52,767 research outputs found

    Super Jackstraws and Super Waterwheels

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    We construct various new BPS states of D-branes preserving 8 supersymmetries. These include super Jackstraws (a bunch of scattered D- or (p,q)-strings preserving supersymmetries), and super waterwheels (a number of D2-branes intersecting at generic angles on parallel lines while preserving supersymmetries). Super D-Jackstraws are scattered in various dimensions but are dynamical with all their intersections following a common null direction. Meanwhile, super (p,q)-Jackstraws form a planar static configuration. We show that the SO(2) subgroup of SL(2,R), the group of classical S-duality transformations in IIB theory, can be used to generate this latter configuration of variously charged (p,q)-strings intersecting at various angles. The waterwheel configuration of D2-branes preserves 8 supersymmetries as long as the `critical' Born-Infeld electric fields are along the common direction.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Schwinger Effect in Non-parallel D1-branes: A Path Integral Approach

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    We study the Schwinger effect in a system of non-parallel D1-branes for the bosonic strings using the path integral formalism. We drive the string pair creation rate by calculating the one loop vacuum amplitude of the setup in presence of the background electric filed defined along one of the D1-branes. We find an angle dependent minimum value for the background field and show that the decaying of vacuum into string pairs takes place for the field above this value. It is shown that in θ→π2\theta\rightarrow\frac{\pi}{2} limit the vacuum becomes stable and thus no pair creation occurs

    Kinetically-controlled thin-film growth of layered β\beta- and γ−\gamma-Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} cobaltate

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    We report growth characteristics of epitaxial β\beta-Na0.6_{0.6}CoO2_{2} and γ\gamma-Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_{2} thin films on (001) sapphire substrates grown by pulsed-laser deposition. Reduction of deposition rate could change structure of Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} thin film from β\beta-phase with island growth mode to γ\gamma-phase with layer-by-layer growth mode. The γ\gamma-Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_{2} thin film exhibits spiral surface growth with multiterraced islands and highly crystallized texture compared to that of the β\beta-Na0.6_{0.6}CoO2_{2} thin film. This heterogeneous epitaxial film growth can give opportunity of strain effect of physical properties and growth dynamics of Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} as well as subtle nature of structural change.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Generation of Atomic Cluster States through the Cavity Input-Output Process

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    We propose a scheme to implement a two-qubit controlled-phase gate for single atomic qubits, which works in principle with nearly ideal success probability and fidelity. Our scheme is based on the cavity input-output process and the single photon polarization measurement. We show that, even with the practical imperfections such as atomic spontaneous emission, weak atom-cavity coupling, violation of the Lamb-Dicke condition, cavity photon loss, and detection inefficiency, the proposed gate is feasible for generation of a cluster state in that it meets the scalability criterion and it operates in a conclusive manner. We demonstrate a simple and efficient process to generate a cluster state with our high probabilistic entangling gate

    Gravitationally Coupled Electroweak Monopole

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    We present a family of gravitationally coupled electroweak monopole solutions in Einstein-Weinberg-Salam theory. Our result confirms the existence of globally regular gravitating electroweak monopole which changes to the magnetically charged black hole as the Higgs vacuum value approaches to the Planck scale. Moreover, our solutions could provide a more accurate description of the monopole stars and magnetically charged black holes

    Finite Energy Electroweak Dyon

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    The recent MoEDAL experiment at LHC to detect the electroweak monopole makes the theoretical prediction of the monopole mass an urgent issue. We discuss different ways to estimate the mass of the electroweak monopole. We first present a scaling argument which indicates that the mass of the electroweak monopole to be around 4 TeV. To justify this we construct finite energy analytic dyon solutions which could be viewed as the regularized Cho-Maison dyon, modifying the coupling strengths of the electromagnetic interaction of WW-boson in the standard model. Our result demonstrates that a genuine electroweak monopole whose mass scale is much smaller than the grand unification scale can exist, which can actually be detected at the present LHC.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:hep-th/0210299, arXiv:hep-th/970703
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