7,989 research outputs found

    c-axis Raman Scattering in MgB2: Observation of a Dirty-Limit Gap in the pi-bands

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    Raman scattering spectra from the ac-face of thick MgB2 single crystals were measured in zz, xz and xx polarisations. In zz and xz polarisations a threshold at around 29 cm^{-1} forms in the below Tc continuum but no pair-breaking peak is seen, in contrast to the sharp pair-breaking peak at around 100 cm^{-1} seen in xx polarisation. The zz and xz spectra are consistent with Raman scattering from a dirty superconductor while the sharp peak in the xx spectra argues for a clean system. Analysis of the spectra resolves this contradiction, placing the larger and smaller gap magnitudes in the sigma and pi bands, and indicating that relatively strong impurity scattering is restricted to the pi bands.Comment: Revised manuscript accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Structural Transition of Li2RuO3 Induced by Molecular-Orbit Formation

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    A pseudo honeycomb system Li2RuO3 exhibits a second-order-like transition at temperature T=Tc=540 K to a low-T nonmagnetic phase with a significant lattice distortion forming Ru-Ru pairs. For this system, we have calculated the band structure, using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in both the high- and low- T phases, and found that the results of the calculation can naturally explain the insulating behavior observed in the low-T phase. The detailed characters of the Ru 4d t2g bands obtained by the tight-binding fit to the calculated dispersion curves show clear evidence that the structural transition is driven by the formation of the Ru-Ru molecular-orbits, as proposed in our previous experimental studies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Gauge-boson propagator in out of equilibrium quantum-field system and the Boltzmann equation

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    We construct from first principles a perturbative framework for studying nonequilibrium quantum-field systems that include gauge bosons. The system of our concern is quasiuniform system near equilibrium or nonequilibrium quasistationary system. We employ the closed-time-path formalism and use the so-called gradient approximation. No further approximation is introduced. We construct a gauge-boson propagator, with which a well-defined perturbative framework is formulated. In the course of construction of the framework, we obtain the generalized Boltzmann equation (GBE) that describes the evolution of the number-density functions of gauge-bosonic quasiparticles. The framework allows us to compute the reaction rate for any process taking place in the system. Various processes, in turn, cause an evolution of the systems, which is described by the GBE.Comment: 28 page

    Glasslike vs. crystalline thermal conductivity in carrier-tuned Ba8Ga16X30 clathrates (X = Ge, Sn)

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    The present controversy over the origin of glasslike thermal conductivity observed in certain crystalline materials is addressed by studies on single-crystal x-ray diffraction, thermal conductivity k(T) and specific heat Cp(T) of carrier-tuned Ba8Ga16X30 (X = Ge, Sn) clathrates. These crystals show radically different low-temperature k(T) behaviors depending on whether their charge carriers are electrons or holes, displaying the usual crystalline peak in the former case and an anomalous glasslike plateau in the latter. In contrast, Cp(T) above 4 K and the general structural properties are essentially insensitive to carrier tuning. We analyze these combined results within the framework of a Tunneling/Resonant/Rayleigh scatterings model, and conclude that the evolution from crystalline to glasslike k(T) is accompanied by an increase both in the effective density of tunnelling states and in the resonant scattering level, while neither one of these contributions can solely account for the observed changes in the full temperature range. This suggests that the most relevant factor which determines crystalline or glasslike behavior is the coupling strength between the guest vibrational modes and the frameworks with different charge carriers.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Early and Late-Time Observations of SN 2008ha: Additional Constraints for the Progenitor and Explosion

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    We present a new maximum-light optical spectrum of the the extremely low luminosity and exceptionally low energy Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2008ha, obtained one week before the earliest published spectrum. Previous observations of SN 2008ha were unable to distinguish between a massive star and white dwarf origin for the SN. The new maximum-light spectrum, obtained one week before the earliest previously published spectrum, unambiguously shows features corresponding to intermediate mass elements, including silicon, sulfur, and carbon. Although strong silicon features are seen in some core-collapse SNe, sulfur features, which are a signature of carbon/oxygen burning, have always been observed to be weak in such events. It is therefore likely that SN 2008ha was the result of a thermonuclear explosion of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf. Carbon features at maximum light show that unburned material is present to significant depths in the SN ejecta, strengthening the case that SN 2008ha was a failed deflagration. We also present late-time imaging and spectroscopy that are consistent with this scenario.Comment: ApJL, accepted. 5 pages, 3 figure
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