267 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Probable Physical Triple Quasar

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    We report the discovery of the first known probable case of a physical triple quasar (not a gravitational lens). A previously known double system, QQ 1429-008 at z = 2.076, is shown to contain a third, fainter QSO component at the same redshift within the measurement errors. Deep optical and IR imaging at the Keck and VLT telescopes has failed to reveal a plausible lensing galaxy group or a cluster, and moreover, we are unable to construct any viable lensing model which could lead to the observed distribution of source positions and relative intensities of the three QSO image components. Furthermore, there are hints of differences in broad-band spectral energy distributions of different components, which are more naturally understood if they are physically distinct AGN. Therefore, we conclude that this system is most likely a physical triple quasar, the first such close QSO grouping known at any redshift. The projected component separations in the restframe are ~ 30 - 50 kpc for the standard concordance cosmology, typical of interacting galaxy systems. The existence of this highly unusual system supports the standard picture in which galaxy interactions lead to the onset of QSO activity.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, LaTeX, 13 pages, 4 eps figures, all include

    Physics of Quantum Relativity through a Linear Realization

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    The idea of quantum relativity as a generalized, or rather deformed, version of Einstein (special) relativity has been taking shape in recent years. Following the perspective of deformations, while staying within the framework of Lie algebra, we implement explicitly a simple linear realization of the relativity symmetry, and explore systematically the resulting physical interpretations. Some suggestions we make may sound radical, but are arguably natural within the context of our formulation. Our work may provide a new perspective on the subject matter, complementary to the previous approach(es), and may lead to a better understanding of the physics.Comment: 27 pages in Revtex, no figure; proof-edited version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Doubly Special Relativity and de Sitter space

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    In this paper we recall the construction of Doubly Special Relativity (DSR) as a theory with energy-momentum space being the four dimensional de Sitter space. Then the bases of the DSR theory can be understood as different coordinate systems on this space. We investigate the emerging geometrical picture of Doubly Special Relativity by presenting the basis independent features of DSR that include the non-commutative structure of space-time and the phase space algebra. Next we investigate the relation between our geometric formulation and the one based on quantum Îş\kappa-deformations of the Poincar\'e algebra. Finally we re-derive the five-dimensional differential calculus using the geometric method, and use it to write down the deformed Klein-Gordon equation and to analyze its plane wave solutions.Comment: 26 pages, one formula (67) corrected; some remarks adde

    Quantum Potential Approach to Class of Cosmological Models

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    In this paper we discuss the quantum potential approach of Bohm in the context of quantum cosmological model. This approach makes it possible to convert the wavefunction of the universe to a set of equations describing the time evolution of the universe. Following Ashtekar et.\ al., we make use of quantum canonical transformation to cast a class of quantum cosmological models to a simple form in which they can be solved explicitly, and then we use the solutions do recover the time evolution.Comment: The corrected version of gr-qc/9506081, 18 pages LaTeX, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Kinematics of a relativistic particle with de Sitter momentum space

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    We discuss kinematical properties of a free relativistic particle with deformed phase space in which momentum space is given by (a submanifold of) de Sitter space. We provide a detailed derivation of the action, Hamiltonian structure and equations of motion for such free particle. We study the action of deformed relativistic symmetries on the phase space and derive explicit formulas for the action of the deformed Poincare' group. Finally we provide a discussion on parametrization of the particle worldlines stressing analogies and differences with ordinary relativistic kinematics.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, no figure

    de Sitter special relativity

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    A special relativity based on the de Sitter group is introduced, which is the theory that might hold up in the presence of a non-vanishing cosmological constant. Like ordinary special relativity, it retains the quotient character of spacetime, and a notion of homogeneity. As a consequence, the underlying spacetime will be a de Sitter spacetime, whose associated kinematics will differ from that of ordinary special relativity. The corresponding modified notions of energy and momentum are obtained, and the exact relationship between them, which is invariant under a re-scaling of the involved quantities, explicitly exhibited. Since the de Sitter group can be considered a particular deformation of the Poincar\'e group, this theory turns out to be a specific kind of deformed (or doubly) special relativity. Some experimental consequences, as well as the causal structure of spacetime--modified by the presence of the de Sitter horizon--are briefly discussed.Comment: V2: Some presentation changes; a new section introduced, with a discussion about possible phenomenological consequences; new references added; version to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra with minimal length

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    The DD-dimensional two-parameter deformed algebra with minimal length introduced by Kempf is generalized to a Lorentz-covariant algebra describing a (D+1D+1)-dimensional quantized space-time. For D=3, it includes Snyder algebra as a special case. The deformed Poincar\'e transformations leaving the algebra invariant are identified. Uncertainty relations are studied. In the case of D=1 and one nonvanishing parameter, the bound-state energy spectrum and wavefunctions of the Dirac oscillator are exactly obtained.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, presented at XV International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS-15), Prague, June 15-17, 200

    Harmonic BRST Quantization of Systems with Irreducible Holomorphic Boson and Fermion Constraints

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    We show that the harmonic Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin method of quantizing bosonic systems with second-class constraints or first-class holomorphic constraints extends to systems having both bosonic and fermionic second-class or first-class holomorphic constraints. Using a limit argument, we show that the harmonic BRST modified path integral reproduces the correct Senjanovic measure.Comment: 11 pages, phyzz

    Three-body equations of motion in successive post-Newtonian approximations

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    There are periodic solutions to the equal-mass three-body (and N-body) problem in Newtonian gravity. The figure-eight solution is one of them. In this paper, we discuss its solution in the first and second post-Newtonian approximations to General Relativity. To do so we derive the canonical equations of motion in the ADM gauge from the three-body Hamiltonian. We then integrate those equations numerically, showing that quantities such as the energy, linear and angular momenta are conserved down to numerical error. We also study the scaling of the initial parameters with the physical size of the triple system. In this way we can assess when general relativistic results are important and we determine that this occur for distances of the order of 100M, with M the total mass of the system. For distances much closer than those, presumably the system would completely collapse due to gravitational radiation. This sets up a natural cut-off to Newtonian N-body simulations. The method can also be used to dynamically provide initial parameters for subsequent full nonlinear numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Background gauge invariance in the antifield formalism for theories with open gauge algebras

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    We show that any BRST invariant quantum action with open or closed gauge algebra has a corresponding local background gauge invariance. If the BRST symmetry is anomalous, but the anomaly can be removed in the antifield formalism, then the effective action possesses a local background gauge invariance. The presence of antifields (BRST sources) is necessary. As an example we analyze chiral W3W_3 gravity.Comment: 17pp., Latex, mispelling in my name! corrected, no other change
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