21 research outputs found

    The influence of building foundations on the threat to the road due to landslide movements

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    W artykule omówiony został problem obciążonego budynkiem osuwiska zlokalizowanego w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie drogi. Jako przykład posłużyło osuwisko zlokalizowane w miejscowości Skawinki (gm. Lanckorona, pow. wadowicki). Jest to obszar zlokalizowany w obrębie Karpat Fliszowych - rejonu najbardziej zagrożonego ruchem osuwiskowym w Polsce. Przeprowadzono dwa rodzaje analizy stateczności zbocza w programie MIDAS GTS NX. Pierwsza z nich zakłada posadowienie przedmiotowego budynku na płycie fundamentowej. Druga z kolei została przeprowadzona przy założeniu posadowienia obiektu na palach fundamentowych. Wyznaczone współczynniki stateczności ogólnej FoS pokazują, że bezpieczniejszym sposobem posadowienia budynku są pale fundamentowe. Powierzchnia poślizgu wskazuje, że ruch osuwiskowy nie zagraża wówczas zlokalizowanej poniżej skarpy drodze.In the paper the problem of a landslide loaded by the building and located in the vicinity of the road is discussed. The landslide located in Skawinki (Lanckorona municipality, Wadowice county) is used as an example. This area is located in the Carpathian Flysch - the region in Poland which is the most threatened by landslides. Two types of foundations are analysed - base plate foundations and prefabricated piles. Slope stability analyses were performed in MIDAS GTS NX. Determined Factors of Safety FoS shows that piles provide more secure foundations. The slip surface indicates that the landslide movement does not threaten the road located below the slope

    Evolution of the northern Tethyan Helvetic Platform during the late Berriasian and early Valanginian

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    The Early Cretaceous period is characterized by widespread carbonate production in tropical and subtropical epicontinental seas, which was modulated by changes in sea-level, detrital and nutrient fluxes, and the global carbon cycle. As a result, carbonate platforms were sensitive recorders of environmental change, which often anticipated global environmental perturbations. A good example is provided by the northern Tethyan carbonate platform, which is presently preserved in the central European Helvetic Alps. There, the latest early to late Valanginian Weissert episode of global change, which is defined by the first important positive shift in δ13C records of the Cretaceous, is expressed by a prolonged, stepwise drowning phase. In this contribution, a detailed reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental change before and during the Weissert episode is provided based on three representative sections of the Helvetic platform. The sections are placed along a deepening transect and correlated by means of ammonite and microfossil biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and δ13C chemostratigraphy. In a first phase of palaeoenvironmental change during the latest Berriasian, photozoan carbonate production was stopped by a major and hitherto undetected drowning episode, which was followed by a phase of renewed carbonate production by heterozoan biota. This phase was linked to major sea-level rise, a change to a more humid climate and strong regional subsidence associated with tectonic block tilting. During the Valanginian, the circulation of nutrient-enriched sea waters prevented a return to oligotrophic conditions and two further drowning episodes occurred, which are both documented by condensed phosphate-rich beds and dated as middle early Valanginian and late Valanginian to early Hauterivian. The exact causes of the three-step deterioration in carbonate production are not established but a link to episodic volcanic activity is likely, eventually related to the formation of the Paranà-Etendeka large igneous province