200 research outputs found

    Finite-Size Scaling for Quantum Criticality above the Upper Critical Dimension: Superfluid-Mott-Insulator Transition in Three Dimensions

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    Validity of modified finite-size scaling above the upper critical dimension is demonstrated for the quantum phase transition whose dynamical critical exponent is z=2z=2. We consider the NN-component Bose-Hubbard model, which is exactly solvable and exhibits mean-field type critical phenomena in the large-NN limit. The modified finite-size scaling holds exactly in that limit. However, the usual procedure, taking the large system-size limit with fixed temperature, does not lead to the expected (and correct) mean-field critical behavior due to the limited range of applicability of the finite-size scaling form. By quantum Monte Carlo simulation, it is shown that the same holds in the case of N=1.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Transfer matrix for spanning trees, webs and colored forests

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    We use the transfer matrix formalism for dimers proposed by Lieb, and generalize it to address the corresponding problem for arrow configurations (or trees) associated to dimer configurations through Temperley's correspondence. On a cylinder, the arrow configurations can be partitioned into sectors according to the number of non-contractible loops they contain. We show how Lieb's transfer matrix can be adapted in order to disentangle the various sectors and to compute the corresponding partition functions. In order to address the issue of Jordan cells, we introduce a new, extended transfer matrix, which not only keeps track of the positions of the dimers, but also propagates colors along the branches of the associated trees. We argue that this new matrix contains Jordan cells.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Non-contractible loops in the dense O(n) loop model on the cylinder

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    A lattice model of critical dense polymers O(0)O(0) is considered for the finite cylinder geometry. Due to the presence of non-contractible loops with a fixed fugacity ξ\xi, the model is a generalization of the critical dense polymers solved by Pearce, Rasmussen and Villani. We found the free energy for any height NN and circumference LL of the cylinder. The density ρ\rho of non-contractible loops is found for NN \rightarrow \infty and large LL. The results are compared with those obtained for the anisotropic quantum chain with twisted boundary conditions. Using the latter method we obtained ρ\rho for any O(n)O(n) model and an arbitrary fugacity.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0810.223

    Exact density profiles for fully asymmetric exclusion process with discrete-time dynamics

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    Exact density profiles in the steady state of the one-dimensional fully asymmetric simple exclusion process on semi-infinite chains are obtained in the case of forward-ordered sequential dynamics by taking the thermodynamic limit in our recent exact results for a finite chain with open boundaries. The corresponding results for sublattice parallel dynamics follow from the relationship obtained by Rajewsky and Schreckenberg [Physica A 245, 139 (1997)] and for parallel dynamics from the mapping found by Evans, Rajewsky and Speer [J. Stat. Phys. 95, 45 (1999)]. By comparing the asymptotic results appropriate for parallel update with those published in the latter paper, we correct some technical errors in the final results given there.Comment: About 10 pages and 3 figures, new references are added and a comparison is made with the results by de Gier and Nienhuis [Phys. Rev. E 59, 4899(1999)

    Exact results for some Madelung type constants in the finite-size scaling theory

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    A general formula is obtained from which the madelung type constant: C(dν)=0dxxd/2ν1[(l=exl2)d1(πx)d/2] C(d|\nu)=\int_0^\infty dx x^{d/2-\nu-1}[(\sum_{l=-\infty}^\infty e^{-xl^2})^d-1-(\frac\pi x)^{d/2}] extensively used in the finite-size scaling theory is computed analytically for some particular cases of the parameters dd and ν\nu. By adjusting these parameters one can obtain different physical situations corresponding to different geometries and magnitudes of the interparticle interaction.Comment: IOP- macros, 5 pages, replaced with amended version (1 ref. added