3,471 research outputs found

    Detecting Full N-Particle Entanglement in Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Systems with Bell-Type Inequality

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    We derive a set of Bell-type inequalities for arbitrarily high-dimensional systems, based on the assumption of partial separability in the hybrid local-nonlocal hidden variable model. Partially entangled states would not violate the inequalities, and thus upon violation, these Bell-type inequalities are sufficient conditions to detect the full NN-particle entanglement and validity of the hybrid local-nonlocal hidden variable description.Comment: 6 page

    Spin-orbit-coupled dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose an experimental scheme to create spin-orbit coupling in spin-3 Cr atoms using Raman processes. Employing linear Zeeman effect and optical Stark shift, two spin states within the ground electronic manifold are selected, which results in a pseudo-spin-1/2 model. We further study the ground state structures of a spin-orbit-coupled Cr condensate. We show that, in addition to the stripe structures induced by the spin-orbit coupling, the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction gives rise to the vortex phase, in which spontaneous spin vortex is formed.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure

    Incremental Genetic K-means Algorithm and its Application in Gene Expression Data Analysis

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    Background In recent years, clustering algorithms have been effectively applied in molecular biology for gene expression data analysis. With the help of clustering algorithms such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, SOM, etc, genes are partitioned into groups based on the similarity between their expression profiles. In this way, functionally related genes are identified. As the amount of laboratory data in molecular biology grows exponentially each year due to advanced technologies such as Microarray, new efficient and effective methods for clustering must be developed to process this growing amount of biological data. Results In this paper, we propose a new clustering algorithm, Incremental Genetic K-means Algorithm (IGKA). IGKA is an extension to our previously proposed clustering algorithm, the Fast Genetic K-means Algorithm (FGKA). IGKA outperforms FGKA when the mutation probability is small. The main idea of IGKA is to calculate the objective value Total Within-Cluster Variation (TWCV) and to cluster centroids incrementally whenever the mutation probability is small. IGKA inherits the salient feature of FGKA of always converging to the global optimum. C program is freely available at http://database.cs.wayne.edu/proj/FGKA/index.htm. Conclusions Our experiments indicate that, while the IGKA algorithm has a convergence pattern similar to FGKA, it has a better time performance when the mutation probability decreases to some point. Finally, we used IGKA to cluster a yeast dataset and found that it increased the enrichment of genes of similar function within the cluster

    Stability of Excited Dressed States with Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We study the decay behaviors of ultracold atoms in metastable states with spin-orbit coupling (SOC), and demonstrate that there are two SOC-induced decay mechanisms. One arises from the trapping potential and the other is due to interatomic collision. We present general schemes for calculating decay rates from these two mechanisms, and illustrate how the decay rates can be controlled by experimental parameters.We experimentally measure the decay rates over a broad parameter region, and the results agree well with theoretical calculations. This work provides an insight for both quantum simulation involving metastable dressed states and studies on few-body problems with SO coupling.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, the latest versio

    Molecular Rotation in 3 Dimensions at an Air/Water Interface Using Femtosecond Time Resolved Sum Frequency Generation

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    This paper presents the first study of the rotations of rigid molecules in 3 dimensions at the air/water interface, using the femtosecond time resolved sum frequency generation (SFG) technique. For the purpose of this research, the aromatic dye molecule C153 was chosen as an example of a molecule having two functional groups that are SFG active, one being the hydrophilic −−C==O group and the other the hydrophobic −−CF3 group. From polarized SFG measurements, the orientations of the two chromophores with respect to the surface normal were obtained. On combining these results with the known relative orientation of the two chromophores in the molecule yields the absolute orientation of C153 at the air/water interface. It was found that the −−CF3 axis projected towards the bulk air at an angle of 59○ with respect to the interface normal and the −−C==O group projected towards the bulk water at an angle of 144○ . In order to observe the rotational motions of C153 at the air/water interface, the approach was used to perturb the ground electronic state equilibrium orientational distribution using a polarized resonant pump pulse, which preferentially excites ground state molecules that have their electronic S0 → S1 transition moment aligned closely to the electric field of the incident pump pulse. As a consequence of the photoselection perturbation, the orientational distribution of the remaining ground state molecules was not the equilibrium distribution. Similarly, the orientational distribution of the excited state molecules that were created by the polarized pump pulse was not in their final equilibrium orientational distribution. The rotational motions of the interfacial molecules towards equilibrium were obtained from time dependent measurements of the intensities of the SFG signal generated by the simultaneous incidence at the air/water interface of a visible probe pulse plus an IR probe pulse. In this way, the recovery times to achieve the orientational equilibrium of the two chromophores including the orientation of the normal of the C153 plane with respect to the interface were obtained. The photo-selection process shifts the average orientation angle of the hydrophilic −−C==O group by an increase of 4○ ± 0.6○ with a rotational recovery time constant of 130 ± 20 ps, which is the time to return to an orientational equilibrium distribution. The hydrophobic –CF3 group undergoes a shift that increases its angle by 8○ ± 1.5○ with a rotational recovery time constant of 210 ± 38 ps. We find that the orientational change of the molecular normal is 4○ ± 0.5○ and has a rotational recovery time constant of 125 ± 26 ps. The interface-specific time-dependent polarized measurements allowed us to monitor the orientational motions of molecules at interfaces, both in 3 dimensions and in real time

    Epithelial cell–derived secreted and transmembrane 1a signals to activated neutrophils during pneumococcal pneumonia

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    Airway epithelial cell responses are critical to the outcome of lung infection. In this study, we aimed to identify unique contributions of epithelial cells during lung infection. To differentiate genes induced selectively in epithelial cells during pneumonia, we compared genome-wide expression profiles from three sorted cell populations: epithelial cells from uninfected mouse lungs, epithelial cells from mouse lungs with pneumococcal pneumonia, and nonepithelial cells from those same infected lungs. Of 1,166 transcripts that were more abundant in epithelial cells from infected lungs compared with nonepithelial cells from the same lungs or from epithelial cells of uninfected lungs, 32 genes were identified as highly expressed secreted products. Especially strong signals included two related secreted and transmembrane (Sectm) 1 genes, Sectm1a and Sectm1b. Refinement of sorting strategies suggested that both Sectm1 products were induced predominantly in conducting airway epithelial cells. Sectm1 was induced during the early stages of pneumococcal pneumonia, and mutation of NF-kB RelA in epithelial cells did not diminish its expression. Instead, type I IFN signaling was necessary and sufficient for Sectm1 induction in lung epithelial cells, mediated by signal transducer and activator of transcription 1. For target cells, Sectm1a bound to myeloid cells preferentially, in particular Ly6GbrightCD11bbright neutrophils in the infected lung. In contrast, Sectm1a did not bind to neutrophils from uninfected lungs. Sectm1a increased expression of the neutrophil-attracting chemokine CXCL2 by neutrophils from the infected lung. We propose that Sectm1a is an epithelial product that sustains a positive feedback loop amplifying neutrophilic inflammation during pneumococcal pneumonia

    A Modified Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity Theory and the Constraint on its Parameters

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    A gravity theory called scalar-tensor-vector gravity (STVG) has been recently developed and succeeded in solar system, astrophysical and cosmological scales without dark matter [J. W. Moffat, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 03, 004 (2006)]. However, two assumptions have been used: (i) B(r)=A1(r)B(r)=A^{-1}(r), where B(r)B(r) and A(r)A(r) are g00g_{00} and grrg_{rr} in the Schwarzschild coordinates (static and spherically symmetric); (ii) scalar field G=Const.G=Const. in the solar system. These two assumptions actually imply that the standard parametrized post-Newtonian parameter γ=1\gamma=1. In this paper, we relax these two assumptions and study STVG further by using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation approach. With abandoning the assumptions, we find γ1\gamma\neq1 in general cases of STVG. Then, a version of modified STVG (MSTVG) is proposed through introducing a coupling function of scalar field G: θ(G)\theta(G). We have derived the metric and equations of motion (EOM) in 1PN for general matter without specific equation of state and NN point masses firstly. Subsequently, the secular periastron precession ω˙\dot{\omega} of binary pulsars in harmonic coordinates is given. After discussing two PPN parameters (γ\gamma and β\beta) and two Yukawa parameters (α\alpha and λ\lambda), we use ω˙\dot{\omega} of four binary pulsars data (PSR B1913+16, PSR B1534+12, PSR J0737-3039 and PSR B2127+11C) to constrain the Yukawa parameters for MSTVG: λ=(3.97±0.01)×108\lambda=(3.97\pm0.01)\times10^{8}m and α=(2.40±0.02)×108\alpha=(2.40\pm0.02)\times10^{-8} if we fix 2γβ1=0|2\gamma-\beta-1|=0.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PR