57 research outputs found

    Quasi-Dirac Operators and Quasi-Fermions

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    We investigate examples of quasi-spectral triples over two-dimensional commutative sphere, which are obtained by modifying the order-one condition. We find equivariant quasi-Dirac operators and prove that they are in a topologically distinct sector than the standard Dirac operator.Comment: 11 page

    The Connes-Lott program on the sphere

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    We describe the classical Schwinger model as a study of the projective modules over the algebra of complex-valued functions on the sphere. On these modules, classified by π2(S2)\pi_2(S^2), we construct hermitian connections with values in the universal differential envelope which leads us to the Schwinger model on the sphere. The Connes-Lott program is then applied using the Hilbert space of complexified inhomogeneous forms with its Atiyah-Kaehler structure. It splits in two minimal left ideals of the Clifford algebra preserved by the Dirac-Kaehler operator D=i(d-delta). The induced representation of the universal differential envelope, in order to recover its differential structure, is divided by the unwanted differential ideal and the obtained quotient is the usual complexified de Rham exterior algebra over the sphere with Clifford action on the "spinors" of the Hilbert space. The subsequent steps of the Connes-Lott program allow to define a matter action, and the field action is obtained using the Dixmier trace which reduces to the integral of the curvature squared.Comment: 34 pages, Latex, submitted for publicatio

    Connes-Lott model building on the two-sphere

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    In this work we examine generalized Connes-Lott models on the two-sphere. The Hilbert space of the continuum spectral triple is taken as the space of sections of a twisted spinor bundle, allowing for nontrivial topological structure (magnetic monopoles). The finitely generated projective module over the full algebra is also taken as topologically non-trivial, which is possible over S2S^2. We also construct a real spectral triple enlarging this Hilbert space to include "particle" and "anti-particle" fields.Comment: 57 pages, LATE

    Precise mass-dependent QED contributions to leptonic g-2 at order alpha^2 and alpha^3

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    Improved values for the two- and three-loop mass-dependent QED contributions to the anomalous magnetic moments of the electron, muon, and tau lepton are presented. The Standard Model prediction for the electron (g-2) is compared with its most precise recent measurement, providing a value of the fine-structure constant in agreement with a recently published determination. For the tau lepton, differences with previously published results are found and discussed. An updated value of the fine-structure constant is presented in "Note added after publication."Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: New determination of alpha presented (based on the recent electron g-2 measurement). v3: New formulae added in Sec.IIB. v4: Updated value of alpha presente

    Improved α4\alpha^4 Term of the Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    We report a new value of electron g2g-2, or aea_e, from 891 Feynman diagrams of order α4\alpha^4. The FORTRAN codes of 373 diagrams containing closed electron loops have been verified by at least two independent formulations. For the remaining 518 diagrams, which have no closed lepton loop, verification by a second formulation is not yet attempted because of the enormous amount of additional work required. However, these integrals have structures that allow extensive cross-checking as well as detailed comparison with lower-order diagrams through the renormalization procedure. No algebraic error has been uncovered for them. The numerical evaluation of the entire α4\alpha^4 term by the integration routine VEGAS gives 1.7283(35)(α/π)4-1.7283 (35) (\alpha/\pi)^4, where the uncertainty is obtained by careful examination of error estimates by VEGAS. This leads to ae=1159652175.86(0.10)(0.26)(8.48)×1012a_e = 1 159 652 175.86 (0.10) (0.26) (8.48) \times 10^{-12}, where the uncertainties come from the α4\alpha^4 term, the estimated uncertainty of α5\alpha^5 term, and the inverse fine structure constant, α1=137.0360003(10)\alpha^{-1} = 137.036 000 3 (10), measured by atom interferometry combined with a frequency comb technique, respectively. The inverse fine structure constant α1(ae)\alpha^{-1} (a_e) derived from the theory and the Seattle measurement of aea_e is 137.03599883(51)137.035 998 83 (51).Comment: 64 pages and 10 figures. Eq.(16) is corrected. Comments are added after Eq.(40

    Reconsidered estimates of the 10th order QED contributions to the muon anomaly

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    The problem of estimating the 10th order QED corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment is reconsidered. The incorporation of the recently improved contributions to the α4\alpha^4 and α5\alpha^5- corrections to aμa_{\mu} within the renormalization-group inspired scheme-invariant approach leads to the estimate aμ(10)643(α/pi)5a_{\mu}^{(10)}\approx 643(\alpha/pi)^5. It is in good agreement with the estimate aμ(10)=663(20)(α/π)5a_{\mu}^{(10)}= 663(20) (\alpha/\pi)^5, obtained by Kinoshita and Nio from the numerical calculations of 2958 10-th order diagrams, which are considered to be more important than the still uncalculated 6122 10th-order mμ/mem_{\mu}/m_e-dependent vertex graphs, and 12672 5-loop diagrams, responsible for the mass-independent constant contribution both to aμa_{\mu} and aea_e. This confirms Kinoshita and Nio guess about dominance of the 10-th order diagrams calculated by them. Comparisons with other estimates of the α5\alpha^5- contributions to aμa_{\mu}, which exist in the literature, are presented.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, some misprints in the text and literature corrected. Results unchaged, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Optimization of R(e+e-) and "Freezing" of the QCD Couplant at Low Energies

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    The new result for the third-order QCD corrections to R_{e^+e^-}, unlike the old, incorrect result, is nicely compatible with the principle-of-minimal-sensitivity optimization method. Moreover, it leads to infrared fixed-point behaviour: the optimized couplant, alpha_s/pi, for R(e+e-) does not diverge at low energies, but "freezes" to a value 0.26 below about 300 MeV. This provides some direct theoretical evidence, purely from perturbation theory, for the "freezing" of the couplant -- an idea that has long been a popular and successful phenomenological hypothesis. We use the "smearing" method of Poggio, Quinn, and Weinberg to compare the resulting theoretical prediction for R(e+e-) with experimental data down to the lowest energies, and find excellent agreement.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 8 uuencoded figures, DE-FG05-92ER40717-

    The Standard Model Prediction of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    This article reviews and updates the Standard Model prediction of the muon g-2. QED, electroweak and hadronic contributions are presented, and open questions discussed. The theoretical prediction deviates from the present experimental value by 2-3 standard deviations, if e+e- annihilation data are used to evaluate the leading hadronic term.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. v2: Updated version to appear in J.Phys.G. Comments and references added, typo corrected in eq.(17

    Harmonic Sums and Mellin Transforms up to two-loop Order

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    A systematic study is performed on the finite harmonic sums up to level four. These sums form the general basis for the Mellin transforms of all individual functions fi(x)f_i(x) of the momentum fraction xx emerging in the quantities of massless QED and QCD up to two--loop order, as the unpolarized and polarized splitting functions, coefficient functions, and hard scattering cross sections for space and time-like momentum transfer. The finite harmonic sums are calculated explicitly in the linear representation. Algebraic relations connecting these sums are derived to obtain representations based on a reduced set of basic functions. The Mellin transforms of all the corresponding Nielsen functions are calculated.Comment: 44 pages Latex, contract number adde

    Renormalization scheme dependence and the problem of determination of alpha_s and the condensates from the semileptonic tau decays

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    The QCD corrections to the moments of the invariant mass distribution in the semileptonic τ\tau decays are considered. The effect of the renormalization scheme dependence on the fitted values of alpha_s(m^2_tau) and the condensates is discussed, using a simplified approach where the nonperturbative contributions are approximated by the dimension six condensates. The fits in the vector and the axial-vector channel are investigated in the next-to-leading and the next-to-next-to-leading order. The next-to-next-to-leading order results are found to be relatively stable with respect to change of the renormalization scheme. A change from the MS-bar scheme to the minimal sensitivity scheme results in the reduction of the extracted value of alpha_s(m^2_tau) by 0.01.Comment: Some typographical errors have been corrected, including two small misprints in table 1 and table 2 and one in Eq.15. 20 pages Latex, 5 figure