369 research outputs found

    A comparison of course-related stressors in undergraduate problem-based learning (PBL) versus non-PBL medical programmes

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    Background: Medical students report high levels of stress related to their medical training as well as to other personal and financial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there are differences in course-related stressors reported by medical students on undergraduate problem-based learning (PBL) and non-PBL programmes in the UK. Method: A cross-sectional study of second-year medical students in two UK medical schools (one PBL and one non-PBL programme) was conducted. A 16-question self-report questionnaire, derived from the Perceived Medical Student Stress Scale and the Higher Education Stress Inventory, was used to measure course-related stressors. Following univariate analysis of each stressor between groups, multivariate logistic regression was used to determine which stressors were the best predictors of each course type, while controlling for socio-demographic differences between the groups. Results: A total of 280 students responded. Compared to the non-PBL students (N = 197), the PBL students (N = 83) were significantly more likely to agree that: they did not know what the faculty expected of them (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.38, p = 0.03); there were too many small group sessions facilitated only by students resulting in an unclear curriculum (OR = 0.04, p < 0.0001); and that there was a lack of opportunity to explore academic subjects of interest (OR = 0.40, p = 0.02). They were significantly more likely to disagree that: there was a lack of encouragement from teachers (OR = 3.11, p = 0.02); and that the medical course fostered a sense of anonymity and feelings of isolation amongst students (OR = 3.42, p = 0.008). Conclusion: There are significant differences in the perceived course-related stressors affecting medical students on PBL and non-PBL programmes. Course designers and student support services should therefore tailor their work to minimise, or help students cope with, the specific stressors on each course type to ensure optimum learning and wellbeing among our future doctors

    Research in Medical Education: Balancing Service and Science*

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    Since the latter part of the 1990’s, the English-speaking medical education community has been engaged in a debate concerning the types of research that should have priority. To shed light on this debate and to better understand its implications for the practice of research, 23 semi-structured interviews were conducted with “influential figures” from the community. The results were analyzed using the concept of “field” developed by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The results reveal that a large majority of these influential figures believe that research in medical education continues to be of insufficient quality despite the progress that has taken place over the past 2 decades. According to this group, studies tend to be both redundant and opportunistic, and researchers tend to have limited understanding of both theory and methodological practice from the social sciences. Three factors were identified by the participants to explain the current problems in research: the working conditions of researchers, budgetary restraints in financing research in medical education, and the conception of research in the medical environment. Two principal means for improving research are presented: intensifying collaboration between PhD’s and clinicians, and encouraging the diversification of perspectives brought to bear on research in medical education

    Long-term follow up of factual knowledge after a single, randomised problem-based learning course

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    BACKGROUND: The long-term effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on factual knowledge is poorly investigated. We took advantage of a previous randomised comparison between PBL and traditional teaching in a 3(rd )year course to follow up factual knowledge of the students during their 4(th )and 5(th )year of medical school training. METHODS: 3(rd )year medical students were initially randomized to participate in a problem-based (PBL, n = 55), or a lecture-based (LBL, n = 57) course in basic pharmacology. Summative exam results were monitored 18 months later (after finishing a lecture-based course in clinical pharmacology). Additional results of an unscheduled, formative exam were obtained 27 months after completion of the first course. RESULTS: Of the initial sample of 112 students, 90 participated in the second course and exam (n = 45, 45). 32 (n = 17 PBL, n = 15 LBL) could be exposed to the third, formative exam. Mean scores (± SD) were 22.4 ± 6.0, 27.4 ± 4.9 and 20.1 ± 5.0 (PBL), or 22.2 ± 6.0, 28.4 ± 5.1 and 19.0 ± 4.7 (LBL) in the first, second and third test, respectively (maximum score: 40). No significant differences were found between the two groups. CONCLUSION: A small-scale exposure to PBL, applied under randomized conditions but in the context of a traditional curriculum, does not sizeably change long-term presence of factual knowledge within the same discipline

    Characterisation of tumour microenvironment remodelling following oncogene inhibition in preclinical studies with imaging mass cytometry.

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    Mouse models are critical in pre-clinical studies of cancer therapy, allowing dissection of mechanisms through chemical and genetic manipulations that are not feasible in the clinical setting. In studies of the tumour microenvironment (TME), multiplexed imaging methods can provide a rich source of information. However, the application of such technologies in mouse tissues is still in its infancy. Here we present a workflow for studying the TME using imaging mass cytometry with a panel of 27 antibodies on frozen mouse tissues. We optimise and validate image segmentation strategies and automate the process in a Nextflow-based pipeline (imcyto) that is scalable and portable, allowing for parallelised segmentation of large multi-image datasets. With these methods we interrogate the remodelling of the TME induced by a KRAS G12C inhibitor in an immune competent mouse orthotopic lung cancer model, highlighting the infiltration and activation of antigen presenting cells and effector cells

    Characterisation of tumour microenvironment remodelling following oncogene inhibition in preclinical studies with imaging mass cytometry

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    Mouse models are critical in pre-clinical studies of cancer therapy, allowing dissection of mechanisms through chemical and genetic manipulations that are not feasible in the clinical setting. In studies of the tumour microenvironment (TME), multiplexed imaging methods can provide a rich source of information. However, the application of such technologies in mouse tissues is still in its infancy. Here we present a workflow for studying the TME using imaging mass cytometry with a panel of 27 antibodies on frozen mouse tissues. We optimise and validate image segmentation strategies and automate the process in a Nextflow-based pipeline (imcyto) that is scalable and portable, allowing for parallelised segmentation of large multi-image datasets. With these methods we interrogate the remodelling of the TME induced by a KRAS G12C inhibitor in an immune competent mouse orthotopic lung cancer model, highlighting the infiltration and activation of antigen presenting cells and effector cells

    A Multi-Institutional Approach to Delivering Shared Curricula for Developing a Next-Generation Energy Workforce

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    In this paper, we consider collaborative power systems education through the FEEDER consortium. To increase students\u27 access to power engineering educational content, the consortium of seven universities was formed. A framework is presented to characterize different collaborative education activities among the universities. Three of these approaches of collaborative educational activities are presented and discussed. These include 1) cross-institutional blended courses (“MS-MD”); 2) cross-institutional distance courses (“SS-MD”); and 3) single-site special experiential courses and concentrated on-site programs available to students across consortium institutions (“MS-SD”). This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of each approach

    Combined student ratings and self-assessment provide useful feedback for clinical teachers

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    Many evaluation instruments have been developed to provide feedback to physicians on their clinical teaching but written feedback alone is not always effective. We explored whether feedback effectiveness improved when teachers’ self-assessment was added to written feedback based on student ratings. 37 physicians (10 residents, 27 attending physicians) from different specialties (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, and Psychiatry) were invited to fill out a self-assessment questionnaire on their teaching skills. Students completed an almost identical questionnaire to evaluate the same teachers based on their experiences during clerkships. After receiving written feedback incorporating their self-assessment and the student ratings, the teachers indicated their perceptions of the self-assessment exercise and the written feedback in a questionnaire (five-point Likert scale items) and next, in more detail, in semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of 12 of the participating teachers. 25 physicians participated (67%). The results showed that self-assessment and student feedback were both perceived as useful (3.7, SD 1.0) but the latter was considered more effective. The physicians we interviewed considered the combination of self-assessment with student ratings more effective than either self-assessment or written feedback alone. Notably, discrepancies between student ratings and self-assessment were deemed a strong incentive for change. We conclude that self-assessment can be a useful tool to stimulate improvement of clinical teaching when it is combined with written feedback based on student ratings. Future research among larger groups is needed to confirm our findings and examine whether these combined tools actually lead to improved teaching

    Exploring the divergence between self-assessment and self-monitoring

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    Many models of professional self-regulation call upon individual practitioners to take responsibility both for identifying the limits of their own skills and for redressing their identified limits through continuing professional development activities. Despite these expectations, a considerable literature in the domain of self-assessment has questioned the ability of the self-regulating professional to enact this process effectively. In response, authors have recently suggested that the construction of self-assessment as represented in the self-regulation literature is, itself, problematic. In this paper we report a pair of studies that examine the relationship between self-assessment (a global judgment of one’s ability in a particular domain) and self-monitoring (a moment-by-moment awareness of the likelihood that one maintains the skill/knowledge to act in a particular situation). These studies reveal that, despite poor correlations between performance and self-assessments (consistent with what is typically seen in the self-assessment literature), participant performance was strongly related to several measures of self-monitoring including: the decision to answer or defer responding to a question, the amount of time required to make that decision to answer or defer, and the confidence expressed in an answer when provided. This apparent divergence between poor overall self-assessment and effective self-monitoring is considered in terms of how the findings might inform our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms yielding both self-monitoring judgments and self-assessments and how that understanding might be used to better direct education and learning efforts