1,042 research outputs found

    Formation of Low Threshold Voltage Microlasers

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    Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) with threshold voltages of 1.7V have been fabricated. The resistance-area product in these new vertical cavity lasers is comparable to that of edge-emitting lasers, and threshold currents as low as 3 mA have been measured. Molecular beam epitaxy was used to grow n-type mirrors, a quantum well active region, and a heavily Be-doped p-contact. After contact definition and alloying, passive high-reflectivity mirrors were deposited by reactive sputter deposition of SiO2/Si3N4 to complete the laser cavity

    Nutation versus angular dependent NQR spectroscopy and the impact of underdoping on charge inhomogeneities in YBa2_2Cu3_3Oy_y

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    We describe two different nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) based techniques, designed to measure the local asymmetry of the internal electric field gradient, and the tilt angle of the main NQR principal axis z from the crystallographic axis c. These techniques use the dependence of the NQR signal on the duration of the radio frequency (rf) pulse and on the direction of the rf field H1 with respect to the crystal axis. The techniques are applied to oriented powder of YBa2_{2}Cu%_{3}Oy_{y} fully enriched with 63Cu. Measurements were performed at different frequencies, corresponding to different in-plane copper sites with respect to the dopant. Combining the results from both techniques, we conclude that oxygen deficiency in the chain layer lead to a rotation of the NQR main principal axis at the nearby Cu on the CuO2 planes by 20+-degrees. This occurs with no change to the asymmetry. The axis rotation associated with oxygen deficiency means that there must be electric field inhomogeneities in the CuO2 planes only in the vicinity of the missing oxygen.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave Vertical-Cavity Single-Quantum-Well Microlaser Diodes

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    Room-temperature continuous and pulsed lasing of vertical-cavity, single-quantum-well, surface-emitting microlasers is achieved at ~983nm. The active Ga[sub][0-8]In[sub][0-2]As single quantum well is 100 [angstroms] thick. These microlasers have the smallest gain medium volumes among lasers ever built. The entire laser structure is grown by molecular beam epitaxy and the microlasers are formed by chemically assisted ion-beam etching. The microlasers are 3-50-ÎŒm across. The minimum threshold currents are 1.1 mA (pulsed) and 1.5 mA (CW)

    Low-Threshold Electrically Pumps Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Microlasers

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    Vertical-cavity electrically driven lasers with three GaInAs quantum wells and diameters of several ÎŒm exhibit room-temperature pulsed current thresholds as low as 1.3mA with 958 nm output wavelength

    Non-Volatile Memory Characteristics of Submicrometre Hall Structures Fabricated in Epitaxial Ferromagnetic MnAl Films on GaAs

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    Hall-effect structures with submicrometre linewidths (<0.3pm) have been fabricated in ferromagnetic thin films of Mn[sub 0.60]Al[sub 0.40] which are epitaxially grown on a GaAs substrate. The MnAl thin films exhibit a perpendicular remanent magnetisation and an extraordinary Hall effect with square hysteretic behaviour. The presence of two distinct stable readout states demonstrates the potential of using ultrasmall ferromagnetic volumes for electrically addressable, nonvolatile storage of digital information

    Ultranarrow conducting channels defined in GaAs-AlGaAs by low-energy ion damage

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    We have laterally patterned the narrowest conducting wires of two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) material reported to date. The depletion induced by low-energy ion etching of GaAs-AlGaAs 2DEG structures was used to define narrow conducting channels. We employed high voltage electron beam lithography to create a range of channel geometries with widths as small as 75 nm. Using ion beam assisted etching by Cl2 gas and Ar ions with energies as low as 150 eV, conducting channels were defined by etching only through the thin GaAs cap layer. This slight etching is sufficient to entirely deplete the underlying material without necessitating exposure of the sidewalls that results in long lateral depletion lengths. At 4.2 K, without illumination, our narrowest wires retain a carrier density and mobility at least as high as that of the bulk 2DEG and exhibit quantized Hall effects. Aharonov–Bohm oscillations are seen in rings defined by this controlled etch-damage patterning. This patterning technique holds promise for creating one-dimensional conducting wires of even smaller sizes

    Epitaxial-tau(Mn,Ni)Al/(Al,Ga)As heterostructures: Magnetic and magneto-optic properties

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    Ferromagnetic Perpendicularly magnetized epitaxial thin films of tau (Mn,Ni)AI have been successfully grown on AlAs/GaAs heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy. We have investigated the polar Kerr rotation and magnetization of tau MnAl and (Mn,Ni) Al as a function of Mn and Ni concentration. The largest polar Kerr rotation and remnant magnetization were obtained for Mn0.5Al0.5 thin films with values of 0.16-degrees and 224 emu/cm3, respectively. We observed that the Kerr rotation and magnetization remained constant with Ni additions up to about 12 at. % and subsequently decreased with further Ni additions. We discuss these results and one possible method of enhancing the Kerr rotation

    The extraordinary Hall effect in coherent epitaxial tau (Mn,Ni)Al thin films on GaAs

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    Ultrathin coherent epitaxial films of ferromagnetic tau(Mn,Ni)0.60Al0.40 have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. X-ray scattering and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurements confirm that the c axis of the tetragonal tau unit cell is aligned normal to the (001) GaAs substrate. Measurements of the extraordinary Hall effect (EHE) show that the films are perpendicularly magnetized, exhibiting EHE resistivities saturating in the range of 3.3-7.1 muOMEGA-cm at room temperature. These values of EHE resistivity correspond to signals as large as +7 and -7 mV for the two magnetic states of the film with a measurement current of 1 mA. Switching between the two magnetic states is found to occur at distinct field values that depend on the previously applied maximum field. These observations suggest that the films are magnetically uniform. As such, tau(Mn,Ni)Al films may be an excellent medium for high-density storage of binary information

    Low-Voltage-Threshold Microlasers

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    We have reduced the voltage required for threshold in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) to 1.7 V [l], the lowest yet reported for a CW-operating VCSEL [2,3]. Room-temperature current threshold was 3 mA pulsed, 4 mA CW. This advance in VCSEL technology leads to manageable heat dissipation for high packing densities. It was achieved in a structure which can be further optimized for high wallplug efficiency and high powers. Furthermore the thickness of the molecular beam epitaxially (MBE) grown portion of the structure was reduced by about 1.5 ÎŒm compared to conventional VCSELs, resulting in decreased MBE costs, significantly shallower processing depths and easier integration of VCSELs with transistors or other electronics. The (resistance x area) products of our VCSELs are nearly as low as those reported for high-power edge-emitting lasers. MBE was used to grown-doped Al_(0.15)Ga_(0.85)As/GaAs bottom mirror layers, the active region containing 3 GaAs quantum wells, and a 1-ÎŒm-thick p-doped top contact layer. 12 pairs of alternating SiO_2/Si_3N_4 layers formed a high-reflectivity mirror which completed the laser cavity. The reactive sputter-deposited mirrors produce reflectivities of 98.3% for 9.5 pairs [3]. Individual laser elements were defined by ion milling of mesas through the p-n junction, followed by planarization with SiO_2 to define the current path. Then, Au-Zn p-contacts were deposited around the mesa tops and alloyed for current injection. A final ion-milling step was used to isolate individual contacts. In this way microlasers with diameters ranging from 7.5-25 ÎŒm were fabricated and measured
