163 research outputs found

    The influence of the precipitation rate on the properties of porous chromia

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    The properties were studied of heated (320°C) chromia samples, prepared by two precipitation methods: \ud \ud 1. (1) addition of ammonia to chromium salt solutions,\ud 2. (2) OH− formation in chromium salt solutions through hydrolysis of urea.\ud \ud Samples formed by means of the first method are macro or mesoporous and have a lower specific surface area (~200 m2·g−1) than those formed by urea hydrolysis (~300 m2·g−1). Only in the case of a very slow addition of the ammonia solution these properties of the chromia's become equal. Experiments show that the micro porous type samples with high surface area are only formed if the pH range 5.1 to 5.7 is passed slowly. The formation of polychromium complexes of uniform size is suggested.\ud \u

    Coordination of Expectations in Asset Pricing Experiments (Revised June 2003)

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    We investigate expectation formation in a controlled experimental environment. Subjects are asked to predict the price in a standard asset pricing model. They do not have knowledge of the underlying market equilibrium equations, but they know all past realized prices and their own predictions. Aggregate demand of the risky asset depends upon the forecasts of the participants. The realized price is then obtained from market equilibrium with feedback from individual expectations. Each market is populated by six subjects and a small fraction of fundamentalist traders. Realized prices differ significantly from fundamental values. In some groups the asset price converges slowly to the fundamental price, in other groups there are regular oscillations around the fundamental price. In all groups participants coordinate on a common prediction strategy. The individual prediction strategies can be estimated and correspond, for a large majority of participants, to simple linear autoregressive forecasting rules.

    Coordination of Expectations in Asset Pricing Experiments (Version March 2004)

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    We investigate expectation formation in a controlled experimental environment. Subjects are asked to predict the price in a standard asset pricing model. They do not have knowledge of the underlying market equilibrium equations, but they know all past realized prices and their own predictions. Aggregate demand of the risky asset depends upon the forecasts of the participants. The realized price is then obtained from market equilibrium with feedback from individual expectations. Each market is populated by six subjects and a small fraction of fundamentalist traders. Realized prices differ significantly from fundamental values. In some groups the asset price converges slowly to the fundamental price, in other groups there are regular oscillations around the fundamental price. In all groups participants coordinate on a common prediction strategy. The individual prediction strategies can be estimated and correspond, for a large majority of participants, to simple linear autoregressive forecasting rules.

    Learning in Cobweb Experiments

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    Different theories of expectation formation and learning usually yield different outcomes for realized market prices in dynamic models. The purpose of this paper is to investigate expectation formation and learning in a controlled experimental environment. Subjects are asked to predict the next period's aggregate price in a dynamic commodity market model with feedback from individual expectations. Subjects have no information about underlying market equilibrium equations, but can learn by observing past price realizations and predictions. We conduct a stable, an unstable, and a strongly unstable treatment. In the stable treatment, rational expectations (RE) yield a good description of observed aggregate price fluctuations: prices remain close to the RE steady state. In the unstable treatments, prices exhibit large fluctuations around the RE steady state. Although the sample mean of realized prices is close to the RE steady state, the amplitude of the price fluctuations as measured by the variance is significantly larger than the amplitude under RE, implying persistent excess volatility. However, agents' forecasts are boundedly rational in the sense that fluctuations in aggregate prices are unpredictable and exhibit no forecastable structure that could easily be exploited

    Thermotolerance of an inactivated rabies vaccine for dogs

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    This study provides the first robust data that the antibody response of dogs vaccinated with Nobivac® Rabies vaccine stored for several months at high temperatures (up to 30 °C) is not inferior to that of dogs vaccinated with vaccine stored under recommended cold-chain conditions (2–8 °C). A controlled and randomized non-inferiority study was carried out comparing the four-week post vaccination serological responses of Tanzanian village dogs inoculated with vaccine which had been stored at elevated temperatures for different periods of time with those of dogs vaccinated with the same product stored according to label recommendations. Specifically, the neutralizing antibody response following the use of vaccine which had been stored for up to six months at 25 °C or for three months at 30 °C was not inferior to that following the use of cold-chain stored vaccine. These findings provide reassurance that the vaccine is likely to remain efficacious even if exposed to elevated temperatures for limited periods of time and, under these circumstances, it can safely be used and not necessarily destroyed or discarded. The availability of thermotolerant vaccines has been an important factor in the success of several disease control and elimination programs and could greatly increase the capacity of rabies vaccination campaigns to access hard to reach communities in Africa and Asia. We have not confirmed a 3-year duration of immunity for the high temperature stored vaccine, however because annual re-vaccination is usually practiced for dogs presented for vaccination during campaigns in Africa and Asia this should not be a cause for concern. These findings will provide confidence that, for rabies control and elimination programs using this vaccine in low-income settings, more flexible delivery models could be explored, including those that involve limited periods of transportation and storage at temperatures higher than that currently recommended

    Errors in Judicial Decisions

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    In criminal cases the task of the judge is to transform the uncertainty about the facts into the certainty of the verdict. In this experiment we examine the relationship between evidence of which the strength is known, subjective probability of guilt and verdict for abstract cases. We look at two situations: (1) all evidence is given and (2) evidence can be acquired. Roughly half of the participants do not base their decision on a subjective belief of the probability of guilt. The others underestimate in general the probability of guilt, but this is more than compensated by a tendency to convict at too low probability of guilt. In the situation where evidence can be acquired, participants do not acquire enough evidence

    Технология подготовки попутного газа для газлифтной эксплуатации скважин на нефтяном месторождении Пильтун-Астохское (Сахалинская область)

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    Целью выпускной работы является анализ влияния технологических параметров установки подготовки на качество газа для последующего применения в газлифтной эксплуатации нефтяных скважин. В процессе исследования изучены виды газлифтной эксплуатации, технологии подготовки нефтяного газа: компримирование газа, адсорбция, адсорбция и низкотемпературная сепарация. Обоснован выбор технологии низкотемпературной сепарации, построена моделирующая схема установки подготовки газа в программной среде UniSim Design Suite R460. Установлено влияние давления и температуры в изкотемпературном сепараторе на точки росы по углеводородам и воде подготовленного газа, а также на массовый расход конденсата.The aim of this graduation work is to analyze the influence of the technological parameters of the treatment unit on the quality of gas for subsequent use in gas-lift operation of oil wells. During the study the types of gas lift operation, associated gas treatment technologies (gas compression, adsorption, adsorption and low-temperature separation) were studied. The choice of low-temperature separation technology is justified, a simulating scheme of a gas treatment unit in the UniSim Design Suite R460 software environment is built. The effect of pressure and temperature in the low-temperature separator on the mass flow of condensate and the dew points of the prepared gas (hydrocarbon and water dew point) is established