20 research outputs found

    Measurements of the Diffusion and Reflection Coefficients of Cd(1S0\text{}^{1}S_{0}) in Noble Gases

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    A new method of simultaneous determining of the diffusion coefficient and the reflection coefficient of atoms from the reservoir walls is presented. The diffusion coefficient of cadmium atoms in the ground state in buffer noble gas atoms such as Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe and reflection coefficient of Cd atoms from the quartz cell wall in the temperature range 350-550 K were determined. Experimental values of diffusion coefficient are compared with theoretical ones calculated from available potentials

    Measurements of the Diffusion and Reflection Coefficients of Cd( 1

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    A new method of simultaneous determining of the diffusion coefficient and the reflection coefficient of atoms from the reservoir walls is presented. The diffusion coefficient of cadmium atoms in the ground state in buffer noble gas atoms such as Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe and reflection coefficient of Cd atoms from the quartz cell wall in the temperature range 350-550 K were determined. Experimental values of diffusion coefficient are compared with theoretical ones calculated from available potentials

    The influence of duration of rheumatoid arthritis on the temperature of inflammed joints

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    Reumatoidalne Zapalenie Stawów (RZS) jest przewlekłą, zapalną chorobą układową tkanki łącznej. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena wpływu czasu trwania choroby, od momentu postawienia diagnozy RZS, na temperaturę stawów objętych procesem zapalnym. Za pomocą kamery termowizyjnej przebadano następujące stawy: stawy nadgarstka, stawy śródręczno-paliczkowe, stawy międzypaliczkowe bliższe, stawy międzypaliczkowe dalsze dłoni prawej i lewej oraz stawy: skokowo goleniowy i śródstopno-paliczkowy stopy prawej i lewej. Zaobserwowano istotnie niższą temperaturę stawu skokowo-goleniowego stopy prawej u pacjentów chorujących dłużej niż 10 lat w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi.Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of human connective tissue. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of RA duration on the temperature of inflamed joints. Temperatures of the following joints were measured: wrist joints, metacarophalangeal joints, proximal interphalangeal joints, distal interphalangeal joints of left and right hand as well as ankle joints and metatarsophalangeal joints of right and left foot. Significantly lower right ankle joint temperature was observed for patients of more than 10 years’ disease duration compared to healthy subject

    Differential Equation for Asymmetric Voigt Profile

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    The second-order differential equation for the asymmetric Voigt profile is presented, leading to a powerful and accurate method of determining the line shape parameters

    Collisional broadening and shift of Doppler-free two-photon thallium lines perturbed by rare-gas atoms

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    The extended Omont-Ueda-Kaulakys treatment of collisional effects on quasi-Rydberg states, in which the perturbation of the lower state is taken into account is applied to thallium-rare gas systems. The pressure broadening and shift coefficients of two-photon transitions in thallium involving the 6P1/2nP1/2,3/26P_{1/2}{-}n P_{1/2,3/2} (n = 9-14) states are calculated and compared with experimental data obtained by Hermann et al. [Eur. Phys. J. D 1, 129 (1998)]

    Pressure Broadening and Shift of the 326.1 nm Cd Line Perturbed by H2\text{}_{2} and D2\text{}_{2}

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    The experimental values of pressure broadening and shift coefficients of the 114\text{}^{114}Cd 326.1 nm line perturbed by H2\text{}_{2} and D2\text{}_{2} are determined using a LIF technique and compared with theoretical values calculated from the impact theory

    Observation of the Line-Mixing and Collision-Time Asymmetry of the 51\text{}^{1}S0\text{}_{0}-53\text{}^{3}P1\text{}_{1} Line of the Even-Odd 113\text{}^{113}Cd Isotope

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    The profiles of argon perturbed components of the 51\text{}^{1}S0\text{}_{0}-53\text{}^{3}P1\text{}_{1} line of the even-odd 113\text{}^{113}Cd isotope were measured using a laser-induced fluorescence method. It was shown that the asymmetries of the profiles are due to both the collision-duration and line-mixing effects

    Myocardial infarction in a 24-year-old woman with secondary antiphospholipid syndrome - a case report

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    Myocardial infarction in a 24-year-old woman with secondary antiphospholipid syndrome - a case report: A case of a 24-year-old female patient with a secondary antiphospholipid syndrome is described. She had a history of pulmonary embolism occurring after miscarriage. One month later she was admitted to the hospital due to acute myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography revealed distal occlusions in the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries. Angioplasty was not effective. She received thrombolysis, heparin and finally improved after administration of high doses of corticosteroids. She was discharged from hospital, however, died four weeks later. The treatment and complications of the antiphospholipid syndrome are discussed

    Speed-Dependent Effects on the 748.8 nm Ne Self-Broadened Line

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    Profiles of the self-broadened 748.8 nm Ne line emitted from a glow discharge in neon in the pressure range between 0.8 and 100 Tr were measured using an improved experimental setup with pressure-scanned Fabry-Perot interferometer. First, line profiles were analysed using an ordinary Voigt procedure which yielded the Doppler widths decreasing with the increase in neon pressure. Using a speed-dependent Voigt profile it was shown that for the 748.8 nm line the correlation between the Doppler and collisional broadening plays an important role. However, the values of the pressure broadening and shift coefficients determined by the speed-dependent Voigt analysis were found to be only slightly different from those obtained by the ordinary Voigt analysis. A systematic error in the determination of perturber concentration in our previous investigation was corrected