2 research outputs found
A precision measurement of / in CP violating K 2 decays
The prime goal of the experiment is to measure the CP violating parameter Re() with an accuracy of . The experiment uses two nearly collinear and beams produced concurrently and distinguished by tagging the protons producing the component. In this way the double ratio of decay rates of the and into two pions, \\\\ \\\\is measured with minimal systematic uncertainties. Charged mode decays are measured in a magnetic spectrometer with a central dipole magnet and two pairs of large and high precision drift chambers on each side. Neutral mode decays are recorded in a ten m homogeneous liquid krypton calorimeter. This novel detector has fine transverse segmentation (2x2) cm, energy resolution better than 1% above 10~GeV shower energy and sub-nanosecond time resolution. Data from all sub-detectors are collected fully pipelined, merged locally and sent from the experiment site to the computer centre over a fast optical network. The data taking periods for Re() in 1997 and 1998 have yielded more than decays. NA48 will run in the two next years at least, in 1999 and 2000.\\\\ Formula to come here