31 research outputs found

    Special Section on Pediatric Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics Role of Chromatin Structural Changes in Regulating Human CYP3A Ontogeny s

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    ABSTRACT Variability in drug-metabolizing enzyme developmental trajectories contributes to interindividual differences in susceptibility to chemical toxicity and adverse drug reactions, particularly in the first years of life. Factors linked to these interindividual differences are largely unknown, but molecular mechanisms regulating ontogeny are likely involved. To evaluate chromatin structure dynamics as a likely contributing mechanism, age-dependent changes in modified and variant histone occupancy were evaluated within known CYP3A4 and 3A7 regulatory domains. Chromatin immunoprecipitation using fetal or postnatal human hepatocyte chromatin pools followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification was used to determine relative chromatin occupancy by modified and variant histones. Chromatin structure representing a poised transcriptional state (bivalent chromatin), indicated by the occupancy by modified histones associated with both active and repressed transcription, was observed for CYP3A4 and most 3A7 regulatory regions in both postnatal and fetal livers. However, the CYP3A4 regulatory regions had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetal liver. Conversely, some modified histones associated with active transcription exhibited greater occupancy in the postnatal liver. CYP3A7 regulatory regions also had significantly greater occupancy by modified histones associated with repressed transcription in the fetus. The observed occupancy by modified histones is consistent with chromatin structural dynamics contributing to CYP3A4 ontogeny, although the data are less conclusive regarding CYP3A7. Interpretation of the latter data may be confounded by celltype heterogeneity in the fetal liver

    A study of chromosomal aberrations and chromosomal fragility after recombinant growth hormone treatment.

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    Increased chromosomal rearrangements and chromosomal fragility have been previously observed in lymphocytes of children treated with human GH, implying that treatment could predispose to malignancy. Twenty-four children with classic GH deficiency, neurosecretory GH dysfunction, and Turner syndrome were treated with recombinant human GH (0.3 mg x kg(-1) x wk(-1)). Metaphase cells were assessed for spontaneous chromosomal and chromatid aberrations at baseline and 6 mo into treatment. There were no significant differences in aberrations between baseline and the 6-mo samples. However, the mean frequency of chromatid-type aberrations on a per cell basis was significantly higher than at baseline, 0.0088 versus 0.0064 aberrations per cell (p \u3c 0.024). Two patients contributed inordinately to this increase. A third sample from these two patients was almost identical to their baseline samples. Cells were also irradiated in vitro (3 Gy) to assess chromosomal fragility. After irradiation, no patient showed a significant difference for any aberration type, although there was a significantly lower frequency of ring chromosomes on a per cell basis in the 6-mo samples (p \u3c 0.001). We find no evidence that GH therapy influences spontaneous chromosomal aberrations or chromosomal fragility