2 research outputs found

    Influence od storage duration on primary root and germ lenght of sunflower hybrid seed

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    Dorađeno sjeme (nezaprašeno) hibrida suncokreta Fakir, Orion i Apolon skladišteno je 36 mjeseci u dvoslojnim papir vrećama, u podnom betonskom skladištu s termoizolacijom (relativna vlaga zraka 55-60% i temperatura 10-12°C). Analiza istraživanih svojstava (dužina primarnog korijena i klice) bila je na početku skladištenja i nakon svakih 12 mjeseci skladištenja tijekom tri godine istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da sjeme hibrida Fakir ima duži primarni korijen i klicu (0.3-0.6 cm i 0.3-0.7 cm) od Oriona i Apolona na početku i na kraju skladištenja. Hibrid Apolon ima najkraći primarni korijen i klicu (5.4 cm i 2.2 cm) na početku, kao i na kraju skladištenja (4.3 cm i 1.6 cm). Kod svih hibrida najveće smanjenje dužine primarnog korijena i klice bilo je poslije 36 mjeseca skladištenja. Dobivene razlike su statistički vrlo značajne za sva istraživana svojstva (hibrid, dužina skladištenja, interakcija hibrid x dužina skladištenja).After seed processing, sunflower seed Fakir, Orion and Apolon has been storage for 36 months. Seed samples were packed in two film paper bag and storage in two different storage. Concrete floor and storage with termoizolation (relative air humidity 55-60 % and air temperature 10 °C – 12 °C). In the time of storage, every 12 months, seed samples was getting and seed properties has been analyzed. After 36 months, primary root and germ length were measured. Results of this investigations approved, that Fakir hybrid seed has higher on primary root and germ length in accordance with Orion and Apolon. It was conclude that decreasing of primary root and germ length depend on hybrid and storage duration. Apolon hybrid had the largest decreasing of primary root (1.1cm) and germ length (0.6cm). Fakir hybrid had the smallest decreasing. Each hybrids in this investigations had the largest decreasing of primary root and germ length after 24 months of storage. Hybrid and storage duration, statistically very significant influence on seed quality decreasing