured data, make comparisons with existing theories, and comment on implications for superconducting mesoscopic systems and single-photon detectors.Comment: 25 pages text, 15 figure

    Altered mGluR5-Homer scaffolds and corticostriatal connectivity in a Shank3 complete knockout model of autism

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    Human neuroimaging studies suggest that aberrant neural connectivity underlies behavioural deficits in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but the molecular and neural circuit mechanisms underlying ASDs remain elusive. Here, we describe a complete knockout mouse model of the autism-associated Shank3 gene, with a deletion of exons 4–22 (Δe4–22). Both mGluR5-Homer scaffolds and mGluR5-mediated signalling are selectively altered in striatal neurons. These changes are associated with perturbed function at striatal synapses, abnormal brain morphology, aberrant structural connectivity and ASD-like behaviour. In vivo recording reveals that the cortico-striatal-thalamic circuit is tonically hyperactive in mutants, but becomes hypoactive during social behaviour. Manipulation of mGluR5 activity attenuates excessive grooming and instrumental learning differentially, and rescues impaired striatal synaptic plasticity in Δe4–22−/− mice. These findings show that deficiency of Shank3 can impair mGluR5-Homer scaffolding, resulting in cortico-striatal circuit abnormalities that underlie deficits in learning and ASD-like behaviours. These data suggest causal links between genetic, molecular, and circuit mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of ASDs
