6,236 research outputs found

    Strong CP breaking and quark-antiquark repulsion in QCD, at finite theta

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    This work is devoted to the study of the CP-breaking dynamics in QCD, at finite theta-angle. By working in the semi-classical limit, in which the topology of the vacuum is clustered around instantons and anti-instantons, we show that quantum fluctuations of the theta-vacuum generate an effective flavor-dependent repulsion between matter and anti-matter, inside hadrons. As a consequence, during the tunneling between the degenerate vacua, quarks and anti-quarks in the neutron migrate in opposite directions, giving rise to an oscillating electric dipole moment. We discuss a possible phenomenological implication of this effect.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Comm.

    Strong CP Violation in External Magnetic Fields

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    We study the response of the QCD vacuum to an external magnetic field, in the presence of strong CP violation. Using chiral perturbation theory and large N_c expansion, we show that the external field would polarize quantum fluctuations and induce an electric dipole moment of the vacuum, along the direction of the magnetic field. We estimate the magnitude of this effect in different physical scenarios. In particular, we find that the polarization induced by the magnetic field of a magnetar could accelerate electric charges up to energies of the order \theta 10^3 TeV. We also suggest a connection with the possible existence of "hot-spots" on the surface of neutron stars.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Major revision. Phenomenological analysis extende

    Study of psi' and chi_c decays as feed-down sources of J/psi hadro-production

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    The interpretation of the J/psi suppression patterns observed in nuclear collisions, at CERN and RHIC, as a signature of the formation of a deconfined phase of QCD matter, requires knowing which fractions of the measured J/psi yields, in pp collisions, are due to decays of heavier charmonium states. From a detailed analysis of the available mid-rapidity charmonium hadro-production cross sections, or their ratios, we determine that the J/psi feed-down contributions from psi' and chi_c decays are, respectively, (8.1 +/- 0.3) % and (25 +/- 5) %. These proton-proton values are derived from global averages of the proton-nucleus measurements, assuming that the charmonium states are exponentially absorbed with the length of matter they traverse in the nuclear targets.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Investigating Biological Matter with Theoretical Nuclear Physics Methods

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    The internal dynamics of strongly interacting systems and that of biomolecules such as proteins display several important analogies, despite the huge difference in their characteristic energy and length scales. For example, in all such systems, collective excitations, cooperative transitions and phase transitions emerge as the result of the interplay of strong correlations with quantum or thermal fluctuations. In view of such an observation, some theoretical methods initially developed in the context of theoretical nuclear physics have been adapted to investigate the dynamics of biomolecules. In this talk, we review some of our recent studies performed along this direction. In particular, we discuss how the path integral formulation of the molecular dynamics allows to overcome some of the long-standing problems and limitations which emerge when simulating the protein folding dynamics at the atomistic level of detail.Comment: Prepared for the proceedings of the "XII Meeting on the Problems of Theoretical Nuclear Physics" (Cortona11

    Effective Field Theory for the Quantum Electrodynamics of a Graphene Wire

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    We study the low-energy quantum electrodynamics of electrons and holes, in a thin graphene wire. We develop an effective field theory (EFT) based on an expansion in p/p_T, where p_T is the typical momentum of electrons and holes in the transverse direction, while p are the momenta in the longitudinal direction. We show that, to the lowest-order in (p/p_T), our EFT theory is formally equivalent to the exactly solvable Schwinger model. By exploiting such an analogy, we find that the ground state of the quantum wire contains a condensate of electron-hole pairs. The excitation spectrum is saturated by electron-hole collective bound-states, and we calculate the dispersion law of such modes. We also compute the DC conductivity per unit length at zero chemical potential and find g_s =e^2/h, where g_s=4 is the degeneracy factor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Definitive version, accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Dominant Reaction Pathways in High Dimensional Systems

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    This paper is devoted to the development of a theoretical and computational framework to efficiently sample the statistically significant thermally activated reaction pathways, in multi-dimensional systems obeying Langevin dynamics. We show how to obtain the set of most probable reaction pathways and compute the corrections due to quadratic thermal fluctuations around such trajectories. We discuss how to obtain predictions for the evolution of arbitrary observables and how to generate conformations which are representative of the transition state ensemble. We present an illustrative implementation of our method by studying the diffusion of a point particle in a 2-dimensional funneled external potential.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Improvement in the text and in the figures. Version submitted for publicatio

    Instanton Contribution to the Pion Electro-Magnetic Formfactor at Q^2 > 1 GeV^2

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    We study the effects of instantons on the charged pion electro-magnetic formfactor at intermediate momenta. In the Single Instanton Approximation (SIA), we predict the pion formfactor in the kinematic region Q^2=2-15 GeV^2. By developing the calculation in a mixed time-momentum representation, it is possible to maximally reduce the model dependence and to calculate the formfactor directly. We find the intriguing result that the SIA calculation coincides with the vector dominance monopole form, up to surprisingly high momentum transfer Q^2~10 GeV^2. This suggests that vector dominance for the pion holds beyond low energy nuclear physics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, minor revision

    The Effect of Interactions on the Conductance of Graphene Nanoribbons

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    We study the effects of the interaction between electrons and holes on the conductance G of quasi-one-dimensional graphene systems. We first consider as a benchmark the limit in which all interactions are negligible, recovering the predictions of the tight-binding approximation for the spectrum of the system, and the well-known result G=4 e^2/h for the lowest conductance quantum. Then we consider an exactly solvable field theoretical model in which the electro-magnetic interactions are effectively local. Finally, we use the effective field theory formalism to develop an exactly solvable model in which we also include the effect of non-local interactions. We find that such interactions turn the nominally metallic armchair graphene nanoribbon into a semi-conductor, while the short-range interactions lead to a correction to the G=4 e^2/h formula.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Computing the Effective Hamiltonian of Low-Energy Vacuum Gauge Fields

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    A standard approach to investigate the non-perturbative QCD dynamics is through vacuum models which emphasize the role played by specific gauge field fluctuations, such as instantons, monopoles or vortexes. The effective Hamiltonian describing the dynamics of the low-energy degrees of freedom in such approaches is usually postulated phenomenologically, or obtained through uncontrolled approximations. In a recent paper, we have shown how lattice field theory simulations can be used to rigorously compute the effective Hamiltonian of arbitrary vacuum models by stochastically performing the path integral over all the vacuum field fluctuations which are not explicitly taken into account. In this work, we present the first illustrative application of such an approach to a gauge theory and we use it to compute the instanton size distribution in SU(2) gluon-dynamics in a fully model independent and parameter-free way.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    RR Lyrae in XSTPS: The halo density profile in the North Galactic Cap

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    We present a catalog of RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) observed by the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey (XDSS). The area we consider is located in the North Galactic Cap, covering 376.75 sq deg at RA ≈\approx 150 deg and Dec ≈\approx 27 deg down to a magnitude limit of i ≈\approx 19. Using the variability information afforded by the multi-epoch nature of our XDSS data, combined with colors from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we are able to identify candidate RRLs. We find 318 candidates, derive distances to them and estimate the detection efficiency. The majority of our candidates have more than 12 observations and for these we are able to calculate periods. These also allows us to estimate our contamination level, which we predict is between 30% to 40%. Finally we use the sample to probe the halo density profile in the 9-49 kpc range and find that it can be well fitted by a double power law. We find good agreement between this model and the models derived for the South Galactic Cap using the Watkins et al. (2009) and Sesar et al. (2010) RRL data-sets, after accounting for possible contamination in our data-set from Sagittarius stream members. We consider non-spherical double power law models of the halo density profile and again find agreement with literature data-sets, although we have limited power to constrain the flattening due to our small survey area. Much tighter constraints will be placed by current and future wide-area surveys, most notably ESA's astrometric Gaia mission. Our analysis demonstrates that surveys with a limited number of epochs can effectively be mined for RRLs. Our complete sample is provided as accompanying online material.Comment: 14 pages, ApJ (in press
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