296 research outputs found

    Antiferromagnetic S=1/2 Heisenberg Chain and the Two-flavor Massless Schwinger Model

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    An antiferromagnetic S=1/2 Heisenberg chain is mapped to the two-flavor massless Schwinger model at \theta=\pi. The electromagnetic coupling constant and velocity of light in the Schwinger model are determined in terms of the Heisenberg coupling and lattice spacing in the spin chain system.Comment: 3 pages. LaTex2

    About the holographic pseudo-Goldstone boson

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    Pseudo-Goldstone bosons in 4D strongly coupled theories have a dual description in terms of 5D gauge theories in warped backgrounds. We introduce systematic methods of computing the pseudo-Goldstone potential for an arbitrary warp factor in 5D. When applied to electroweak symmetry breaking, our approach clarifies the relation of physical observables to geometrical quantities in five dimensions.Comment: 16 page

    Aspects of Confinement and Chiral Dynamics in 2-d QED at Finite Temperature

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    We evaluate the Polyakov loop and string tension at zero and finite temperature in QED2.QED_2. Using bozonization the problem is reduced to solving the Schr\"odinger equation with a particular potential determined by the ground state. In the presence of two sources of opposite charges the vacuum angle parameter θ\theta changes by 2π(q/e)2\pi (q/e), independent of the number of flavors. This, in turn, alters the chiral condensate. Particularly, in the one flavor case through a simple computer algorithm, we explore the chiral dynamics of a heavy fermion.Comment: 4 pages, 2 ps files, uses sprocl.sty. To appear in Proceedings of DPF96 (August, Minnesota

    Confinement and Chiral Dynamics in the Multi-flavor Schwinger Model

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    Two-dimensional QED with NN flavor fermions is solved at zero and finite temperature with arbitrary fermion masses to explore QCD physics such as chiral condensate and string tension. The problem is reduced to solving a Schr\"odinger equation for NN degrees of freedom with a specific potential determined by the ground state of the Schr\"odinger problem itself.Comment: 9 pages. 3 ps files and sprocl.sty attached. To appear in the Proceedings of the QCD 96 workshop (March, Minnesota

    Non-local symmetry breaking in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    Scherk-Schwarz gauge symmetry breaking of a D-dimensional field theory model compactified on a circle is analyzed. It is explicitly shown that forbidden couplings in the unbroken theory appear in the one-loop effective action only in a non-local way, implying that they are finite at all orders in perturbation theory. This result can be understood as a consequence of the local gauge symmetry, but it holds true also in the global limit.Comment: v2: Wilson loop contributions and generalization to SU(N) included; references added. v3: version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Effective theories of gauge-Higgs unification models in warped spacetime

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    We derive four-dimensional (4D) effective theories of the gauge-Higgs unification models in the warped spacetime. The effective action can be expressed in a simple form by neglecting subleading corrections to the wave functions. We have shown in our previous works that some Higgs couplings to the other fields are suppressed by factors that depend on θˉH\bar{\theta}_H from the values in the standard model. Here θˉH\bar{\theta}_H is the Wilson line phase along the fifth dimension, which characterizes the electroweak symmetry breaking. The effective action derived here explicitly shows a nonlinear structure of the Higgs sector, which clarifies the origins of those suppression factors.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Renormal-order improvement of the Schwinger mass

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    The massive Schwinger model may be analysed by a perturbation expansion in the fermion mass. However, the results of this mass perturbation theory are sensible only for sufficiently small fermion mass. By performing a renormal-ordering, we arrive at a chiral perturbation expansion where the expansion parameter remains small even for large fermion mass. We use this renormal-ordered chiral perturbation theory for a computation of the Schwinger mass and compare our results with lattice computations.Comment: Latex file, 13 pages, 3 figures, needed macro: psbox.te

    Gauge-Higgs Dark Matter

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    When the anti-periodic boundary condition is imposed for a bulk field in extradimensional theories, independently of the background metric, the lightest component in the anti-periodic field becomes stable and hence a good candidate for the dark matter in the effective 4D theory due to the remaining accidental discrete symmetry. Noting that in the gauge-Higgs unification scenario, introduction of anti-periodic fermions is well-motivated by a phenomenological reason, we investigate dark matter physics in the scenario. As an example, we consider a five-dimensional SO(5)\timesU(1)_X gauge-Higgs unification model compactified on the S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 with the warped metric. Due to the structure of the gauge-Higgs unification, interactions between the dark matter particle and the Standard Model particles are largely controlled by the gauge symmetry, and hence the model has a strong predictive power for the dark matter physics. Evaluating the dark matter relic abundance, we identify a parameter region consistent with the current observations. Furthermore, we calculate the elastic scattering cross section between the dark matter particle and nucleon and find that a part of the parameter region is already excluded by the current experimental results for the direct dark matter search and most of the region will be explored in future experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Boundary Effects in 2+1 Dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory

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    The boundary effects in the screening of an applied magnetic field in a finite temperature 2+1 dimensional model of charged fermions minimally coupled to Maxwell and Chern-Simons fields are investigated. It is found that in a sample with only one boundary -a half-plane- a total Meissner effect takes place, while in a sample with two boundaries -an infinite strip- the external magnetic field partially penetrates the material.Comment: revte
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