61,506 research outputs found

    Editorial: advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Benthuysen, J. A., Oliver, E. C. J., Chen, K., & Wernberg, T. Editorial: advances in understanding marine heatwaves and their impacts. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, (2020): 147, doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00147.Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in Understanding Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts In recent years, prolonged, extremely warm water events, known as marine heatwaves, have featured prominently around the globe with their disruptive consequences for marine ecosystems. Over the past decade, marine heatwaves have occurred from the open ocean to marginal seas and coastal regions, including the unprecedented 2011 Western Australia marine heatwave (Ningaloo Niño) in the eastern Indian Ocean (e.g., Pearce et al., 2011), the 2012 northwest Atlantic marine heatwave (Chen et al., 2014), the 2012 and 2015 Mediterranean Sea marine heatwaves (Darmaraki et al., 2019), the 2013/14 western South Atlantic (Rodrigues et al., 2019) and 2017 southwestern Atlantic marine heatwave (Manta et al., 2018), the persistent 2014–2016 “Blob” in the North Pacific (Bond et al., 2015; Di Lorenzo and Mantua, 2016), the 2015/16 marine heatwave spanning the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean to the Coral Sea (Benthuysen et al., 2018), and the Tasman Sea marine heatwaves in 2015/16 (Oliver et al., 2017) and 2017/18 (Salinger et al., 2019). These events have set new records for marine heatwave intensity, the temperature anomaly exceeding a climatology, and duration, the sustained period of extreme temperatures. We have witnessed the profound consequences of these thermal disturbances from acute changes to marine life to enduring impacts on species, populations, and communities (Smale et al., 2019). These marine heatwaves have spurred a diversity of research spanning the methodology of identifying and quantifying the events (e.g., Hobday et al., 2016) and their historical trends (Oliver et al., 2018), understanding their physical mechanisms and relationships with climate modes (e.g., Holbrook et al., 2019), climate projections (Frölicher et al., 2018), and understanding the biological impacts for organisms and ecosystem function and services (e.g., Smale et al., 2019). By using sea surface temperature percentiles, temperature anomalies can be quantified based on their local variability and account for the broad range of temperature regimes in different marine environments. For temperatures exceeding a 90th-percentile threshold beyond a period of 5-days, marine heatwaves can be classified into categories based on their intensity (Hobday et al., 2018). While these recent advances have provided the framework for understanding key aspects of marine heatwaves, a challenge lies ahead for effective integration of physical and biological knowledge for prediction of marine heatwaves and their ecological impacts. This Research Topic is motivated by the need to understand the mechanisms for how marine heatwaves develop and the biological responses to thermal stress events. This Research Topic is a collection of 18 research articles and three review articles aimed at advancing our knowledge of marine heatwaves within four themes. These themes include methods for detecting marine heatwaves, understanding their physical mechanisms, seasonal forecasting and climate projections, and ecological impacts.We thank the contributing authors, reviewers, and the editorial staff at Frontiers in Marine Science for their support in producing this issue. We thank the Marine Heatwaves Working Group (http://www.marineheatwaves.org/) for inspiration and discussions. This special issue stemmed from the session on Advances in Understanding Marine Heat Waves and Their Impacts at the 2018 Ocean Sciences meeting (Portland, USA)

    Hepatoma cell density promotes claudin-1 and scavenger receptor BI expression and hepatitis C virus internalization.

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry occurs via a pH- and clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway and requires a number of cellular factors, including CD81, the tight-junction proteins claudin 1 (CLDN1) and occludin, and scavenger receptor class B member I (SR-BI). HCV tropism is restricted to the liver, where hepatocytes are tightly packed. Here, we demonstrate that SR-BI and CLDN1 expression is modulated in confluent human hepatoma cells, with both receptors being enriched at cell-cell junctions. Cellular contact increased HCV pseudoparticle (HCVpp) and HCV particle (HCVcc) infection and accelerated the internalization of cell-bound HCVcc, suggesting that the cell contact modulation of receptor levels may facilitate the assembly of receptor complexes required for virus internalization. CLDN1 overexpression in subconfluent cells was unable to recapitulate this effect, whereas increased SR-BI expression enhanced HCVpp entry and HCVcc internalization, demonstrating a rate-limiting role for SR-BI in HCV internalization

    Is Neolithic land use correlated with demography? An evaluation of pollen-derived land cover and radiocarbon-inferred demographic change from Central Europe

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    The transformation of natural landscapes in Middle Europe began in the Neolithic as a result of the introduction of food-producing economies. This paper examines the relation between land-cover and demographic change in a regionally restricted case study. The study area is the Western Lake Constance area which has very detailed palynological as well as archaeological records. We compare land-cover change derived from nine pollen records using a pseudo-biomisation approach with 14C date probability density functions from archaeological sites which serve as a demographic proxy. We chose the Lake Constance area as a regional example where the pollen signal integrates a larger spatial pattern. The land-cover reconstructions for this region show first notable impacts at the Middle to Young Neolithic transition. The beginning of the Bronze Age is characterised by increases of arable land and pasture/meadow, whereas the deciduous woodland decreases dramatically. Changes in the land-cover classes show a correlation with the 14C density curve: the correlation is best with secondary woodland in the Young Neolithic which reflects the lake shore settlement dynamics. In the Early Bronze Age, the radiocarbon density correlates with open land-cover classes, such as pasture, meadow and arable land, reflecting a change in the land-use strategy. The close overall correspondence between the two archives implies that population dynamics and land-cover change were intrinsically linked. We therefore see human impact as a key driver for vegetation change in the Neolithic. Climate might have an influence on vegetation development, but the changes caused by human land use are clearly detectable from Neolithic times, at least in these densely settled, mid-altitude landscapes

    Block-wise motion detection using compressive imaging system

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    A block-wise motion detection strategy based on compressive imaging, also referred to as feature-specific imaging (FSI), is described in this work. A mixture of Gaussian distributions is used to model the background in a scene. Motion is detected in individual object blocks using feature measurements. Gabor, Hadamard binary and random binary features are studied. Performance of motion detection methods using pixel-wise measurements is analyzed and serves as a baseline for comparison with motion detection techniques based on compressive imaging. ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristic) curves and AUC (Area Under Curve) metrics are used to quantify the algorithm performance. Because a FSI system yields a larger measurement SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) than a traditional system, motion detection methods based on the FSI system have better performance. We show that motion detection algorithms using Hadamard and random binary features in a FSI system yields AUC values of 0.978 and 0.969 respectively. The pixel-based methods are only able to achieve a lower AUC value of 0.627. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    Adaptive compressive imaging for object reconstruction

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    Session 2 - Imaging and Non-Imaging Diffraction System Concepts: 7818 09 [7818A-08]Static Feature-specific imaging (SFSI) employing a fixed/static measurement basis has been shown to achieve superior reconstruction performance to conventional imaging under certain conditions.1-5 In this paper, we describe an adaptive FSI system in which past measurements inform the choice of measurement basis for future measurements so as to maximize the reconstruction fidelity while employing the fewest measurements. An algorithm to implement an adaptive FSI system for principle component (PC) measurement basis is described. The resulting system is referred to as a PC-based adaptive FSI (AFSI) system. A simulation study employing the root mean squared error (RMSE) metric to quantify the reconstruction fidelity is used to analyze the performance of the PC-based AFSI system. We observe that the AFSI system achieves as much as 30% lower RMSE compared to a SFSI system. © 2010 SPIE.published_or_final_versionAdaptive Coded Aperture Imaging, Non-Imaging, and Unconventional Imaging Sensor Systems II, San Diego, CA., 1-2 August 2010. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010, v. 7818, p. 781809-1-781809-

    Alternating magnetic anisotropy of Li2_2(Li1xTx_{1-x}T_x)N with TT = Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni

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    Substantial amounts of the transition metals Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni can be substituted for Li in single crystalline Li2_2(Li1xTx_{1-x}T_x)N. Isothermal and temperature-dependent magnetization measurements reveal local magnetic moments with magnitudes significantly exceeding the spin-only value. The additional contributions stem from unquenched orbital moments that lead to rare-earth-like behavior of the magnetic properties. Accordingly, extremely large magnetic anisotropies have been found. Most notably, the magnetic anisotropy alternates as easy-plane \rightarrow easy-axis \rightarrow easy-plane \rightarrow easy-axis when progressing from TT = Mn \rightarrow Fe \rightarrow Co \rightarrow Ni. This behavior can be understood based on a perturbation approach in an analytical, single-ion model. The calculated magnetic anisotropies show a surprisingly good agreement with the experiment and capture the basic features observed for the different transition metals.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published as PRB Rapid Communication, Fig. 3 update

    Object reconstruction from adaptive compressive measurements in feature-specific imaging

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    Static feature-specific imaging (SFSI), where the measurement basis remains fixed/static during the data measurement process, has been shown to be superior to conventional imaging for reconstruction tasks. Here, we describe an adaptive approach that utilizes past measurements to inform the choice of measurement basis for future measurements in an FSI system, with the goal of maximizing the reconstruction fidelity while employing the fewest measurements. An algorithm to implement this adaptive approach is developed for FSI systems, and the resulting systems are referred to as adaptive FSI (AFSI) systems. A simulation study is used to analyze the performance of the AFSI system for two choices of measurement basis: principal component (PC) and Hadamard. Here, the root mean squared error (RMSE) metric is employed to quantify the reconstruction fidelity. We observe that an AFSI system achieves as much as 30% lower RMSE compared to an SFSI system. The performance improvement of the AFSI systems is verified using an experimental setup employed using a digital micromirror device (DMD) array.published_or_final_versio

    Horizontal Structures of Velocity and Temperature Boundary Layers in 2D Numerical Turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard Convection

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    We investigate the structures of the near-plate velocity and temperature profiles at different horizontal positions along the conducting bottom (and top) plate of a Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cell, using two-dimensional (2D) numerical data obtained at the Rayleigh number Ra=10^8 and the Prandtl number Pr=4.4 of an Oberbeck-Boussinesq flow with constant material parameters. The results show that most of the time, and for both velocity and temperature, the instantaneous profiles scaled by the dynamical frame method [Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 104301 (2010) agree well with the classical Prandtl-Blasius laminar boundary layer (BL) profiles. Therefore, when averaging in the dynamical reference frames, which fluctuate with the respective instantaneous kinematic and thermal BL thicknesses, the obtained mean velocity and temperature profiles are also of Prandtl-Blasius type for nearly all horizontal positions. We further show that in certain situations the traditional definitions based on the time-averaged profiles can lead to unphysical BL thicknesses, while the dynamical method also in such cases can provide a well-defined BL thickness for both the kinematic and the thermal BLs.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure