4,009 research outputs found

    The Breakdown of Kinetic Theory in Granular Shear Flows

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    We examine two basic assumptions of kinetic theory-- binary collisions and molecular chaos-- using numerical simulations of sheared granular materials. We investigate a wide range of densities and restitution coefficients and demonstrate that kinetic theory breaks down at large density and small restitution coefficients. In the regimes where kinetic theory fails, there is an associated emergence of clusters of spatially correlated grains

    Even non-extremists get the blues: the rhetoric of copyright

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    The participants in this dialogue are Wendy Gordon and Lois Wasoff. Each is an intellectual property expert who has immersed herself in copyright law and policy for over twenty years. Neither sits at an extreme end of the policy spectrum, yet the two disagree over a wide range of issues. The editors of this volume thought their discussions could prove useful to others struggling with copyright dilemmas. Accordingly, Gordon and Wasoff sat down with a tape recorder for us. In edited form, their dialogue follows here

    Reparable Harm: Assessing and Addressing Disparities Faced by Boys and Men of Color in California

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    The California Endowment commissioned this report to highlight the most glaring inequities in socioeconomics, health, safety, and education faced by African-American and Latino men and boys in the state. In addition to presenting the statistics on these indicators, the authors outline a framework for addressing the disparities at the individual, community, and macro levels

    Evening At Juniper Knoll

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    Oh, the glory of it all! The sun was a magnificant ball of flame as it descended low in the heavens. Small fluffy clouds of gold floated around the huge flaming ball, but kept their distance as though there was some fear of it. Occasionally, a graceful swallow Hew across, lending his profile to the glory of the heavens, and the cry of night birds as they took to flight gave the woods that necessary note of evening time. As I strolled through the woods, the sticks crackled beneath my feet and one little squirrel in the tree top took aim and fired his walnut at my head, which, in his estimation, made a very superior target. The greenery around me was becoming wet with dew and as I neared the knoll, which was the most beautiful spot in that section of the woods, the sun had almost crept behind the farthest hill