183 research outputs found

    Black holes in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes with arbitrary critical exponent

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    Recently, a class of gravitational backgrounds in 3+1 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to a Lifshitz theory describing critical phenomena in 2+1 dimensions with critical exponent z1z\geq 1. We numerically explore black holes in these backgrounds for a range of values of zz. We find drastically different behavior for z>2z>2 and z2z2 (z<2z<2) the Lifshitz fixed point is repulsive (attractive) when going to larger radial parameter rr. For the repulsive z>2z>2 backgrounds, we find a continuous family of black holes satisfying a finite energy condition. However, for z<2z<2 we find that the finite energy condition is more restrictive, and we expect only a discrete set of black hole solutions, unless some unexpected cancellations occur. For all black holes, we plot temperature TT as a function of horizon radius r0r_0. For z1.761z\lessapprox 1.761 we find that this curve develops a negative slope for certain values of r0r_0 possibly indicating a thermodynamic instability.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, references corrected, graphs made readable in greyscal

    Thermodynamics of black branes in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes

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    Recently, a class of gravitational backgrounds in 3+1 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to a Lifshitz theory describing critical phenomena in 2+1 dimensions with critical exponent z1z\geq 1. We continue our earlier work \cite{Bertoldi:2009vn}, exploring the thermodynamic properties of the "black brane" solutions with horizon topology R2\mathbb{R}^2. We find that the black branes satisfy the relation E=22+zTs\mathcal{E}=\frac{2}{2+z}Ts where E\mathcal{E} is the energy density, TT is the temperature, and ss is the entropy density. This matches the expected behavior for a 2+1 dimensional theory with a scaling symmetry (x1,x2)λ(x1,x2)(x_1,x_2)\to \lambda (x_1,x_2), tλztt\to \lambda^z t.Comment: 8 pages, references added and regroupe

    Coulomb Phase Gluon Scattering at Strong Coupling

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    We calculate corrections to gluon scattering amplitudes in a Coulomb phase using gauge/string duality. The Coulomb phase considered is a maximal rank breaking of SU(n1+n2)SU(n1)×SU(n2)×U(1)SU(n_1+n_2)\to SU(n_1)\times SU(n_2) \times U(1). This problem therefore has 3 scales involved: 1) the scale of the massive fields MWM_W arising from the spontaneous breaking of the gauge group; 2) The scale of the scattering, characterized by the Mandelstam variables s,t,us,t,u; 3) The IR regulator mIRm_{IR}. We find corrections in the hard scattering limit s,t,umIR2MW2 |s|,|t|,|u|\gg m_{IR}^2 \gg M_W^2, and also find below threshold corrections with MW2s,t,uM_W^2 \gg |s|,|t|,|u|. We find that the corrections in the second case are finite, and so are IR regulator independent.Comment: 17+17 pages, 3 figure

    Lifshitz-like black brane thermodynamics in higher dimensions

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    Gravitational backgrounds in d+2 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to Lifshitz-like theories describing critical phenomena in d+1 dimensions with critical exponent z\geq 1. We numerically explore a dilaton-Einstein-Maxwell model admitting such backgrounds as solutions. Such backgrounds are characterized by a temperature T and chemical potential \mu, and we find how to embed these solutions into AdS for a range of values of z and d. We find no thermal instability going from the (T\ll\mu) to the (T\gg\mu) regimes, regardless of the dimension, and find that the solutions smoothly interpolate between the Lifshitz-like behaviour and the relativistic AdS-like behaviour. We exploit some conserved quantities to find a relationship between the energy density E, entropy density s, and number density n, E=\frac{d}{d+1}(Ts+n\mu), as is required by the isometries of AdS_{d+2}. Finally, in the (T\ll\mu) regime the entropy density is found to satisfy a power law s \propto c T^{d/z} \mu^{(z-1)d/z}, and we numerically explore the dependence of the constant c, a measure of the number of degrees of freedom, on d and z.Comment: 22 pages, 5 images, references adde

    Gauge Boson Mass Generation in AdS4

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    We investigate the role of boundary conditions in gauge theories in AdS4. The presence of the boundary can break the gauge symmetry consistently with AdS4 isometries. We show that, as a consequence, the gauge bosons associated to the broken symmetries become massive at one loop. In particular chiral gauge theories such us the Standard Model are necessarily massive in AdS4. We briefly discuss similarities with the Schwinger model and implications for CFTs in three dimensions.Comment: 12 page

    Localized Backreacted Flavor Branes in Holographic QCD

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    We investigate the perturbative (in gsND8g_s N_{D8}) backreaction of localized D8 branes in D4-D8 systems including in particular the Sakai Sugimoto model. We write down the explicit expressions of the backreacted metric, dilaton and RR form. We find that the backreaction remains small up to a radial value of us/(gsND8)u \ll \ell_s/(g_s N_{D8}), and that the background functions are smooth except at the D8 sources. In this perturbative window, the original embedding remains a solution to the equations of motion. Furthermore, the fluctuations around the original embedding, describing scalar mesons, do not become tachyonic due to the backreaction in the perturbative regime. This is is due to a cancelation between the DBI and CS parts of the D8 brane action in the perturbed background.Comment: 1+48 pages (7 figures) + 15 pages, citations added & minor correction

    Canonical Coordinates and Meson Spectra for Scalar Deformed N=4 SYM from the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    Five supersymmetric scalar deformations of the AdS_5xS^5 geometry are investigated. By switching on condensates for the scalars in the N=4 multiplet with a form which preserves a subgroup of the original R-symmetry, disk and sphere configurations of D3-branes are formed in the dual supergravity background. The analytic, canonical metric for each geometry is formulated and the singularity structure is studied. Quarks are introduced into two of the corresponding field theories using D7-brane probes and the pseudoscalar meson spectrum is calculated. For one of the condensate configurations, a mass gap is found and shown analytically to be present in the massless limit. It is also found that there is a stepped spectrum with eigenstate degeneracy in the limit of small quark masses. In the case of a second, similar deformation, it is necessary to understand the full D3-D7 brane interaction to study the limit of small quark masses. It is seen that simple solutions to the equations of motion for the other three geometries are unlikely to exist.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, references added, typos correcte

    Cascading Quivers from Decaying D-branes

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    We use an argument analogous to that of Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde to argue that cascades in L^{a,b,c} quiver gauge theories always preserve the form of the quiver, and that all gauge groups drop at each step by the number M of fractional branes. In particular, we demonstrate that an NS5-brane that sweeps out the S^3 of the base of L^{a,b,c} destroys M D3-branes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde

    Supersymmetric Branes on AdS_5 x Y^{p,q} and their Field Theory Duals

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    We systematically study supersymmetric embeddings of D-brane probes of different dimensionality in the AdS_5xY^{p,q} background of type IIB string theory. The main technique employed is the kappa symmetry of the probe's worldvolume theory. In the case of D3-branes, we recover the known three-cycles dual to the dibaryonic operators of the gauge theory and we also find a new family of supersymmetric embeddings. The BPS fluctuations of dibaryons are analyzed and shown to match the gauge theory results. Supersymmetric configurations of D5-branes, representing domain walls, and of spacetime filling D7-branes (which can be used to add flavor) are also found. We also study the baryon vertex and some other embeddings which break supersymmetry but are nevertheless stable.Comment: LaTeX, 2 figures, 54 pages; v2: discussions sharpened at several points, new subsection and references adde