17,869 research outputs found

    Chaos in an Exact Relativistic 3-body Self-Gravitating System

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    We consider the problem of three body motion for a relativistic one-dimensional self-gravitating system. After describing the canonical decomposition of the action, we find an exact expression for the 3-body Hamiltonian, implicitly determined in terms of the four coordinate and momentum degrees of freedom in the system. Non-relativistically these degrees of freedom can be rewritten in terms of a single particle moving in a two-dimensional hexagonal well. We find the exact relativistic generalization of this potential, along with its post-Newtonian approximation. We then specialize to the equal mass case and numerically solve the equations of motion that follow from the Hamiltonian. Working in hexagonal-well coordinates, we obtaining orbits in both the hexagonal and 3-body representations of the system, and plot the Poincare sections as a function of the relativistic energy parameter η\eta . We find two broad categories of periodic and quasi-periodic motions that we refer to as the annulus and pretzel patterns, as well as a set of chaotic motions that appear in the region of phase-space between these two types. Despite the high degree of non-linearity in the relativistic system, we find that the the global structure of its phase space remains qualitatively the same as its non-relativisitic counterpart for all values of η\eta that we could study. However the relativistic system has a weaker symmetry and so its Poincare section develops an asymmetric distortion that increases with increasing η\eta . For the post-Newtonian system we find that it experiences a KAM breakdown for η≃0.26\eta \simeq 0.26: above which the near integrable regions degenerate into chaos.Comment: latex, 65 pages, 36 figures, high-resolution figures available upon reques

    Exact Solution for the Metric and the Motion of Two Bodies in (1+1) Dimensional Gravity

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    We present the exact solution of two-body motion in (1+1) dimensional dilaton gravity by solving the constraint equations in the canonical formalism. The determining equation of the Hamiltonian is derived in a transcendental form and the Hamiltonian is expressed for the system of two identical particles in terms of the Lambert WW function. The WW function has two real branches which join smoothly onto each other and the Hamiltonian on the principal branch reduces to the Newtonian limit for small coupling constant. On the other branch the Hamiltonian yields a new set of motions which can not be understood as relativistically correcting the Newtonian motion. The explicit trajectory in the phase space (r,p)(r, p) is illustrated for various values of the energy. The analysis is extended to the case of unequal masses. The full expression of metric tensor is given and the consistency between the solution of the metric and the equations of motion is rigorously proved.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 16 figure

    Exact Black Hole and Cosmological Solutions in a Two-Dimensional Dilaton-Spectator Theory of Gravity

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    Exact black hole and cosmological solutions are obtained for a special two-dimensional dilaton-spectator (ϕ−ψ\phi-\psi) theory of gravity. We show how in this context any desired spacetime behaviour can be determined by an appropriate choice of a dilaton potential function V(ϕ)V(\phi) and a ``coupling function'' l(ϕ)l(\phi) in the action. We illustrate several black hole solutions as examples. In particular, asymptotically flat double- and multiple- horizon black hole solutions are obtained. One solution bears an interesting resemblance to the 2D2D string-theoretic black hole and contains the same thermodynamic properties; another resembles the 4D4D Reissner-Nordstrom solution. We find two characteristic features of all the black hole solutions. First the coupling constants in l(ϕ)l(\phi) must be set equal to constants of integration (typically the mass). Second, the spectator field ψ\psi and its derivative ψâ€Č\psi^{'} both diverge at any event horizon. A test particle with ``spectator charge" ({\it i.e.} one coupled either to ψ\psi or ψâ€Č\psi^{'}), will therefore encounter an infinite tidal force at the horizon or an ``infinite potential barrier'' located outside the horizon respectively. We also compute the Hawking temperature and entropy for our solutions. In 2D2D FRWFRW cosmology, two non-singular solutions which resemble two exact solutions in 4D4D string-motivated cosmology are obtained. In addition, we construct a singular model which describes the 4D4D standard non-inflationary big bang cosmology (big−bang→radiation→dustbig-bang\rightarrow radiation\rightarrow dust). Motivated by the similaritiesbetween 2D2D and 4D4D gravitational field equations in FRWFRW cosmology, we briefly discuss a special 4D4D dilaton-spectator action constructed from the bosonic part of the low energy heterotic string action andComment: 34 pgs. Plain Tex, revised version contains some clarifying comments concerning the relationship between the constants of integration and the coupling constants

    Stability of Topological Black Holes

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    We explore the classical stability of topological black holes in d-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime, where the horizon is an Einstein manifold of negative curvature. According to the gauge invariant formalism of Ishibashi and Kodama, gravitational perturbations are classified as being of scalar, vector, or tensor type, depending on their transformation properties with respect to the horizon manifold. For the massless black hole, we show that the perturbation equations for all modes can be reduced to a simple scalar field equation. This equation is exactly solvable in terms of hypergeometric functions, thus allowing an exact analytic determination of potential gravitational instabilities. We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for stability, in terms of the eigenvalues λ\lambda of the Lichnerowicz operator on the horizon manifold, namely λ≄−4(d−2)\lambda \geq -4(d-2). For the case of negative mass black holes, we show that a sufficient condition for stability is given by λ≄−2(d−3)\lambda \geq -2(d-3).Comment: 20 pages, Latex, v2 refined analysis of boundary conditions in dimensions 4,5,6, additional reference

    Combined electrical transport and capacitance spectroscopy of a MoS2−LiNbO3{\mathrm{MoS_2-LiNbO_3}} field effect transistor

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    We have measured both the current-voltage (ISDI_\mathrm{SD}-VGSV_\mathrm{GS}) and capacitance-voltage (CC-VGSV_\mathrm{GS}) characteristics of a MoS2−LiNbO3\mathrm{MoS_2-LiNbO_3} field effect transistor. From the measured capacitance we calculate the electron surface density and show that its gate voltage dependence follows the theoretical prediction resulting from the two-dimensional free electron model. This model allows us to fit the measured ISDI_\mathrm{SD}-VGSV_\mathrm{GS} characteristics over the \emph{entire range} of VGSV_\mathrm{GS}. Combining this experimental result with the measured current-voltage characteristics, we determine the field effect mobility as a function of gate voltage. We show that for our device this improved combined approach yields significantly smaller values (more than a factor of 4) of the electron mobility than the conventional analysis of the current-voltage characteristics only.Comment: to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    von Neumann Lattices in Finite Dimensions Hilbert Spaces

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    The prime number decomposition of a finite dimensional Hilbert space reflects itself in the representations that the space accommodates. The representations appear in conjugate pairs for factorization to two relative prime factors which can be viewed as two distinct degrees freedom. These, Schwinger's quantum degrees of freedom, are uniquely related to a von Neumann lattices in the phase space that characterizes the Hilbert space and specifies the simultaneous definitions of both (modular) positions and (modular) momenta. The area in phase space for each quantum state in each of these quantum degrees of freedom, is shown to be exactly hh, Planck's constant.Comment: 16 page

    Gravitational theory without the cosmological constant problem, symmetries of space-filling branes and higher dimensions

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    We showed that the principle of nongravitating vacuum energy, when formulated in the first order formalism, solves the cosmological constant problem. The most appealing formulation of the theory displays a local symmetry associated with the arbitrariness of the measure of integration. This can be motivated by thinking of this theory as a direct coupling of physical degrees of freedom with a "space - filling brane" and in this case such local symmetry is related to space-filling brane gauge invariance. The model is formulated in the first order formalism using the metric and the connection as independent dynamical variables. An additional symmetry (Einstein - Kaufman symmetry) allows to eliminate the torsion which appears due to the introduction of the new measure of integration. The most successful model that implements these ideas is realized in a six or higher dimensional space-time. The compactification of extra dimensions into a sphere gives the possibility of generating scalar masses and potentials, gauge fields and fermionic masses. It turns out that remaining four dimensional space-time must have effective zero cosmological constant.Comment: 26 page

    Decoherence of Hydrodynamic Histories: A Simple Spin Model

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    In the context of the decoherent histories approach to the quantum mechanics of closed systems, Gell-Mann and Hartle have argued that the variables typically characterizing the quasiclassical domain of a large complex system are the integrals over small volumes of locally conserved densities -- hydrodynamic variables. The aim of this paper is to exhibit some simple models in which approximate decoherence arises as a result of local conservation. We derive a formula which shows the explicit connection between local conservation and approximate decoherence. We then consider a class of models consisting of a large number of weakly interacting components, in which the projections onto local densities may be decomposed into projections onto one of two alternatives of the individual components. The main example we consider is a one-dimensional chain of locally coupled spins, and the projections are onto the total spin in a subsection of the chain. We compute the decoherence functional for histories of local densities, in the limit when the number of components is very large. We find that decoherence requires two things: the smearing volumes must be sufficiently large to ensure approximate conservation, and the local densities must be partitioned into sufficiently large ranges to ensure protection against quantum fluctuations.Comment: Standard TeX, 36 pages + 3 figures (postscript) Revised abstract and introduction. To appear in Physical Review

    Quantization of Fayet-Iliopoulos Parameters in Supergravity

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    In this short note we discuss quantization of the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter in supergravity theories. We argue that in supergravity, the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter determines a lift of the group action to a line bundle, and such lifts are quantized. Just as D-terms in rigid N=1 supersymmetry are interpreted in terms of moment maps and symplectic reductions, we argue that in supergravity the quantization of the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter has a natural understanding in terms of linearizations in geometric invariant theory (GIT) quotients, the algebro-geometric version of symplectic quotients.Comment: 21 pages, utarticle class; v2: typos and tex issue fixe

    The Decuplet Revisited in χ\chiPT

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    The paper deals with two issues. First, we explore the quantitiative importance of higher multiplets for properties of the Δ\Delta decuplet in chiral perturbation theory. In particular, it is found that the lowest order one--loop contributions from the Roper octet to the decuplet masses and magnetic moments are substantial. The relevance of these results to the chiral expansion in general is discussed. The exact values of the magnetic moments depend upon delicate cancellations involving ill--determined coupling constants. Second, we present new relations between the magnetic moments of the Δ\Delta decuplet that are independent of all couplings. They are exact at the order of the chiral expansion used in this paper.Comment: 7 pages of double column revtex, no figure
