3,673 research outputs found

    Ectoparasites of Isle Royale, Michigan

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    Isle Royale National Park is a rocky archipelago of approximately 200 islands and islets in northwestern Lake Superior. Politically it belongs to the State of Michigan situated 50 miles to the southeast. The main island lies parallel to the Canadian shore, which is from 12 to 15 miles to the northwest. It is 45 miles long, and 9 miles wide at its broadest point. A review of the climatological, vegetational, and geological features of the island is given by Mech (1966). Most of the material included in this paper was collected incidently by Johnson during a three-year study (1966-68) of the food habits of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus)), and population dynamics of three of its principal prey species--the snowshoe rabbit (Lepus americanus), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), and deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) (see Johnson, 1969). The remaining material (196061) was collected by L. D. Mech during his studies of gray wolf (Canis lupus Linnaeus)-moose (Alces alces) relationships (see Mech, 1966)

    A New Isozyme Marker for the Short Arm of Chromosome 6

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    Wendel et al. (MNL 60:109-110) reported isozyme segregation data that suggested Adkl (adenylate kinase) is located near the centromere on chromosome 6, and tentatively proposed a location on 6S. Subsequent work has confirmed that Adkl is on 6S, which is significant in that this is one of the most poorly mapped chromosome arms of maize

    Object-based Epistemology at a Creationist Museum

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    In a regional young-earth creationist museum, objects are presented as if they speak for themselves, purportedly embodying proof that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, that humans have lived on earth throughout its history, and that dinosaurs and humans lived simultaneously. In public lectures, tours, and displays, museum associates emphasize direct observation over inference or theory. These emphases resonate closely with the object-based epistemology of the late nineteenth century described in Steven Conn\u27s Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926. In Conn\u27s description, museum objects, artfully arranged and displayed, were intended to speak for themselves, and observation and categorization were valued over experiment and theory. The regional young-earth creationist museum is observed to partly succeed and partly fail in implementing an object-based epistemology. Although object-based epistemology represents a nineteenth-century approach to knowledge and museum display, it is compatible with an inductive approach to biblical interpretation and it confers various rhetorical advantages to creationist arguments. It is concluded that a focus on the theory-laden nature of data would likely strengthen nature-of-science education efforts to increase public acceptance of evolution

    Bibliographic Essay: The History of Human-Animal Relations

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    Animals are everywhere. Whether as pets, pests, sources of food, fuel, or materials for manufacture, means of traction or source of motive power, or objects of veneration and fear and wonder, animals have been our counterparts throughout human history. In recent years, a historical literature has developed about animals and our relationships with them, part of a larger “animal turn” in the humanities. Scholars and students alike are often surprised, enchanted, and intrigued by historical perspectives on what heretofore has struck us as natural and timeless circumstances. This essay describes a small selection of a challenging, accessible, and provocative scholarship with implications for the study of race, class, gender, and sexuality, the environment and humanity\u27s relationships with life on Earth, and the nature of the human experience. While some works originate in disciplines such as philosophy, cognitive studies, and ethology, most arise from a recognizable historical tradition. Specifically, the essay addresses human-animal relations of the early modern and modern eras in Western Europe and North America and provides a brief orientation to the scholarship of last three decades. With roots in several areas of inquiry, including the historical study of the natural world, moral philosophy and its connection with animal advocacy, and the scientific exploration of animal behavior and cognition, this literature likely will continue to grow well into our shared future. Early studies were concerned with the conception and representation of animality as a mirror and maker of humanity, rationality, and nature throughout the early modern and modern eras. More recently, scholars have explored a variety of subjects including hunting, the keeping of pets, urbanization and its implications for animals, and the very meaning of human in a posthuman” era

    Adding Value to Force Diagrams: Representing Relative Force Magnitudes

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    Models and Paradigms in Kuhn and Halloun

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    In Modeling Theory in Science Education, Halloun (2004) adopts the word ‘paradigm’, but his use of the term is radically different from that of Kuhn. In this paper, I explore some of the differences between Kuhn’s paradigms and Halloun’s paradigms. Where Kuhn’s paradigms are public, community-defining exemplars of practice, Halloun’s paradigms are private, individualized ways of thinking. Where Kuhn writes of the paradigm shift as a revolutionary, vision-altering conversion experience, Halloun writes of a gradual evolution from one way of thinking to another and an easy back-and-forth switch between paradigms. Since Kuhn’s paradigms are self-enclosed and incommensurable, there is no objective standard by which one paradigm can be shown to be superior to the other. But Halloun uses ‘viability’ as a standard for paradigm choice. Underlying all of this is the more basic question of whether the history of science is an appropriate metaphor for student progress in the classroom. I conclude with some brief thoughts on this question

    Weight change and quality of life in a community-based population

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    *Objectives:* This study investigates the longitudinal association between 5-year weight change and quality of life (QoL) in Dutch men and women.

*Design:* A prospective cohort study (1998, 2000, 2003) in a population based sample. Subjects: 2,414 men and women from the Maastricht region of the Netherlands.

*Measurements:* QoL outcomes were measured by the RAND-36 (eight subscales and two overall composite scores, physical and mental health (PCS and MCS)). Weight was measured on a scale. Weight change was calculated as change in weight between 1998 and 2003. In addition, 5-year weight change was also categorized in three groups: weight losers, weight maintainers, and weight gainers. All analyses were stratified for gender.

*Results:* A total of 598 men (50%) and 646 women (54%) maintained their weight, 177 men (15%) and 163 women (14%) lost more than 2.5 kg, and 410 men (35%) and 379 women (32%) gained more than 2.5 kg. Associations between 5-year weight change and QoL were found for MCS ([beta] = 0.13, 95% CI: 0.02|0.24) in women, and PCS ([beta] = -0.09, 95% CI: -0.17|-0.00; [beta] = -0.10, 95% CI: -0.19|-0.01) in men and women respectively. Moreover, associations between weight change and QoL were most pronounced for women of normal weight and obese men. Furthermore, in both genders, weight gainers showed a greater reduction on all physical components of QoL compared with weight maintainers. However, after 5-years weight gainers and weight losers did not significantly differ from weight maintainers in the mean change of MCS and PCS.

*Conclusion:* Weight gain was inversely associated with the physical domains of QoL in women and obese men. Conversely, in women, weight gain was positively associated with the mental domains of QoL. No differences between weight losers and weight gainers were found in mean change of QoL compared with weight maintainers

    New Isozyme Systems for Maize (Zea mays L.): Aconitate Hydratase, Adenylate Kinase, NADH Dehydrogenase, and Shikimate Dehydrogenase

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    Electrophoretic variation and inheritance of four novel enzyme systems were studied in maize (Zea mays L.). A minimum of 10 genetic loci collectively encodes isozymes of aconitate hydratase (ACO; EC, adenylate kinase (ADK; EC, NADH dehydrogenase (DIA; EC 1.6.99.-), and shikimate dehydrogenase (SAD; EC At least four loci are responsible for the genetic control of ACO. Genetic data for two of the encoding loci, Aco1 and Aco4, demonstrated that at least two maize ACOs are active as monomers. Analysis of organellar preparations suggests that ACO1 and ACO4 are localized in the cytosolic and mitochondrial subcellular fractions, respectively. Maize ADK is encoded by a single nuclear locus, Adk1, governing monomeric enzymes that are located in the chloroplasts. Two cytosolic and two mitochondrial forms of DIA were electrophoretically resolved. Segregation analyses demonstrated that the two cytosolic isozymes are controlled by separate loci, Dia1 and Dia2, coding for products that are functional as monomers (DIA1) and dimers (DIA2). The major isozyme of SAD is apparently cytosolic, although an additional faintly staining plastid form may be present. Alleles at Sad1 are each associated with two bands that cosegregate in controlled crosses. Linkage analyses and crosses with B-A translocation stocks were effective in determining the map locations of six loci, including the previously described but unmapped locus Acp4. Several of these loci were localized to sparsely mapped regions of the genome. Dia2 and Acp4 were placed on the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 1, 12.6 map units apart. Dia1 was localized to chromosome 2, 22.2 centimorgans (cM) from B1. Aco1 was mapped to chromosome 4, 6.2 cM from su1. Adk1 was placed on the poorly marked short arm of chromosome 6, 8.1 map units from rgd1. Less than 1% recombination was observed between Glu1 (on chromosome 10) and Sad1. In contrast to many other maize isozyme systems, there was little evidence of gene duplication or of parallel linkage relationships for these allozyme loci

    The impact of local loop and retail unbundling

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    For more than a decade the unbundling of telecommunications networks has been used as a regulatory means to stifle competition. However, despite its assumed positive effects on market entry and competition intensity, the negative effects on network investment incentives are widely shown in the theoretical literature. Therefore broadband penetration might also be affected negatively. In our paper we concentrate on the impact of local loop unbundling and Bitstream access on broadband penetration. Using a panel of European countries for a time period of 17 years, we find that the effect of unbundling on penetration is positive when an intermediate level of broadband penetration has been achieved in a country. However, this impact turns negative if the initial level of broadband penetration is rather low or high. We argue that this confirms possible negative effects on investment incentives, but may successfully lower prices to foster demand. These are two findings which should be carefully considered by policy makers when deciding on unbundling policies

    The impact of local loop and retail unbundling revisited

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    For more than a decade the unbundling of telecommunications networks has been used as a regulatory means to stifle competition. However, despite its assumed positive effects on market entry and competition intensity, the negative effects on network investment incentives are widely shown in the theoretical literature. Therefore broadband penetration might also be affected negatively. In our paper we concentrate on the impact of local loop unbundling and Bitstream access on broadband penetration. Using a panel of European countries for a time period of 17 years, we find that the effect of unbundling on penetration is positive when an intermediate level of broadband penetration has been achieved in a country. However, this impact turns negative if the initial level of broadband penetration is rather low or high. We argue that this confirms possible negative effects on investment incentives, but may successfully lower prices to foster demand. These are two findings which should be carefully considered by policy makers when deciding on unbundling policies
