25,744 research outputs found

    Effect of mass asymmetry on the mass dependence of balance energy

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    We demonstrate the role of the mass asymmetry on the balance energy (Ebal) by studying asymmetric reactions throughout the periodic table and over entire colliding geometry. Our results, which are almost independent of the system size and as well as of the colliding geometries indicate a sizeable effect of the asymmetry of the reaction on the balance energy.Comment: Journal of Physics - Conference Series - Online end of March (2011

    Probing Pair-Correlated Fermionic Atoms through Correlations in Atom Shot Noise

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    Pair-correlated fermionic atoms are created through dissociation of weakly bound molecules near a magnetic-field Feshbach resonance. We show that correlations between atoms in different spin states can be detected using the atom shot noise in absorption images. Furthermore, using time-of-Flight imaging we have observed atom pair correlations in momentum space

    Observation of harmonic generation and nonlinear coupling in the collective dynamics of a Bose condensate

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    We report the observation of harmonic generation and strong nonlinear coupling of two collective modes of a condensed gas of rubidium atoms. Using a modified TOP trap we changed the trap anisotropy to a value where the frequency of the m=0 high-lying mode corresponds to twice the frequency of the m=0 low-lying mode, thus leading to strong nonlinear coupling between these modes. By changing the anisotropy of the trap and exciting the low-lying mode we observed significant frequency shifts of this fundamental mode and also the generation of its second harmonic.Comment: 4 pages,3 figure

    An Investigation into the Critical Factors of on-site Waste Segregation in the UK Construction and Demolition Sector.

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    This paper provides an in-depth exploration into critical factors affecting the use of on-site waste segregation strategies in the UK C&D market. Utilising data from two separate survey questionnaires; this study confirms usage of on-site segregation strategies by many UK contractors where physical site space and project budgets allow. However, through assessment of stakeholder perceptions, this paper also identifies several key barriers that are impeding overall effectiveness. Amongst many factors, this study indicates how issues such as poor attitude and a lack of knowledge of the benefits amongst workers, could be having a profound effect on successful adaptation of ground level recycling initiatives. This research project then finishes by ranking existent barriers by importance, with the goal of suggesting proposals for overcoming these challenges. Ultimately, weighing the critical factors and prospective barriers to on-site segregation in the UK C&D sector, this study makes recommendation of multiple incentives, but suggests that enhanced training initiatives could be a crucial element for instigating long-term industry improvement in respect of recycling and on-site waste segregation strategies

    Polarization and decoherence in a two-component Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We theoretically investigate polarization properties of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and influence of decoherence induced by environment on BEC polarization through introducing four BEC Stokes operators which are quantum analog of the classical Stokes parameters for a light field. BEC polarization states can be geometrically described by a Poincar\'{e} sphere defined by expectation values of BEC Stokes operators. Without decoherence, it is shown that nonlinear inter-atomic interactions in the BEC induce periodic polarization oscillations whose periods depend on the difference between self-interaction in each component and inter-component interaction strengths. In particular, when inter-atomic nonlinear self-interaction in each BEC component equals inter-component nonlinear interaction, Stokes vector associated with Stokes operators precesses around a fixed axis in the dynamic evolution of the BEC. The value of the processing frequency is determined by the strength of the linear coupling between two components of the BEC. When decoherence is involved, we find each component of the Stokes vector decays which implies that decoherence depolarizes the BEC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Quadrupole collective modes in trapped finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Finite temperature simulations are used to study quadrupole excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. We focus specifically on the m=0 mode, where a long-standing theoretical problem has been to account for an anomalous variation of the mode frequency with temperature. We explain this behavior in terms of the excitation of two separate modes, corresponding to coupled motion of the condensate and thermal cloud. The relative amplitudes of the modes depends sensitively on the temperature and on the frequency of the harmonic drive used to excite them. Good agreement with experiment is found for appropriate drive frequencies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The experimental observation of Beliaev damping in a Bose condensed gas

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    We report the first experimental observation of Beliaev damping of a collective excitation in a Bose-condensed gas. Beliaev damping is not predicted by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and so this is one of the few experiments that tests BEC theory beyond the mean field approximation. Measurements of the amplitude of a high frequency scissors mode, show that the Beliaev process transfers energy to a lower lying mode and then back and forth between these modes. These characteristics are quite distinct from those of Landau damping, which leads to a monotonic decrease in amplitude. To enhance the Beliaev process we adjusted the geometry of the magnetic trapping potential to give a frequency ratio of 2 to 1 between two of the scissors modes of the condensate. The ratios of the trap oscillation frequencies ωy/ωx\omega_y / \omega_x and ωz/ωx\omega_z / \omega_x were changed independently, so that we could investigate the resonant coupling over a range of conditions.Comment: 4 pages including 5 fig

    A Cellular Automata Model with Probability Infection and Spatial Dispersion

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    In this article, we have proposed an epidemic model by using probability cellular automata theory. The essential mathematical features are analyzed with the help of stability theory. We have given an alternative modelling approach for the spatiotemporal system which is more realistic and satisfactory from the practical point of view. A discrete and spatiotemporal approach are shown by using cellular automata theory. It is interesting to note that both size of the endemic equilibrium and density of the individual increase with the increasing of the neighborhood size and infection rate, but the infections decrease with the increasing of the recovery rate. The stability of the system around the positive interior equilibrium have been shown by using suitable Lyapunov function. Finally experimental data simulation for SARS disease in China and a brief discussion conclude the paper

    Structural Ordering and Symmetry Breaking in Cd_2Re_2O_7

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    Single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements have been carried out on Cd_2Re_2O_7 near and below the phase transition it exhibits at Tc' ~195 K. Cd_2Re_2O_7 was recently discovered as the first, and to date only, superconductor with the cubic pyrochlore structure. Superlattice Bragg peaks show an apparently continuous structural transition at Tc', however the order parameter displays anomalously slow growth to ~Tc'/10, and resolution limited critical-like scattering is seen above Tc'. High resolution measurements show the high temperature cubic Bragg peaks to split on entering the low temperature phase, indicating a (likely tetragonal) lowering of symmetry below Tc'.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evaporative Cooling of a Two-Component Degenerate Fermi Gas

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    We derive a quantum theory of evaporative cooling for a degenerate Fermi gas with two constituents and show that the optimum cooling trajectory is influenced significantly by the quantum statistics of the particles. The cooling efficiency is reduced at low temperatures due to Pauli blocking of available final states in each binary collision event. We compare the theoretical optimum trajectory with experimental data on cooling a quantum degenerate cloud of potassium-40, and show that temperatures as low as 0.3 times the Fermi temperature can now be achieved.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure