6,954 research outputs found

    Normal Coordinates and Primitive Elements in the Hopf Algebra of Renormalization

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    We introduce normal coordinates on the infinite dimensional group GG introduced by Connes and Kreimer in their analysis of the Hopf algebra of rooted trees. We study the primitive elements of the algebra and show that they are generated by a simple application of the inverse Poincar\'e lemma, given a closed left invariant 1-form on GG. For the special case of the ladder primitives, we find a second description that relates them to the Hopf algebra of functionals on power series with the usual product. Either approach shows that the ladder primitives are given by the Schur polynomials. The relevance of the lower central series of the dual Lie algebra in the process of renormalization is also discussed, leading to a natural concept of kk-primitiveness, which is shown to be equivalent to the one already in the literature.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Submitted to Commun. Math. Phy

    Variational Approach to Gaussian Approximate Coherent States: Quantum Mechanics and Minisuperspace Field Theory

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    This paper has a dual purpose. One aim is to study the evolution of coherent states in ordinary quantum mechanics. This is done by means of a Hamiltonian approach to the evolution of the parameters that define the state. The stability of the solutions is studied. The second aim is to apply these techniques to the study of the stability of minisuperspace solutions in field theory. For a λφ4\lambda \varphi^4 theory we show, both by means of perturbation theory and rigorously by means of theorems of the K.A.M. type, that the homogeneous minisuperspace sector is indeed stable for positive values of the parameters that define the field theory.Comment: 26 pages, Plain TeX, no figure

    Baby-Step Giant-Step Algorithms for the Symmetric Group

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    We study discrete logarithms in the setting of group actions. Suppose that GG is a group that acts on a set SS. When r,s∈Sr,s \in S, a solution g∈Gg \in G to rg=sr^g = s can be thought of as a kind of logarithm. In this paper, we study the case where G=SnG = S_n, and develop analogs to the Shanks baby-step / giant-step procedure for ordinary discrete logarithms. Specifically, we compute two sets A,B⊆SnA, B \subseteq S_n such that every permutation of SnS_n can be written as a product abab of elements a∈Aa \in A and b∈Bb \in B. Our deterministic procedure is optimal up to constant factors, in the sense that AA and BB can be computed in optimal asymptotic complexity, and ∣A∣|A| and ∣B∣|B| are a small constant from n!\sqrt{n!} in size. We also analyze randomized "collision" algorithms for the same problem

    Hopf Algebra Primitives in Perturbation Quantum Field Theory

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    The analysis of the combinatorics resulting from the perturbative expansion of the transition amplitude in quantum field theories, and the relation of this expansion to the Hausdorff series leads naturally to consider an infinite dimensional Lie subalgebra and the corresponding enveloping Hopf algebra, to which the elements of this series are associated. We show that in the context of these structures the power sum symmetric functionals of the perturbative expansion are Hopf primitives and that they are given by linear combinations of Hall polynomials, or diagrammatically by Hall trees. We show that each Hall tree corresponds to sums of Feynman diagrams each with the same number of vertices, external legs and loops. In addition, since the Lie subalgebra admits a derivation endomorphism, we also show that with respect to it these primitives are cyclic vectors generated by the free propagator, and thus provide a recursion relation by means of which the (n+1)-vertex connected Green functions can be derived systematically from the n-vertex ones.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication in J.Geom.and Phy

    Ferromagnetism, glassiness, and metastability in a dilute dipolar-coupled magnet

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    We have measured the ac magnetic susceptibility of the model dilute dipolar-coupled Ising system LiHo_xY_(1−x)F_4. The x=0.46 material displays an ordinary ferromagnetic transition, while the x=0.045 and 0.167 samples are two very different magnetic glasses. Thermal relaxation times are more than five times longer for x=0.167 than for x=0.045. In addition, the more concentrated glass shows history dependence and metastability upon field cooling

    Continuous and Discontinuous Quantum Phase Transitions in a Model Two-Dimensional Magnet

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    The Shastry-Sutherland model, which consists of a set of spin 1/2 dimers on a 2-dimensional square lattice, is simple and soluble, but captures a central theme of condensed matter physics by sitting precariously on the quantum edge between isolated, gapped excitations and collective, ordered ground states. We compress the model Shastry-Sutherland material, SrCu2(BO3)2, in a diamond anvil cell at cryogenic temperatures to continuously tune the coupling energies and induce changes in state. High-resolution x-ray measurements exploit what emerges as a remarkably strong spin-lattice coupling to both monitor the magnetic behavior and the absence or presence of structural discontinuities. In the low-pressure spin-singlet regime, the onset of magnetism results in an expansion of the lattice with decreasing temperature, which permits a determination of the pressure dependent energy gap and the almost isotropic spin-lattice coupling energies. The singlet-triplet gap energy is suppressed continuously with increasing pressure, vanishing completely by 2 GPa. This continuous quantum phase transition is followed by a structural distortion at higher pressure.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in PNA

    Conductivity of Metallic Si:B near the Metal-Insulator Transition: Comparison between Unstressed and Uniaxially Stressed Samples

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    The low-temperature dc conductivities of barely metallic samples of p-type Si:B are compared for a series of samples with different dopant concentrations, n, in the absence of stress (cubic symmetry), and for a single sample driven from the metallic into the insulating phase by uniaxial compression, S. For all values of temperature and stress, the conductivity of the stressed sample collapses onto a single universal scaling curve. The scaling fit indicates that the conductivity of si:B is proportional to the square-root of T in the critical range. Our data yield a critical conductivity exponent of 1.6, considerably larger than the value reported in earlier experiments where the transition was crossed by varying the dopant concentration. The larger exponent is based on data in a narrow range of stress near the critical value within which scaling holds. We show explicitly that the temperature dependences of the conductivity of stressed and unstressed Si:B are different, suggesting that a direct comparison of the critical behavior and critical exponents for stress- tuned and concentration-tuned transitions may not be warranted

    Sufficient Covariate, Propensity Variable and Doubly Robust Estimation

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    Statistical causal inference from observational studies often requires adjustment for a possibly multi-dimensional variable, where dimension reduction is crucial. The propensity score, first introduced by Rosenbaum and Rubin, is a popular approach to such reduction. We address causal inference within Dawid's decision-theoretic framework, where it is essential to pay attention to sufficient covariates and their properties. We examine the role of a propensity variable in a normal linear model. We investigate both population-based and sample-based linear regressions, with adjustments for a multivariate covariate and for a propensity variable. In addition, we study the augmented inverse probability weighted estimator, involving a combination of a response model and a propensity model. In a linear regression with homoscedasticity, a propensity variable is proved to provide the same estimated causal effect as multivariate adjustment. An estimated propensity variable may, but need not, yield better precision than the true propensity variable. The augmented inverse probability weighted estimator is doubly robust and can improve precision if the propensity model is correctly specified
