10,843 research outputs found

    Pairing effect on the giant dipole resonance width at low temperature

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    The width of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) at finite temperature T in Sn-120 is calculated within the Phonon Damping Model including the neutron thermal pairing gap determined from the modified BCS theory. It is shown that the effect of thermal pairing causes a smaller GDR width at T below 2 MeV as compared to the one obtained neglecting pairing. This improves significantly the agreement between theory and experiment including the most recent data point at T = 1 MeV.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures to be published in Physical Review

    On "the authentic damping mechanism" of the phonon damping model

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    Some general features of the phonon damping model are presented. It is concluded that the fits performed within this model have no physical content

    Neutron transition strengths of 21+2^+_1 states in the neutron rich Oxygen isotopes determined from inelastic proton scattering

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    A coupled-channel analysis of the 18,20,22^{18,20,22}O(p,p′)(p,p') data has been performed to determine the neutron transition strengths of 21+^+_1 states in Oxygen targets, using the microscopic optical potential and inelastic form factor calculated in the folding model. A complex density- and \emph{isospin} dependent version of the CDM3Y6 interaction was constructed, based on the Brueckner-Hatree-Fock calculation of nuclear matter, for the folding model input. Given an accurate isovector density dependence of the CDM3Y6 interaction, the isoscalar (δ0\delta_0) and isovector (δ1\delta_1) deformation lengths of 21+^+_1 states in 18,20,22^{18,20,22}O have been extracted from the folding model analysis of the (p,p′)(p,p') data. A specific NN-dependence of δ0\delta_0 and δ1\delta_1 has been established which can be linked to the neutron shell closure occurring at NN approaching 16. The strongest isovector deformation was found for 21+^+_1 state in 20^{20}O, with δ1\delta_1 about 2.5 times larger than δ0\delta_0, which indicates a strong core polarization by the valence neutrons in 20^{20}O. The ratios of the neutron/proton transition matrix elements (Mn/MpM_n/M_p) determined for 21+^+_1 states in 18,20^{18,20}O have been compared to those deduced from the mirror symmetry, using the measured B(E2)B(E2) values of 21+^+_1 states in the proton rich 18^{18}Ne and 20^{20}Mg nuclei, to discuss the isospin impurity in the 21+2^+_1 excitation of the A=18,T=1A=18,T=1 and A=20,T=2A=20,T=2 isobars.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Scanning optical pyrometer for measuring temperatures in hollow cathodes

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    Life-limiting processes in hollow cathodes are determined largely by the temperature of the electron emitter. To support cathode life assessment, a noncontact temperature measurement technique which employs a stepper motor-driven fiber optic probe was developed. The probe is driven inside the hollow cathode and collects light radiated by the hot interior surface of the emitter. Ratio pyrometry is used to determine the axial temperature profile. Thermocouples on the orifice plate provide measurements of the external temperature during cathode operation and are used to calibrate the pyrometer system in situ with a small oven enclosing the externally heated cathode. The diagnostic method and initial measurements of the temperature distribution in a hollow cathode are discussed

    Effect of growth conditions on optical properties of CdSe/ZnSe single quantum dots

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    In this work, we have investigated the optical properties of two samples of CdSe quantum dots by using submicro-photoluminescence spectroscopy. The effect of vicinal-surface GaAs substrates on their properties has been also assessed. The thinner sample, grown on a substrate with vicinal surface, includes only dots with a diameter of less than 10 nm (type A islands). Islands of an average diameter of about 16 nm (type B islands) that are related to a phase transition via a Stranski-Krastanow growth process are also distributed in the thicker sample grown on an oriented substrate. We have studied the evolution of lineshapes of PL spectra for these two samples by improving spatial resolution that was achieved using nanoapertures or mesa structures. It was found that the use of a substrate with the vicinal surface leads to the suppression of excitonic PL emitted from a wetting layer.Comment: 2pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of International Conference On Superlattices Nano-Structures And Nano-Devices, July, Toulouse, France, to appear in the special issue of Physica

    Singularity Free Inhomogeneous Models with Heat Flow

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    We present a class of singularity free exact cosmological solutions of Einstein's equations describing a perfect fluid with heat flow. It is obtained as generalization of the Senovilla class [1] corresponding to incoherent radiation field. The spacetime is cylindrically symmetric and globally regular.Comment: 6 pages, TeX, to appear in Class.Quant.Gra

    Competing magnetic fluctuations in Sr3Ru2O7 probed by Ti doping

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    We report the effect of nonmagnetic Ti4+ impurities on the electronic and magnetic properties of Sr3Ru2O7. Small amounts of Ti suppress the characteristic peak in magnetic susceptibility near 16 K and result in a sharp upturn in specific heat. The metamagnetic quantum phase transition and related anomalous features are quickly smeared out by small amounts of Ti. These results provide strong evidence for the existence of competing magnetic fluctuations in the ground state of Sr3Ru2O7. Ti doping suppresses the low temperature antiferromagnetic interactions that arise from Fermi surface nesting, leaving the system in a state dominated by ferromagnetic fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation studies of lateral size effects in Zn_{1-x}Mn_xSe/ZnSe quantum disc samples of different radii

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    Quantum disc structures (with diameters of 200 nm and 100 nm) were prepared from a Zn_{0.72}Mn_{0.28}Se/ZnSe single quantum well structure by electron beam lithography followed by an etching procedure which combined dry and wet etching techniques. The quantum disc structures and the parent structure were studied by photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. For the light-hole excitons in the quantum well region, shifts of the energy positions are observed following fabrication of the discs, confirming that strain relaxation occurs in the pillars. The light-hole exciton lines also sharpen following disc fabrication: this is due to an interplay between strain effects (related to dislocations) and the lateral size of the discs. A further consequence of the small lateral sizes of the discs is that the intensity of the donor-bound exciton emission from the disc is found to decrease with the disc radius. These size-related effects occur before the disc radius is reduced to dimensions necessary for lateral quantum confinement to occur but will remain important when the discs are made small enough to be considered as quantum dots.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13 pages, 6 figures (epsfig
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