7,504 research outputs found
Weighted random--geometric and random--rectangular graphs: Spectral and eigenfunction properties of the adjacency matrix
Within a random-matrix-theory approach, we use the nearest-neighbor energy
level spacing distribution and the entropic eigenfunction localization
length to study spectral and eigenfunction properties (of adjacency
matrices) of weighted random--geometric and random--rectangular graphs. A
random--geometric graph (RGG) considers a set of vertices uniformly and
independently distributed on the unit square, while for a random--rectangular
graph (RRG) the embedding geometry is a rectangle. The RRG model depends on
three parameters: The rectangle side lengths and , the connection
radius , and the number of vertices . We then study in detail the case
which corresponds to weighted RGGs and explore weighted RRGs
characterized by , i.e.~two-dimensional geometries, but also approach
the limit of quasi-one-dimensional wires when . In general we look for
the scaling properties of and as a function of , and .
We find that the ratio , with , fixes the
properties of both RGGs and RRGs. Moreover, when we show that
spectral and eigenfunction properties of weighted RRGs are universal for the
fixed ratio , with .Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Disrupted asteroid P/2016 G1. II. Follow-up observations from the Hubble Space Telescope
After the early observations of the disrupted asteroid P/2016 G1 with the
10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), and the modeling of the dust ejecta, we
have performed a follow-up observational campaign of this object using the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during two epochs (June 28 and July 11, 2016). The
analysis of these HST images with the same model inputs obtained from the GTC
images revealed a good consistency with the predicted evolution from the GTC
images, so that the model is applicable to the whole observational period from
late April to early July 2016. This result confirms that the resulting dust
ejecta was caused by a relatively short-duration event with onset about 350
days before perihelion, and spanning about 30 days (HWHM). For a size
distribution of particles with a geometric albedo of 0.15, having radii limits
of 1 m and 1 cm, and following a power-law with index --3.0, the total
dust mass ejected is 210 kg. As was the case with the GTC
observations, no condensations in the images that could be attributed to a
nucleus or fragments released after the disruption event were found. However,
the higher limiting magnitude reachable with the HST images in comparison with
those from GTC allowed us to impose a more stringent upper limit to the
observed fragments of 30 m.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures Accepted by Astronomical Journal, Nov. 2, 201
Ancient Martian Floods in a Plausible Variable Climatic Environment as Revealed from the Sequential Growth of Allan Hills 84001 Carbonate Globules
No abstract available
Análisis y validación de modelos digitales de elevaciones mediante datos LIDAR
entre otras, siendo en muchas ocasiones uno de los factores determinantes de la calidad de sus estudios. En este
trabajo se realiza un análisis comparativo entre Modelos Digitales de Elevaciones (MDE) generados mediante diferentes
métodos de interpolación y uno obtenido mediante tecnologÃa LIDAR. De esta forma, asumiendo este último
como verdad-terreno, se establece cual de los modelos interpolados representa con mayor fidelidad la superficie
Las técnicas de interpolación utilizadas han sido la lineal, splines, TIN y ANUDEM obteniendo un total de 4 MDEs
interpolados. El análisis de los errores en los diferentes modelos se ha llevado a cabo mediante tres procedimientos
1. Análisis de la distribución del error de las elevaciones en los MDEs interpolados.
2. Evaluación de los errores en varias capas de variables derivadas del MDE
3. Evaluación de los errores de localización de las redes de drenaje extraÃdas de los diferentes modelos respecto
a la red generada a partir del modelo LIDAR. Con respecto a la ubicación de la red de drenaje, se han estimado dos
tipos de error: error de omisión y error de comisión.Terrain modelling is an important task in many scientific areas such as climatology, hydrology among others, with
a deep influence on the quality of the results. In this work we make a comparative analysis of Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) generated by different interpolation algorithms with one obtained by LIDAR technology, assuming the later as
ground truth.
Four different interpolation algorithms have been used: linear splines, TIN and ANUDEM, that means a total of
four interpolated DEMs. The analysis of errors in the different models was carried out with three different procedures:
1. Error distribution analysis in the interpolated DEMs.
2. Error evaluation in terrain parameters derived from DEM.
3. Analysis of the positional errors in the extract
Clasificación geomorfométrica a partir de datos lidiar en un área minera degradada
Las caracterÃsticas del cualquier entorno varÃan considerablemente en función de la topografÃa, siendo un
factor indispensable a tener en cuenta en cualquier estudio, y más concretamente en la Sierra Minera de
Cartagena – La Unión; zona de clima semiárido en la que históricamente ha tenido lugar una gran actividad
de minerÃa extractiva que ha modificado todos sus componentes morfológicos (relieve, pendiente, etc.),
resultando por tanto de especial interés la clasificación de los elementos geomorfológicos allà presentes.
En este estudio se ha utilizado un Modelo Digital de Elevaciones (MDE) de 4 metros de resolución espacial
obtenido a partir de un vuelo LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) con el objetivo de hacer una clasificación
geomorfométrica. Para ello, se realiza una primera aproximación a la realidad de la zona de estudio mediante
una clasificación no supervisada, utilizando como técnica cluster el algoritmo ISODATA (Iterative Self-
Organizing Data Analysis Technique), e introduciendo los atributos topográficos derivados directamente del
MDE para caracterizar las clases. Asimismo, se realiza una clasificación supervisada basada en áreas de
entrenamiento de los principales elementos geomorfológicos.The characteristics of any environment vary widely in relation with the topography, being an indispensable
factor to take into account in any study, and more specifically in the mining range of Cartagena - La Unión. It is
a semiarid area in which, historically, large mining activity has changed all its morphological components
(relief, slope, etc..), being of special interest the classification of its geomorphological elements.
The data used in the classifications were derived from a four-meter grid LIDAR- DEM. Firstly, we perform an
approximation to the reality of the study area by unsupervised classification, using the ISODATA (Iterative Self-
Organizing Data Analysis Technique) algorithm cluster technique, introducing the topographic attributes
derived directly from the DEM to characterize classes. Also a supervised classification based on training areas
of the main geomorphological elements is performed
Étude de la corrosion du cuivre par microélectrochimie: Comparaison entre microélectrode et microcellule
Ce travail présente la comparaison de mesures électrochimiques réalisées à l'aide d'une microcellule et de microélectrodes conventionnelles. Des mesures de voltamétrie cyclique et d’impédances électrochimiques ont été réalisées sur des électrodes de cuivre pur, électrode classique couplée à des capillaires et microélectrodes, au potentiel de corrosion dans une solution NaCl 0,1 M, La comparaison entre ces deux types de mesure apporte des informations relatives à leurs sensibilités et limitations. En particulier, le domaine des basses fréquences du diagramme d’impédance est sensible à la géométrie de la microcellule ainsi qu'au positionnement relatif des électrodes
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