121,344 research outputs found

    Stability of 3D Cubic Fixed Point in Two-Coupling-Constant \phi^4-Theory

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    For an anisotropic euclidean ϕ4\phi^4-theory with two interactions [u (\sum_{i=1^M {\phi}_i^2)^2+v \sum_{i=1}^M \phi_i^4] the β\beta-functions are calculated from five-loop perturbation expansions in d=4εd=4-\varepsilon dimensions, using the knowledge of the large-order behavior and Borel transformations. For ε=1\varepsilon=1, an infrared stable cubic fixed point for M3M \geq 3 is found, implying that the critical exponents in the magnetic phase transition of real crystals are of the cubic universality class. There were previous indications of the stability based either on lower-loop expansions or on less reliable Pad\'{e approximations, but only the evidence presented in this work seems to be sufficently convincing to draw this conclusion.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re250/preprint.htm

    Direct numerical simulation of a transitional temporal mixing layer laden with multicomponent-fuel evaporating drops using continuous thermodynamics

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    A model of a temporal three-dimensional mixing layer laden with fuel drops of a liquid containing a large number of species is derived. The fuel model is based on continuous thermodynamics, whereby the composition is statistically described through a distribution function parametrized on the species molar weight. The drop temperature is initially lower than that of the carrier gas, leading to drop heat up and evaporation. The model describing the changes in the multicomponent (MC) fuel drop composition and in the gas phase composition due to evaporation encompasses only two more conservation equations when compared with the equivalent single-component (SC) fuel formulation. Single drop results of a MC fuel having a sharply peaked distribution are shown to compare favorably with a validated SC-fuel drop simulation. Then, single drop comparisons are performed between results from MC fuel and a representative SC fuel used as a surrogate of the MC fuel. Further, two mixing layer simulations are conducted with a MC fuel and they are compared to representative SC-fuel simulations conducted elsewhere. Examination of the results shows that although the global layer characteristics are generally similar in the SC and MC situations, the MC layers display a higher momentum-thickness-based Reynolds number at transition. Vorticity analysis shows that the SC layers exhibit larger vortical activity than their MC counterpart. An examination of the drop organization at transition shows more structure and an increased drop-number density for MC simulations in regions of moderate and high strain. These results are primarily attributed to the slower evaporation of MC-fuel drops than of their SC counterpart. This slower evaporation is due to the lower volatility of the higher molar weight species, and also to condensation of already-evaporated species on drops that are transported in regions of different gas composition. The more volatile species released in the gas phase earlier during the drop lifetime reside in the lower stream while intermediary molar weight species, which egress after the drops are entrained in the mixing layer, reside in the mixing layer and form there a very heterogeneous mixture; the heavier species that evaporate later during the drop lifetime tend to reside in regions of high drop number density. This leads to a segregation of species in the gas phase based on the relative evaporation time from the drops. The ensemble-average drop temperature becomes eventually larger/smaller than the initial drop temperature in MC/SC simulations. Neither this species segregation nor the drop temperature variation with respect to the initial temperature or as a function of the mass loading can be captured by the SC-fuel simulations

    Next-to-next-to-leading-order epsilon expansion for a Fermi gas at infinite scattering length

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    We extend previous work on applying the epsilon-expansion to universal properties of a cold, dilute Fermi gas in the unitary regime of infinite scattering length. We compute the ratio xi = mu/epsilon_F of chemical potential to ideal gas Fermi energy to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in epsilon=4-d, where d is the number of spatial dimensions. We also explore the nature of corrections from the order after NNLO.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Ratchet Effect and Nonlinear Transport for Particles on Random Substrates with Crossed ac Drives

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    We show in simulations that overdamped interacting particles in two dimensions with a randomly disordered substrate can exhibit novel nonequilibrium transport phenomena including a transverse ratchet effect, where a combined dc drive and circular ac drive produce a drift velocity in the direction transverse to the applied dc drive. The random disorder does not break any global symmetry; however, in two dimensions, symmetry breaking occurs due to the chirality of the circular drive. In addition to inducing the transverse ratchet effect, increasing the ac amplitude also strongly affects the longitudinal velocity response and can produce what we term an overshoot effect where the longitudinal dc velocity is higher in the presence of the ac drive than it would be for a dc drive alone. We also find a dynamical reordering transition upon increasing the ac amplitude. In the absence of a dc drive, it is possible to obtain a ratchet effect when the combined ac drives produce particle orbits that break a reflection symmetry. In this case, as the ac amplitude increases, current reversals can occur. These effects may be observable for vortices in type II superconductors as well as for colloids interacting with random substrates.Comment: 11 pages, 16 postscript figure

    Bound on the curvature of the Isgur-Wise function of the baryon semileptonic decay Lambda_b -> Lambda_c + l + nu

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    In the heavy quark limit of QCD, using the Operator Product Expansion, the formalism of Falk for hadrons or arbitrary spin, and the non-forward amplitude, as proposed by Uraltsev, we formulate sum rules involving the Isgur-Wise function ξΛ(w)\xi_{\Lambda} (w) of the baryon transition ΛbΛcν\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c \ell \overline{\nu}_{\ell}, where the light cloud has jP=0+j^P=0^+ for both initial and final baryons. We recover the lower bound for the slope ρΛ2=ξΛ(1)0\rho_\Lambda^2 = - \xi '_\Lambda (1) \geq 0 obtained by Isgur et al., and we generalize it by demonstrating that the IW function ξΛ(w)\xi_{\Lambda} (w) is an alternate series in powers of (w1)(w-1), i.e. (1)nξΛ(n)(1)0(-1)^n \xi_{\Lambda}^{(n)} (1) \geq 0. Moreover, exploiting systematically the sum rules, we get an improved lower bound for the curvature in terms of the slope, σΛ2=ξ"Λ(1)35[ρΛ2+(ρΛ2)2]\sigma_\Lambda^2 = \xi "_\Lambda (1) \geq {3 \over 5} [\rho_\Lambda^2 + (\rho_\Lambda^2)^2]. This bound constrains the shape of the Isgur-Wise function and it will be compelling in the analysis of future precise data on the differential rate of the baryon semileptonic decay ΛbΛcν\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c \ell \overline{\nu}_{\ell}, that has a large measured branching ratio, of about 5%.Comment: 16 page